Felt like it's been a long time since I last blogged...but actually, it's only been a day!!...How shagged I feel today!......After work, met up with dearest Nasty Naz a.k.a Mrs K.A!...hahahhha....(is that rite, Naz?)....anyways, had loads of fun going shopping with her!...but then, hor, if go out with her, sure spend one!!...Y eh??.....
So today, spent a total of $40! on - a mini skirt! (which I OH! soooo wanted!!), a short halter dress (will need to shed off maybe the tummy area somemore..) and a cardigan to go with the halter!.....and all these, after a "long" delibration considering the fact that I'm ONLY spending $40 at THIS FASHION!......But then hor, as expected, after my dearie saw the mini skirt, he freaked out and kept going on abt how short the skirt is...and how he wishes that I've not lost weight, and wanted me to be "FAT"!.......*choy!!*.......so, we'll see if he "approves" of the skirt after seeing me in them...and then, if not, I'll see what I can do!...but I really lurvvveeee the skirt!!......haiz........
First picture: His reservist been confirmed and now, we're waiting for a deferment!!
Second picture: SHOW OFF!!...SHOW OFF!!...hahahahha....we know u've got it BIG!!....
Here's juz a few poses to show his "kementelan" for the day!
Click here to see the rest of his poses.....
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