Anyways, compilation of outing is here or you may go to Hari Raya with Frenz 03 Album...luckily the rest of the day went on smoothly without a hitch except for Ayu who "lost" her newly-brought camera!'s soooo amazing that she was soooo cool abt losing it!! my dearie say - this type of ppl is good coz they're stress-less. Betul ke Ayu??!!....Updates of the group - Yana moved into a new flat @ Punggol...i marvelled at how well-decorated her house is!!.....soooo impressive and it's quie big for a 5-rm flat in Punggol!...furthermore, it's only abt $212+++K or something....not bad lah!!.....Aduka is thinking of buying it like now!!...hahahhahaha......ok mah...only, have to dig further lor abt buying a hse and things like that!!.......bleh kiter berjiran eh, yana??.....Also, i think Ayu juz realised herself, how good she was with cameras!!.....i esp like this last shot of me and Aduka in the mirror!!, am addicted to taking pictures now...heheheheh....
Thanks Ayu!! this picture feeling like that!!....berangan betul!!
Geram betul with PAPA!! can he take pictures with his eyes crossed!!...he purposely one!..... :) Guys, watch out!!...he left this shot at each of the camera at least once!
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