so it was a girls day out with Ms Quirky, B and SK on Sat!... it was that usual gossip session that Ms Quirky lurrrves sooooo much!... i still dun quite understand y she's soooo interested in the org when she's oredi left it eons ago!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
after lunch, we went to watch SATC and weeeee!!.... i abso/f/u/c/k/i/n/g/lutely LOVE it!! :D it's a smooth transition from small screen to the biggie screen!... the show made me laff, cry, be angry and wat have yous!... and it didn't really feel like a 2.5hrs show lor!... if i had not taken out my hp in the middle of the show, i wouldn't have realised how long the show was!
only 2 things i dun quite like...
Mr Big?!... not sure why they chose him as Carrie's man-friend... coz he's not gorgeous - gorgeous - u know wat i mean??.. but i must say he's got one of the most sexiest voice for a man!... :D
Jennifer Hudson - found her acting a bit fake-o... not sure how she could have won Best Supporting Actress in her role in Dream Girls.. but like they say, it's too small a role to judge her by... so, i really should watch Dream Girls lor!...
the shoes in the show were to DIE for!!.... and the wedding dresses that Carrie wore!!... ooooh!.. laaa... laaa.... even her lable-less wedding dress was simple and pretty! :D made me wanna get married all over again!!... ahahhaa... even the mexican honeymoon was droolable!...
and so after 4yrs...
Carrie found her love
Samantha got back her independance
Miranda's managed to juggle family and work-life
and the one that takes the cake (for me!) was ..... Charlotte's pregnancy! ;)
and yes!.. i may have spoilt the story for someone.. but u still have gotta watch the show - for tat "girl" in u! ;)
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