@ WORK..
Staring into space, can't wait for my time @ work to end..am bored "listening" to the stillness in the air, looking at the same faces - all act bz, juz trying to pass time...GOD!!....y do we have to work on a SATURDAY?!....
Another round of shopping, at Aussino (simply can't resist their freakinly nice-lookin' bedsheets and wat's more?..members get to enjoy 40% disc this weekend!) PLUS scouting for our Xena's belated prezzie!!...hope we can find it!!..... Really, Xena, why-oh-why do u have to choose a wallet, a leather one some more!! I'm lousy at finding for wallets!!
*of course, this line is not meant for time spent @ work on Sats!*
It felt like yesterday tat RosmAman announce her pregnancy!...and she's oredi into her last trimester!... Soon, we'll be able to see Wati's and Aman's "creation"... ;) Very, very fat, chubby, active, comot baby girl!...hahhaha...all the characteristics that Wati's having..of course the fat and chubby's from the doc, himself!...
A few days ago, heard on the radio that Mak Jah, an ardent RIA listener have passed away..it felt like juz a few days ago, before the news, that i heard her on the radio, so lively and cheery - her usual self!....very sad, upon hearing the news of her death...it's like wat?...did i seriously think that she's gonna live forever, and ever?..hah!....oh well....she's like a celebrity on the radio, always calling in, but of course, not to the extent of irritation!....and she's always soooo cheery, always being teased abt her chickens and ducks at the kampong..(she stayed at a kampong in JB, u see)..haiz.....rest in peace, mak Jah...may Allah watch over your soul...
It's been abt a yr and a half that i've had my BA Mass Com cert!...but still not making full use of it!...where am i now?...still stuck at this place, doing the same freakin job and being paid peanuts!!.....aaaaaahh!!......it's soooooo depressing!!.....it's sooooo painful thinking of the time spent on getting this degree and the thought that the cert is not worthy afterall!.... *sob! sob!*...
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