I couldn't believe we had missed out the "fun" at OG, Orchard Point!...You guys must have thought that we're laggards!!......darn!....anyways, me and da' Hot Mama, RosmAman, went for some shopping!.....bought my brushes, went in hunt for shoes, shoess!!......couldn't find any....we walked...and walked.......and I must say, tat 7-8mth pregnant lady sure has stamina and energy to be walking round town with that belly full of water and a baby!!......and a FAT baby at tat!!..hahahhaa.....
So, after an hr of "scouring" Taka, we went down to TCC for Wati to try out the dishes there...i shall leave it up to Wati to put up the "food" pictures she took..but I can't resist taking a picture of my drink!!....
tried their "Mighty Joe Young"...initially, it tasted like there's too much Banana or something..but after tat, it's actually, quite likeable!!..hahahaa....and it's got nice presentation...
After dinner, our luck changed for the better!....found Vivie shoes!!....wooooPeee!!....the ones in the mags, looked soooo freakin nice...but the ones at OG...errrrrmmm..but maybe they need to blend with OG's image??...maybe different outlets, different designs??.....hahahhaa...Got one shoe for myself and they've got Dorothy Perkins!.....annnnnd, got myself a $16 tube dress - a real bargain! and a 3/4 fitting pants at half price!!!...... coming out very high and happy siah!!...we vow to go again next mth!...they shld be having a sale coz it's their anniversary! ;D
But at the taxi stand, the stewpid taxi drivers simply do NOT wish to come in to the taxi stand!!..we waited at Specialist Centre....waited and fucking waited for a half fucking hr!!....and NONE came!!....went to Hotel Phoenix and waited outside...10mins later, Wati got a cab...i waited..fuck!...dial a cab!....a min later, 2 cabs passed!!.......by the third one, i hailed..got in and NEVER pick up my hired cab's call!!...chicken!!...hahhahaha....fuck lah!!.....i waited for like the past fucking hr, and never got one, and suddenly, after i called for one, i got it in like 5mins?!...nabey!.....and amidst the wait and the walk and the wind, i lost one of my newly bought, favourite ear-rings!!!!.....FUCK!....double FUCK!
Goodbye, other pair.... *sob! sob!*
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