They only came at abt 2.30pm!!....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! not to be pissed!!.....very angry, u know!!....i was soooo angry that i was on the verge of tears and nearly called Aduka to tell him that I won't be going!!......
Anyways, since they're not my frenz, I can't possibly put on a sulky face and NOT talk to had to smile lah.....but this joker of the group, "TOYOL", being himself, hhahahaa........lighten me up......and the outing turned out great!...coz, surprisingly, practically all the boys brought their girlfrenz...but their girlfrenz are new girlfrenz and they were soooo friendly and soooo ez to talk to!!.......(unlike the previous batch....hehehhee not say they r no good or anything..juz that they're not as approachable as the new ones...) at least, when Aduka is bz with his frenz, i wasn't being left alone to "fend" for myself...we girls actually talk and do a get-to-know-each-other session....hopefully, they last with their bfs coz like dun want to know them this yr...and then had to get to know a dif one again next yr!!...hahahhaa.....
Then, for the first time, brought along my digi cam for this outing...coz always had to rely on other ppl's cams rite, BUT, not our day today or batt went flat on me!! i only took a few pic!!......Check out the new album i've added on my album collections.....tomorrow, we'll be going out with my poly hopefully, the same thing won't happen.....quite worried abt tml of now, we don't have another car for the morning session for 10 of us...!!!......hopefully Nazrin can borrow his dad's car or something...
Oh!! more update..yesterday, went out shopping with Nasty Naz & RosmAmaN to Mango....and of all days NOT to bring my wallet!!.....told myself, will NPT buy anything....NOTHIN!!......but in the end, had to succumb to the desire of buying this nice bag....actually, i prefer another bag - a black one...plain and simple...very nice but both of them said the brown one is better...thought of buying both since i like both of them and can't decide....BUT I had to choose only one coz I'm borrowing Naz's $$ and i don't feel good using her $$! the end, bought the brown one coz it does look nice plus, i can use it to work, out and etc.....furthermore, I've asked James to buy me a Adidas here's the pix of my bags!!......
Naz called me up earlier in the day to ask if i'm still interested in the black bag...and i JUZ had to say YES!!!......hahahhahahaha.......*fetish!fetish!*
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