After a dramatic Friday, it all finally started to settle down over the weekend.. :)
Last Wed, Anousha started having fever.. gave her the paracetemol to bring the fever down.. the next day, she was still having fever and by the end of the day, it was at 38.2deg.. so on Fri morning (3rd day), when she was radiating heat as if i've just baked her, i asked Dearest to take urgent leave to take her to the docs..
A lot of things went thru my mind.. paranoia sets in coz i just watched "Rindu Raudhah" (based on a true story) on Wed am, about an 11yr old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia after a few days of having high fever.. if u've not followed my twitter earlier, u can guess that i cried the whole hour of the show lor.. :p So imagine my heightened paranoia when that high fever hit my daughter!...
So anyways, Dearest brought her to the polyclinic but got referred to KKH instead coz her fever was at a high of 39.2deg. They were there for the whole day juz coz she couldn't pee!.. and i can't believe she din pee from 11am lor!!... but the moment i open her pampers to bathe her, she pee-d!... i think she felt uncomfortable having a plastic thingie down there!.. hahahaha....
after all that drama, thank god it's juz another viral infection.. the doc believed it was some tummy virus but luckily she only had diarrhoea for a day.. her fever plummeted rite after the visit to the hospital!.. i think the "inserted" pill did wonders!!... Now, we've got plenty of supply of orange (stronger dosage) and pink "panadol" at home for future use.. ;)
I also dunno if it's coz she's sick the past few days but she slept more than usual.. hmmmm.... so another weekend came and gone without us going out anywhere! :( i certainly hope this wkend could be much better!!... :p
And because I was home the past 2 days, i have 2 new recipes to share actually.. one for the kids and one for the adults.. but will share with you guys soon enuff, yah... stay tuned.. ;)
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