my colleagues said it's nice - i hope it's not out of courtesy!.. ahahhaa.. they said that it's not too sweet but i need to cut it thicker!.. hahaha... errr... pardon my thin pieces.. coz i really dunno how to cut a cake!.. i'm very horrible at that!... personally, i do like it.. it's very soft and i can actually taste the choc!... but next time, i'll use real choc instead of cocoa powder...
now, wat can i do this weekend for our gatherings? new recipe or the tried and tested ones??
over the weekend, i gave Eshan a taste of Durian and he lurves it!!!.... he wants more even after giving him 6 pinches.. but no more lah... cannot give him too much...
Eshan is also starting to try to stand.. he will bravely let got for a second and hold on the stationary object in front of him before letting go again for another second!.. so, i'm hoping that he can start standing by 10.5mths and then i can train him to walk so that he can safely start walking by his 1st bday!! ;)
I juz msged Izy abt how fast time flies... before you know it, our darlings are turning 1!... my gosh!.. i really dunno how tat happened?!... :( but it's weird how much i want him to start walking and talking but at the same time, i also dun want him to grow up tat fast!.. HAH!....
i guess for now, i juz have to enjoy these moments when he
over the weekend, i gave Eshan a taste of Durian and he lurves it!!!.... he wants more even after giving him 6 pinches.. but no more lah... cannot give him too much...
Eshan is also starting to try to stand.. he will bravely let got for a second and hold on the stationary object in front of him before letting go again for another second!.. so, i'm hoping that he can start standing by 10.5mths and then i can train him to walk so that he can safely start walking by his 1st bday!! ;)
I juz msged Izy abt how fast time flies... before you know it, our darlings are turning 1!... my gosh!.. i really dunno how tat happened?!... :( but it's weird how much i want him to start walking and talking but at the same time, i also dun want him to grow up tat fast!.. HAH!....
i guess for now, i juz have to enjoy these moments when he
picks up a good habit of reading..

sits on the big boy's toys inquisitively touching this and that..

is exploring every lil' thing and cheekily bites on them knowing full well we dun like it..

but most of all, i love it when he gives me his big, wide smile with eyes squinting!

even if that means, he salivates and smells all over!..
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