WARNING! : Some pictures here can be offensive and may not be suitable for children under 16yrs old. And you'll have either of the 3 reactions to these pictures:
1. Love 'em!
2. Puke!
3. Juz have to leave a comment!.... *oh! c'mon....dun be shy now...go on...say it!*
As always, I love starting my thread of pictures with Pei's pictures...hehehhehehe....sorry Pei!
Here's our very mushy, skinny Dr Yap...don't mind the finger!.......
And here's yours truly....
But here's our truly unglamourous pictures/poses of the day!!
The unglamourous pictures of the day!!....AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!....it's painful to put it up on the net but heck!...can't phantom the freaky similarities of the pictures!!....Notice the similar traits of these pictures??.......
GUESS the title!
Can you guess the title of this upcoming movie played by lead actresses - yours truly and Zena, Our Warrior Fishball Princess; directed by Dr Yap???........hmmm....
And as I was telling you yesterday, my dearie have been summoned to go for his reservist.....and he'll be gone from 08 Mar to 25 Mar!!!....that's like freaking 18 days!!!.....BOO-HOO-HOO!!!...........AND to top it off, 25 Mar is our ANNIVERSARY!!....tak baik kan?!?!............he's asking for a deferment bcoz he needs to attend classes during that period....so we're keeping our fingers crossed that he gets that deferment!!.......any other day is OK...BUT not on 25th!!!!...... :(
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