first it was the taxi fare that infuriated me!... now, we found 1 ERP gantry at - get this! - TPY !!!!!... WAAAAT?!!!.... is that blardy rd leading to town?!.... freaky!.....
i pity the ppl staying there coz now, they really have got no choice but to go thru the gantry every other day... if not, they'd have to make a longer turn to avoid the jam!!.... with the rising taxi fare and the numerous ERP gantries scattered everywhere, no wonder ppl are always late for work!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... coz it's not like the buses here are VERY efficient!... no doubt, it is one of the best but if only it could be BETTER like being ON TIME for example!...
can i suggest the following to SBS:-
1. Get more fleet of buses and schedule the buses at regular time slots at peak period. i took the bus to class yesterday and missed the bus and had to wait for a whole 25mins before i get another bus. Apparently, Ms Gems saw 2 of that bus pass her at the same time!.... if it had been scheduled properly, this shouldn't be the case and i may only need to wait half that time to get the bus.
2. The buses to reach designated bus stops on time. After years of traveling the roads of SG, i'm sure SBS can est the time the bus reaches from one point to the other. This links to point 1 - if you schedule the bus timing rite from the start when they leave the interchange, u can display the timing of the bus arrival at that particular bus interchg so that commuters would have a rough est of wat time the bus will come.
3. Train bus drivers to drive at a normal, safe speed. Some drivers drive the bus like it's carrying a dead body inside while some drive like a mad cow forgetting that they're driving a bus load of passengers and that soooo many lives are in their hands! This links to point 2 - if a speed limit is regulated for all bus drivers to follow, buses can definitely turn up at the bus stops on time!
i dunno if these suggestions are feasible... but it's worth a look, dun u think?.... anyways, i dun even know how these all get started in the first place!... i was supposed to blog abt happy stuffs today!.. ahhahahaa.....
we had our last of the last facial practical class yest... it was courtesy of our dearest che-cher Kat... the 3rd was supposed to be our last class but we had a makan session instead... this is the class that i had been with for the past 1.5yrs... there were definitely more than this at the start of the class.. but these stayed faithful till the end... ;)
i guess it's never easy to juggle work, family and class.. me and Win definitely regretted taking up this course but to think that we acquired an extra skill made up for it lah... we only hate taking the exams!... urrrgh!.. i juz hope i pass the facial practical!... i dun wanna retake leh....
and at last, i did Madeleines!!!... it's really freakin nice lah... got the recipe from the girl who paints her kitchen red - again! :) - who got the recipe from Donna Hay Modern Classics 2. I sooooooo have got to get my hands on that book... but actually, have requested Ms Gems to get me that for my bday present but have yet to get it from her... hehehehe... aku tak sabar lah!!.. and yes... i'm pretty shamless but heck!.. they asked!! :D
can't get my hands on the real madeleine shaped containers... so had to make do with seashells. They had the silicone one at Isetan but hell!... it's expensive!!.... oh!... these madeleines are sooo soft and spongy it's like Baulu, the English version.. ahhahaha..... i loike!!... hmmmm.... think i'll try the choc ones tonite... or perhaps a marbled madeleines... ehhehehe.... ;)
ps:- edited the previous post to include pix!!....
ps:- edited the previous post to include pix!!....
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