Thursday, December 30, 2004
my first lunch treat from my new boss within the first 3 mths of working here... as compared to my first lunch treat from my old boss after 3 years working there!... HAH!...
heard stories of new big boss today and was sooooo horrified after finding out the kind of boss he is!.... blardy hell!.... how can one love to micro manage their staff?... or calling up ur staff at 12 or 1 in the morning?... asking work-related questions?!... wat the hell?... heard too that this boss had been "whacked" by the old dept in front of the big, big boss!... oooooh!... how i lurrrrve such drama!..... the face, the expression and the regret big, big boss must have felt choosing him as our big boss!.... DAMN!!... we're juz plain unlucky, i guess!.... coz the "whacking" session took place a few days after nominations of the various big bosses!
and then, heard stories of dear Ms bimboitic Jubo!... oh!... jubo, being herself, has rubbed her juboness to others in the other dept!.... and oh dear!.... i laffed when i heard her bimboitic attempt to tai-chi her work to others... and how useless she actually is - but some ppl juz dun see it tat way! - thinking she's still her royal highness juz bcoz she's "up" there!.... FUCK!.... and i think it's a vicious cycle - hiring someone who hired her (who, btw, irks responsibility, juz like her, when one have fuck up the system!), who in turn hires another person (Ms Taik) who juz freakin irks responsibility whether or not she fucked the place!.... now, with a valuable employee leaving, we're wondering how Taik will do that person's work!.... i shall not imagine!... i juz pray and hope, i get my salary every month, and not have her fucking our financial systems!
weeeee!...... at last got hold of a video clip of what happened during last week's charity show with Taufik and Sly performing... though they may not have collected the most $$ for their performances, Taufik's performances were superbly GOOOOOD!.... sooooo regretted i forgot abt the show!... damn!....
Anyways, Taufik did good in his rendition of An Jing!... *several rounds of applause for his superb attempt!* Sly was good too in his delivery for his rendition of Belaian Jiwa but definitely can't sing English songs for nuts!...... i hope ur album has Chinese songs for it to sell really well, boy!.... ;)
So here's a BIGGGGGG THANK YOUUUUU!!!.... to ....
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
where else?.... Johor lah!.... hmmm... last nite, mom told me abt her cousin's "nitemare" at the second link... she noticed that they were being tailed by 2 cars on their way home at the second link at abt 8pm... those who have been there, would know how quiet and dark that place can be especially if you're the only car driving!...
So anyway, she saw in one of the car, a man with a pistol (the one with the long snout) and was actually aiming at her hubby!... but for some strange reason, (dengan kuasa Allah s.w.t agaknye), they withdraw and stop tailing... a few mins later, they saw lights from a few cars coming.... so they sped off... hmmmm..... that's like freakin scary lor!.... did they think that this is a scene from Hollywood or something?... as it is, there's so much violence and bloodshed all over the world!.... people are innocently dying from all these violence!... why can't they see that if they stop being such fools, they could actually help bring up the economy because then, ppl esp Singaporeans, would make their frequent trips there again!.....
DAUD!!!.... MY IDOL...
hehehehe... another standing ovation for a well-written article on Taufiksm in Manja's Jan issue!... jangan sampai Me & Mrs Jones become Me and Puan Jorah!.... kwang... kwang... kwang... to fans who got Taufik-ed, go read his article today!!.. ;)
Oh! and I saw the ad for the lead up to American Idol.... hahahhahaa.... was laughing about how they portrayed a family getting "idol withdrawal" symptom!!... and the girl in the family crying over not seeing Taufik on TV (Taufik's photo in a frame)!... ahhahahahaha..... i tot that was hilarious!!... i think it captured the "mood" of not having anything to watch on TV anymore very real!.... coz I AM getting reality-TV withdrawal symptom!.. and tat's one of the reasons why i dun feel like going home after work!.... the only thing i'm looking forward to is Amazing Race!... no more Idol, no more America's next Top Model and no more Survivor!... waaaaaaah!..... boring siah!!....
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
It's only today, after reading the newspaper articles on the latest tragedy happening in Asia, did i realise the fear striking our hearts and the pain having loss our loved ones..
in India...
in Penang...
in Thailand...
the loss of their loved ones...
Dearie is definitely scared at the thought of going to Maldives and sleeping in their famous over-the-water bungalows - knowing him and the "water issue"... *there goes that perfect honeymoon*... Yana's & Shahril's families have forbid them to go to Thailand as a choice for their honeymoon.. dearie said juz stay in Singapore lah... soooo safe... but come to think of it... is it really that safe?.... no doubt, we're in one of the most safest zone on earth - no earthquake, no volcanoes, no natural disasters (insya-allah) would come our way... but there's no guarantee that a natural disaster like this will not hit us.. it had hit Penang, Kedah (M'sia), Phuket (an hour away by plane) and India - all these places are also considered in the safe zone... we're juz plain lucky that that big wave didn't hit us!.. if it did, can you imagine where we'd be today?.... masya-allah..... jauhkan lah.....
i cried reading the articles... thank god everyone's out for breakfast just now.. this is one of the signs of kiamat i think.... god is trying to tell us something?... appreciate everything's that's been given coz the end is nearing... to the families that have lost their loved ones, my condolensces.. for those who are still missing, my prayers are with you....
*bows head, say a lil' prayer. amin.*
Pissing pissed!.... it's not like i dun come back home everyday. It's not like i go out partying till the wee hours in the morning! It's not like i dunno what i'm doing. It's not like i'm 14 instead of 24! So plsssssss!.... plssssssss start treating me like an adult!... i'm not your lil' princess anymore.... i dun have to go home straight after work everyday... i have my own life... i have my own interests! And it's only freakin whole of last 2 weeks that i've been out after work everyday!... and WHY?.... coz firstly, it was my birthday week and i was out celebrating with different groups of people, get myself pampered, had to talk to Aduka for our wedding plans (that you sooooooooooooo have to spoil!) and juz plain adamant to go OUT! OUT! OUT!.... and this is the only one and a half months that Aduka is off from school after which, he'll be back to being busy Bee bustling from work to school - 4 times a week!!.....
It's not that i dun love my parents, but at times like this, really!.... it irritates the hell out of me to feel like i'm still a kid; having to come back at a certain time; expected to stay home and going out only during the weekend!... wah lau!.... pissing pissed!......damn it!
Monday, December 27, 2004
okie... my left eye's been twitching since last week!.... i wonder why?!... is it because i'm gonna like cry big time, sooon??..... how to make it go away?... it's irritated the hell out of me oredi!!..... HOOOWWWW????!!!!!.... HEEEELLLLLLPPP!!!!!
Dear Mr Tee's being slave-driven by a certain Missy @ work!... really!... when one is soooooo freakin irresponsible, one expects the other to cover one's irresponsibility!.... arse!... i dun understand why or how Tee can stand this shit!... screw her Tee!.... Missy ain't ur boss, and will never be... at the very most, she's your senior but her actions doesn't warrant any respect from us at all!... i sure as hell have totally lost my respect!.... one gets pitied on first account... but when that first account turned into many accounts, u dun get pitied!... u ought to get shot!....
i didn't get to update on the X'mas celebration we had at work on Friday!.... oh well!.. nothing to update, really... and tat's bcoz it was a totally FLOP (in my eyes, at least)!.... totally SHITTY juz like Ms Taik herself, who by the way, is the organiser this year!.... stupid fool!... u know, when one dunno a shit about what one is supposed to do, plssssss go ask one who knows!... (ini yang dinamakan - bodoh sombong!) dun freakin do something sooooo miserable to a point where we can't even see where the money goes to? Food was cold and some even rotten!.... got prawns, but can't eat them coz it's soggy!... brrrrr...... got games but ONLY 2 very kiddish games!.... (does she think we're going to an 8yr-old bday party?).... got prize but can't freakin share the prize well!.... hmmmm..... oh well!... wat can i say?... she's full of SHIT!.... so, trust her to come up with a shitty program!!.... $30/head!... now, where was my share??...... hmmmmm......
Sunday, December 26, 2004
in a flash!!... WOW!.... just last Friday, all (or most of us, at least) had a half day off!.... hmmmm... went out with RosmAman and Gems for an afternoon of "shopping"... and then off to meet future in-laws and their cute daughters... while waiting for their transport to come to pick up their "bonus-goodies", the two biras-to-be aka MNG fanatics, rushed to MNG to do a "quickie"... and boy!... came out with 4 more tops for meself!.... DAMN!.... MNG and their sale!!.....
During the weekend, went to 3 jemputans!... gosh!.... yesterday's was an engagement.. not that happening since we went to the guy's side.. managed to see the girl on his digi cam.. when asked who the mak andam, he said, no mak andam involved... so who's gorgeous baju is she wearing?... and he said, it's hers and it cost freakin $300!!.... a bootiful amount for that oh-sooooo-gorgeous baju!!... really nice... i loike!... but soooooooo expensive!!! oooh!... almost forgot!... visited syidzz at her stall at Tanglin Mall as well!.. and bought candles for Tee, Weileen and Fahma from her - in support for her business as well as a nice X'mas prezzie for the 3 of them!.. love the candles, girl... really sweet and pretty!!... u may have to do a lil' bit of work for my wedding, eh?.. hehehhhee.... for pictures or info on her candles, visit Hadiys Arte....
Wanted soooo much to take pictures of the 2 weddings i went to today!... but wat to do??.... my camera spoilt, remember?!.... i can't even freakin take my new hair-do!!.... so, guys, i'm sorry!..... i did take pictures on my fon but, it didn't do justice to the new hair-do!.... sooooo.... till my cam's up and running... (and i really, freakin hope, it's before the new year, as said....) my blog will be more or less pretty pictureless till then..... if RosmAman's pictures turn out beautifully, i'll post it up!... hehehehhe.....
the family has a new project.. and i hope it's gonna happen... saw the plan for project R and it's sure damn GRRRRREATT!!... i love it!... if it does happen, YIPPEEEE!!.... gonna get or gonna ask for wat i've always freakin wanted!... so cross fingers, Project R menjadi..... insya-allah... amin...
damn!... juz remembered that Taufik was going to be on TCS 8 for some charity show or something!... freaky shit!.. forgot all about it!.... anyone caught it?... got tape or or wateva?... can let me hear??.......
Friday, December 24, 2004
YEAYness!!!..... i lurrrrrve my new hair do!.... of course, this morning, i could not get it done as right as how he did it yesterday.... plus, the helmet has distorted the "look" i gave this morning.. but still, the highlights showed off nicely under the light and the fringe!.....
First look - "aaaaaah!... i look like right out from those anime books that Pei has!.." hahahaha.... but it looks sooooo gooood!..... then, reached home, mom - "e'eh!... anak aku macam anak owang puteh!".... hahahahhahaaa....... (translation: she said i look like a caucasian's daughter)... My dad loves my new hair do and dearie went ... "baby.... *censored*"... in short - he loves it too!..... weeeeeee!!.... everyone loves it!... i LOVE it!... a great start to a hopefully, great new year!!.......
So wat can I say? the guys at JasonSally does a freakinly good job AGAIN!... i'm satisfied and recommend you peeps to try it out!.... Serangoon Gardens, same stretch as 7-11!...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
It's crazeeeee i tell u!... this Mango SALE!.... it's even crazier, finding your size all over the store!... coz that don't always happen!.... DAMN!.... i'm having thoughts of some of the clothes that i didn't get to buy.... i WANT some of them.. maybe should go to isetan ones tml or sat?... at least, it'll be on credit... hehehhee... can pay next mth!.. hahahaha.....
my hands are killing me!.... soooo lenguh now.... i love their SALE!.... but i HATE their queue!... it tailed back to the back of the store... i was actually oredi in front when this stupid girl, told me that there's an express queue or something.. so i went. blindly. 2 mins later, the mango guy told me - "oh!.. more than 3 items, over there"... FUCK!... went back to the freakin queue which has build up to somewhere behind the store!... DAMN tat girl!... IDIOT!... if not, i would have gotten back on time!... i had to bullshit to get time-off... hahahhaa... B sent out an email to my sup and it sounded soooo serious.. hahahahha.... sekali i come back, with a bag full of mango clothes!... hehehehe.... but i think, my Mango purchase is nothing compared to Akak Zaidah!.. hahhahha... she came well prepared - with a sarong and a spaghetti top and entered the store first thing in the morning ie 7.30am!....wah lau!..... but hell! that must have paid off for she bought hell of a lot, and still going back for more!....
You'll get a pack of Taufik's postcards calender 2005, his so-called autograph at the back of the pack and a chance to win admission to his Thank You party - all for $17.90! You'll have to keep the receipt and collect the CD when it's released in January...
I'm really not sure why they have to do this... remembering the email sent last Friday, the content of the pre-sale album is the same... so, that Farhana and the email may not be a hoax but it's the way the email had sounded and how the purchase had to be made, made it very suspicious... but whatever it is, I'm still having question marks in my head why they're doing this pre-sale thingie and making it less convenient for us, buyers!...
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
more shoes?... u'd wonder?.... shucks!... NOOOO!.. hhahahaha... i was given a wake-up call today by a friend.. she told me abt buying shoes for the wedding!... DAMN!... i totally forgot!!.. and she recommended me Paradox London's shoes to look at... and made me swooon looking at the shoes.. so, here are my favourite.... simple.. yet pleasing..
and if only RosmAman's daughter is big enough to fit into these....
but howellll.... these shoes are an expensive lot!... and i can only afford to swoon and drool.... brrrrrr........... more $$$$ to be budgeted in to my list of wedding expenses.....
a dream soooooo farny!... i think it must have been the effect that tweet (yesterday's entry) had!... i dreamt that i was going to jail for doing something to that tweet and that my bro would be hanged coz I told him to put rat poison in that tweet's food!.... hahahhahaha..... okie... tat WAS hilarious!... as much as I would love for her to be "gone" but tat's juz it - GONE - out of my life!.... not gone as in DEAD!.... hehehehehe..... the power of that tweet!.. even had to haunt me in my dreams!!...
Taufik's MTV - I Dream, scheduled to be premiered on TCS 5 tonite, at 9.25pm, may NOT happen due to technical reasons... blegh!.. irritating... i hope we get updated on this!... and the pre-sale (or the real sale - which is unlikely) of his album is on today or something...
Another one of my dreams - to watch APM 05 next year!!.... Anyone wanna go with me?!... there's a high chance of the 3 idols (from S'pore, Indon and M'sia) being there.. as well as Anuar (maybeee??).... plssssss?... puhweeeaseee??.... anyone??......
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
fuck!.... that fucking piece of shit is coming back!... tat tweet!.... that BITCH!.... how to face this tweet?!.... EVERDAY?! Again?!..... and it may be FOREVER till I leave... coz i'm damn sure tat tweet ain't leaving, ever again!!...... BITCH!.... why does this place ALWAYS, ALWAAAAAYS takes in old staff back!..... i juz dun freakin geddit!... and as usual, that tweet "forgets" to meet up with B!.... i heard that the tweet was supposed to meet B to "handover" some stuffs but "act blur" lor...... SHIT ASS!...... didn't even freakin talk to me when B was still new and naive and all..... and when B got infamous for something she didn't even do, came back to ME, yakking as if we're old pals!.... FUCK IT!!!...... shove all that "sweet nothings", up your stinking ass, bitch!.... coz if I wanna hear from an asshole, i'd fucking FART, geddit?!!!
Had a nice, sweet surprise from my 2 girlfriends yesterday.... actually, not surprise oredi lah... they soooo secretive... i know for sure got something up their sleeves!!.. hahahaha..... niways, thanks girls!!... for the mani/pedi gift!... hehehehehee...... :D
A pretty interesting and stimulating conversation followed or rather, haunted Pei for the rest of the nite - from Rice Table to coffee shop at AMK!... hahahahhaa.... LOVE..... i think, to love and be loved is such a blessed feeling.... of course, one may have reservations in the beginning of a relationship.... a transitional period, i'd call it... to accept someone else share a part of your life, trusting, getting to know, and nurturing that thing call LOVE, for one another.... it is sweet - in the beginning - but it'll fizzle if nothing's being done to help keep the flame alive....
One is worried that she would go into a relationship meeting jerks and be heart-broken. We say - Don't put all your eggs in one basket!
One is worried that she'd fall into the "norm" category of study, work, stable - get married, have kids. We say - You never know you'd fall into this, if you haven't even try it!
One is worried that she'd never find THE ONE. We say - you'll never get to find THE ONE if you have not even tried!
But love is a funny thing.... it comes when it's not called for... and it leaves without you realising it as well.... but it definitely takes two hearts to make LOVE work in a relationship!.... and I find it darn interesting how one can go into marriage without knowing the other?.... it's just like old times - my grandparents times.... I've got nothing against it... in fact, i think it IS romantic!.... plus, you'd definitely get blessings from both parents and THAT is the most important thing before one goes into marriage.. but there's this nagging feeling - the what ifs issue!....
- What if he's NOT what he seemed to be?
- What if his ideals are not mine?
- What if he don't brush his teeth first thing in the morning?
- What if he has a very hairy chest and back?
- What if he's not romantic enough?
What if...... so many WHAT IFs to answer.... it's scary to find out the "negatives" after marriage.... but then again, you start on a clean slate - no histories to haunt you, no "kenapa dulu sblum kawen, you camnie? sekarang you camnie?".... but i don't think i can do this and that's made my friend, one of the bravest woman i know who is doing this... AND i also know, for sure, she'll make a good wife.... coz she DOES want to work on that LOVE... wanting to come home without worries of work and juz have a nice, chatty time with hubby... aaaaaaaaah......
I dunno why i'm rambling abt LOVE this early in the morning... yesterday's conversation has rubbed on me!..... so niways, my dear, wonderful, single friend.... you can't wait for LOVE come knocking on your door! can't pin hope sooooo high coz THE ONE will never be like the one on your handphone! *tsk! tsk!*.... but of course, we're not forcing you.. we're juz nudging you to take that step and experience the men that Singapore has to offer (hah!).... any takers?....
Monday, December 20, 2004
I didn't wanna post any entries... but now, i can't help it... coz i'm bored!... and i'm sleepy.... tots that's running thru my head now...
1. I miss my new Hippo bantal busuk!... it's sooooo nice to cuddle it and sleep with it!... i told dearie that the next time i'm going away for a holiday or something, he can have that hippo for nites that he's missing me, while i'm away!.. hahahahhaa..... really goooood having that hippo for sleeping!!....
2. why i'm thinking of my new Hippo is because, obviously, i'm sleepy!.... it's like a dead town here... only M's here to keep me company... which is good... coz he's sometimes full of crap... could keep me "awake"!.... hahahahhaa.. but he's nice ah!... at least, he's making time to
get to know us (me and B).... or so i tot!.....
3. I wanna go HOME!.. so that i can freshen up and meet my 2 wacky girlfriends for a nite out... eating Rice Table tonite... and I can't wait!... been a loooong time... but actually, after lunch...errrrrr feeling a bit full oredi ah... hehehehe... ah-xin, if you're reading this, i'm sorry!... hahahahahaa... but i was famished during lunch!.. hahahahhaa.....
4. i wanna buy MORE things!... i wanna shop, shop!.... shopp!!... but i think my financial status do not permit me to do soooooo much more anymore!... after that unexpected expenses!... oh!.. yah!.. didn't mention it in my earlier entry... while shopping on Saturday, accidentally dropped my bag... bcoz of the funny sound that i heard when it dropped, i quickly checked my hp and WHAM!... there, in the left-hand corner of the screen, it cracked!..... so, wat to do?.. have to buy new casing liao!.... $49! some more... and that's NOT all, bought the casing, must buy USB cable some more!.. hahahhaa... Y??.... coz gatal lah!... cost me a whopping additional $137 which was not budgeted before!....
5. speaking of the USB cable, i was meddling around with it, and I can't freakin use it!!... installed PC suite oredi.. installed driver.... wat else??.... anyone knows???.....
6. when can i get my clay stuffs?..... i can't wait!... i wanna read the book and watch the DVD!!......
7. watched SI's rerun!... thank god for Tee who taped it for me.... and boy!... SLY made a big mess on his final showdown!.... after one verse of his It's my Life, i quickly forward it... the other 2 songs are OK only lah.. nothing great!... but i can def watch Taufik's performance over and over again.... his voice captivated me.... i hugged my Hippo oh-so-tightly and mouth ever-gaping at every of his performances!.. hahahah!... yes!... tat's me, on a Saturday morning, while waiting for her "prince" to whisk her away!....
tat's my ramblings for the day.... again, i'm bored, sleepy and full!..... it's a deadly combination!.... 45more mins to go!.... and i'm OFF!... hopefully, dearie's fetching me on time today!.....
so what happened on Saturday?..... welllllllll..... my prince have come to whisk his princess to downtown for a day of shopping, on her birthday!!.....
shopped and shopped, she did with him insisting to carry all her bags for her untilllll.....
she got them a free "luggage" bag from Giordano.. he dumped all the bags in and carried the "luggage" around...
"he poor thing", she tot...... and as a reward, the princess got her prince 3 tops for all his hard work for the day PLUS a thank you kiss!... *MMMMUUUUAAAACCCKSSSS!*, of course!! for putting up with her nonsense for a day!..... hahahahaa.......
and after all that walking and going into dressing rooms, the prince and princess were treated to a sumptuous dinner at Bali Thai from the princess' King and Queen and one of those dishes was this mean-looking fish, with a pea for a brain!.....
So that was what happened on my birthday.... i was sure darn surprised that my legs didn't "give way" after a whole day of shopping!..... i've got my wonderful new, padded, heeled shoes to thank for and dearie's ever obliging attitude for that day!..... thank you, my dear.... and thank you dad and mum for that treat!.....
OOOoooh!... Not forgetting Fadhli, who had wished me SHOES for life on my bday!.... and yes, i've gotten like 4 pairs of shoes this month, which hopefully, will last me for the next 6 mths?... hehehhehe....
And for all who had wished me on my bday, thank you!.... thank you!.. for remembering me bday!..... i feel blessed and truly thankful for having you peepz share a part of my life.... *mmmmuuuuuaccccks!*... LOVE YOU guys, loads!!!!!!..... Lastly, before I forget.....
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Had such FUN going out with my girlfriends yesterday!... and YUP!... as i've guessed it, they were the culprits behind that mysterious package that arrived during lunch!.... hahahhahaa..... you can't trick me, girls!.... RosmAman's acting was soooo unconvincing!....
So niways, after work, off we went to Constant Craving at Far East Plaza... very nice food but not-so-nice ambience as our clothes stinked from the cooking next doors.. and it was driving me crazy to smell stinky me!.... but the prezzie-giving was unforgettable!!..... WHY??!!....
coz firstly, Nasty gave me that ultra-classic lipstick holder which looked oh-so-cool in pink!... and inside, it has this oh-so-classic pendant as well!..... sooooo nice!!.... and the 3 girls gotten me what i've always wanted!!... that Happy House Hippo!... it's soooooo kiiiuuuuutttt!!!...... by the way, that was Part 1 of the prezzie... Part 2 was also what I want!!.... a spa mani/pedi treat!!... weeeeeee!!!...... thank you girls!.... thank you soooooooo MUCH!!!......
Howeveeeer..... the day turned a bit sour... got very, very irritated at the end of the day coz..... my camera decide to "die" on me!... i can't freakin on it to take pictures... but i can view pictures on it!... GREAT!!!..... my bday is today!... and i can't take pictures when i go out!..... the two cams at home is freakin useless!.... not sure why i can view it on the cam but can't view it on the PC!....
But this year had been one of my blessed years..... i feel oh-soooooooo loved on my bday!.... great frenz, great new "family", great companions and oh-soooooo-great fiance!... i love you peepz!!!!....... You peepz made my world a happier place to live in and gave new meaning in my life!!......
Hahahhahaa.....RosmAman juz called....thanks RosmAman for singing me a sexy bday song! - seb baik i've fully woken up from my sleep! if not, i'd totally fall off the bed!....hahahhaha......... and thank u to Aman, for wishing me Hepi Bday as well!... ahhahahhaa......
Lastly, the end of the day yesterday, and the start of today gives me and dearie a smiling start!......
for passing all your papers!........ Up side - you've PASSED!!!.... the Down side - you've got to complete your studies now!... hhahahaha... NO more "i'm gonna quit studying if i fail any of the papers"!... hahahhahaa..... i know you CAN do it!..... and you WILL do it!.... for US and our future, dear.... love you!..... can't wait to go shoppiiiiiiiingggg!!!!............
Friday, December 17, 2004
Got this email from a friend....
Hi there, I trying to help my cousin Farhana to sell Taufik Batisah CD.
They were given 1000 CDs to sell. What I've been told by her, the company responsible to launch Taufik Batisah CDs doesn't have confident that Taufik CDs is sellable. So that's why the date for the launching has been changed and no fixed date has been given yet. So they have to get 1000 people to buy his CDs before his album will be officially launched.
The Album cost = $20 [which include Taufik Autograph, A Lucky Draw to a Thank You Party, and a form to sign.] So if anybody out there is interested, please call Farhana directly at
I called up this Farhana girl and she said it's true!..... DAMN!... the blardy company for thinking that Taufik's album may not sell!.... i'm finding this very difficult to believe hence, i'm seeking whoever's help (who knows Taufik personally, or the record company or wateva) to find out if this is true!... i dun wanna pay up $20 and get myself cheated!... so plsssss.... help shed some light to this matter!....
Anyways, acc to the girl, he's still in recording and the album will NOT be out till next year... if the above is true, i am truly disgusted with the company!.... you expect us to support our singapore artiste when you, yourself are having doubts about the artiste's ability!.... how are you going to market something which you are unsure of, yourself?!..... That is utterly unethical and unprofessional!... he IS the Singapore Idol and SINGAPORE WILL support him!....
On another chirpier note, NOKIA is inviting us to hear Sly and Taufik, LIVE in performance!....
Date: Sunday, 19th December
Time: 7.30 PM to 1 AM
Venue: Attica, 3A River Valley Road Clarke Quay.
Charges: Entry is $10 cover charge which includes a free drink
Notes: Must be above 18yrs old. Tickets via SMS (limited tix avail)
For more information on the Idols Christmas Party, please go to SG Nokia Idols.
The timing is oh-so-wrong!... the next day must work some more!... alamak!....
pampered... hahhahaa..... Toddie treated me and B to lunch yesterday as an advance bday celebration for me!... Thanks Toddie!.... B wanted to chip in the lunch as well to treat me... but knowing Toddie, he wouldn't let.... hahahaha..... B, it's ok!.... it's the tot that counts!.... ;)
And then, at the end of the day, some of the guys bought a cake for the December babies!.... can't believe that there's 4 of us, girls celebrating it!.... and for the first time since i've been here, i truly felt welcomed.... thanks to my new family!..... but definitely cannot wait celebrating the annual X'mas staff celeb next week with the old and the new family members!!.... weeeeeee!!!..... more FUN and prezzie!!......
To end the day - pampered - the facial session was sooooo goood!..... i was definitely in good hands!..... DEFINITELY better than the previous session!!.... i wonder if it's bcoz they received my complaint letter or because they want me to sign up MORE sessions with them which i politely but insistently declined!.....
Thursday, December 16, 2004
da..da..da...da.da..da..da.. Yesterday, HAD to be one of my good days of the week!.... had that surprise thingie in the afternoon.. came back to the office... practically everybody wished me happy birthday coz they saw the (sinful) cake!... then, we went for a tea session with a couple of peeps here to Mc Donalds who bought me McFlurry *more sin!*.... and then, went to do my hair after work....
WOW!.... though the guy that i went to the other day has balik kampung, I got a new guy from the same kampung!... and this guy is (though not as good as the first one) is pretty careful and very, very telatin.... i loike!.... and when he shampooed my hair, for the first time - got a head message as welll!!.... sedaaaaaap!......
Anyways, this place - JasonSally at Serangoon Gardens - very friendly staff... seemed very expert and made sure that they did their best... i was told to come back if my rebond curled or something by Monday!.... while i was there, this lady came in... she said, that the highlight done on a certain part, wasn't tat obvious and they "rectified" it on the spot for free!..... though it may be a lil' steep as compared to your neighbourhood salons, it had better service; comparable to Jean Yip!.....
So anyone interested to do their hair?... they did a good job to B's hair as well!..... i like!!.... Fahma should seriously consider going there for a *new* hair-cut!.... So niways, I'm off for another session of pampering today, after work!.... off to do my facial!... hope they've gotten my complaint letter and I dun have to face another hasty service like the other day!..... *humming to oneself*.....
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Was asked to go to Fahma's room with Weileen's weak reason or come to think of it, no reason at all given as to why I have to go to Fahma's room.. so, i kinda guess that there was something up their sleeves!.... so, niways, Tee later came in with X'mas prezzie from him!... i've got double wat Fahma and Weileen got coz i'm the bday girl!.. hahahhaa... Thanks, Tee!!.... they took out the cake hidden on Fahma's seat... *no wonder she didn't sit at all! when we came in from lunch!*... and the rest, as they say is history!... ahhahahaha........
Thanks guys!.... u guys tricked me goooood!..... want to put up the rest of the pictures!... but can't send it via the phone (coz file too big?!).... seelah! never tell me to bring camera!!....hahahahaha........
above the eyes....
because of work..
i hope he's OK....
updated at 3.56pm....
ewwww!!... that must have hurt!..... dearest... dearest!..... kesian u!..... stupid doctor juz gave 1 day!.... fuck!..... tat looked sooooo lebam and it's sooooo pedih!..... OUCH!.....
Got news that Clay's X'mas DVD is OUT!... yeay!... went straight to Amazon to go get it and together, bought Clay's Learning to Sing book and his Solitaire single *which though can be bought in Singapore, was being bundled together with his album, which i already have!*.... so YEAY!... a very Clay X'mas indeed this year!!.....
So, ah-xin, no need to buy the book for me liao!... thanks hor!... coz it's actually cheaper buying it from US!.... hehehehehe...... quick!... go think of something else for my bday!...... hehehhehehe.... ;D
in a jolly good mood today!!......... trallaaalaaalaaa...... *humming to oneself*....
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Went mini shopping yesterday for SHOES!... yes!... didn't want to... but couldn't help it!... coz my one and only black shoes has a nail sticking out under the heels and is making squeaky and clacking noises evertime i walk!...
And so, off I went to Pedal Works at Simei and tried on several pairs of shoes before settling on 2 pairs; for which i JUZ HAVE to recommend you girls to buy!..... it has a cushioned cover so that your legs feel as if it's walking on "air"!... hahahaha... it's soooo freakin comfortable and that is WHY i juz have to buy 2 pairs!.... hahahhahaa...... so go get it!!...... it's about $36 per pair... if you're a card member, you'll get 10% off!.. it has sizes up to size 14 or 16?.... so HUGE feet me simply lurvvesss her trips there!..... and these shoes are definitely a PLUS for big girls like me!... it's not toooo tiring on your feet!....
Monday, December 13, 2004
1. Taufik's album won't be out on the 20th! in fact it may not be out this year... instead, it's scheduled to come out like early next year or something!... DAMN!.... one bday prezzie OUT!...
2. mom stressing me out with her constanly changing ideas of my wedding!... i'm pissed because in her ideas, my "dream" wedding has dissipated into thin air!.... it's all her ideas now, which i found mildly amusing considering she don't want to chip in a share of the wedding expenses... which i'm not really hoping for and don't care but at least, she's gotta give me have a say in the blardy planning!..... aaaaarrrgh!.....
Sunday, December 12, 2004
As said last week, there's a part II to this... and here's our well-wishes to the 2 (oh! make it 3!) couples who wed today!..... lurrrrvely!!....
Sooooo jambu are you, it made me soooo geram coz Isabella don't take in "big" girls like me!... DAMN!..... but niways, the wedding was lovely, simple yet still memorable with the typical malay wedding style - the groom-block, the throwing of yellow rice with coins, the silat performance and who can forget the crying?.... hahahhaa.. mind you! it's not the bride's side who cried.. the groom side lah... very the drama mama but touching all the same!.... Congrats, girl!... may this union be filled with happiness and fortune and don't forget the BABIES!!... quick!...while i'm still into the makcik-wannabe mode!... hahhahaha......
Another beautiful, arabian wedding.... with the sambra (is that how you spell it?) dance, and arabic? food..... very nice food, nice ambience, nice dais and decor, and nicely made-up Kak Pah!.... oh!... and to the brother too!... i cannot believe how dearie can forget about his wedding when he got invited!... this is like the second time lor!..... he tot this friend's wedding was in 2 weeks time!... alamak!... i'm gonna have to keep all his wedding cards lah like this!.....
Friday, December 10, 2004
gawd!... the crowd during the Ikhlas show was freakin AWESOME everytime Taufik goes on stage!.... the first few performances, i tot the audiences were dead or something... however, suddenly the crowd went wild at the first instance they started talking abt Singapore Idol... idolanye belum keluar!!... ahhahahhaa.....
Anyways, as usual, he melted my heart with his rendition of Belaian Jiwa... made me drool *saliva dripping*, gaped and went dak-duk-dak-duk!..... my heart was thumping ever so wildly and i could have sworn, daddy heard it thumped!.. hahahhahaa..... anyways, at that moment, how i wish i was one of the violinist untilllll.......
his second song - I Dream... aaaaaah...... there's a makcik over and kakak/adik2 yang as over!.. ahhahahaha...... but of course, if it was me, i would have been as over as them!... ahhahahhaa..... but how i wish i was that makcik at that time.... got to hug and give him a kiss which made him go ><... hahahaha... sooo cute!.... being a makcik ain't a bad thing afterall!... it lets you get away scot-free giving a small quick peck-on-the-cheek to these young, cute boys!... alahai makcik!... ahhahahahhaa..... i'm still giggling over that scene!... but oh well!..... i'll be doomed if i ever do that! - for obvious reasons!....
Anyways, Taufik, you did yourself proud singing those two songs, LIVE! - on your birthday!... lorve-lyyyy!.... oh!... tiara jacquelina deserved to be sang praises as well for her outstanding dance!.... WOW!.... i was sooooo in awe when i saw her dance!... WOW!..... ooooh!.... and one of my all-time favourite singer - Liza Hanim sang as well!... though she should have sang at least one more song!.... but nice song nonetheless!!... wooooohoooo!.... the lines today was sooooo difficult to get in... felt like the lines were congested or something?... wasn't like this before... was it because of Taufik that it was congested??.. hehehehhehe.... ikhlas dari hati, ye kak?... kwang... kwang...kwang...
but before i sign off... virtual kisses and hug from me to the bday boy, Taufik!.... itu saje yang saya mampu buat setakat nie... nanti bila i dah jadi makcik, bolehlah i cium-peluk anaknye kalau dia ikut jejak langkah bapaknye nanti.... hahahhahaa....
I think i'm going a bit crazee??.... errrrr...... i went to a meeting earlier in the day and i swear, I had the same exact dream with the same people and the same conversation like a sometime ago?..... MY GOD!!..... tat scared the shit out of me!!.... scarreeeeeyy!!! especially since i've never met these people before!!!
it seemed that i've been getting these dejavus for quite a while oredi.... like suddenly, i'll remember that i had this conversation or in the same situation with the same group of people before!!... why eh???........
Part III
I've got no time to put this up yesterday... so here goes.... an interesting news came about yesterday abt Ms Taik.... she has a "lesbian tendency" it seemed!..... apparently, she has a tendency to ogle and drool (while B demostrated saliva dripping) at the girls' twin peaks!... ok... ogle... is still orite... though not right!... but drool?!... with saliva dripping... errrrrrrrr......
YUCKS!.... and Toddie gave a tot - "so now, you know what she does everytime you walk past"!.... eeeeeeeeeks!!!!........... she's as disgusting as herself!...... no wonder she wants to get married!..... covering herself up?!...... bitchy me!.. hahahaa.... but hell!!.... that's a piece of disgusting news!!!!.......
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Part I
Heard abt Ms Jubo getting chicken pox and wat's MORE interesting is the fact that she may have gotten it from her dog!... ahhahahahaa... tat was HILARIOUS!!..... we were told that she called up to say that she couldn't come to work because her dog was puking *at this time, me, B and Toddie rolled our eyes* and this person thought tat she must have gotten the chicken pox from the dog since she got it the following day!... HAH!...... we all broke up in lafter hearing that but me, B and Toddie were actually sniggering and giggling away.... all along in our heads - "Tat's sooo her!.... an embarrassament!"
I don't mean to be evil... but with all that evil doings she has done before, may her pox marks not be cured!..... hahahahhaa... this is wat i call retribution!.....
Part II
Got this news from Ah-Mich... hahahhaa.... we're supposed to collect an apple per staff.. and Ms CB, being her, irritated the hell out of Ah-Mich.....
CB : "mich, is there alot of fruits to be collected?"
Mich : "how many ppl have u got in yr division?"
CB : "abt 50."
Mich : "errmmm...then u better get the boys to come carry."
CB : "is there alot to carry??"
Mich : "just get the boys to come & i pack 50pcs in the box for you."
CB : "do i need to carry it?"
Mich : *AH BOO THENS?!! dun carry then the fruits auto appear at ur division??* ;) "ya lah! bring trolley?"
CB : "ok ok. i come. so i bring trolley ah?"
Mich : "ok!!!"
Mich, you should have juz told her to stare! (as suggested by our colleague).. hahahahhaa..... gosh!.. tat's soooo freakin Ms CB lor!!! can vomite blood!!..... hahahhahahaa......
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Thoughts that's running thru' my head now -
SOOOOO FULLL!!!..... had KFC with rosmaman for lunch... and i'm freakin full now!!..... feel like sleeping... juz now, before lunch, hungry like dunno wat!.... was practically cringing in pain due to hunger!!!!
Taufik's album scheduled on the 17 Dec is NOT a single but in fact, his album!... WHOAH!... read more at his official site.... *impressed! impressed!*.... couldn't imagine how he's gonna record 14 songs within this week or something; wat with his NS duties and all..... but hell!... can't wait for it!!...... if it's out on the 17th, wat a bday gift!!! ;) by the way, new official website, new look!.... very the goooood!!!.... thanks Jamelia!
Learning To Sing: Hearing the Music In Your Life - Clay's book is SOLD OUT!!!.... DAMN!!....... i tot it was only out like last week or something?!!...... and it's ONLY available at Kinokuniya and Borders!... no wonder that MPH guy was blur like sotong when i asked him when it's coming out!!..... DAMN it!!... now, must call Borders or Kino liao!...
Holiday DVD Special by Clay Aiken - A DVD featuring all the performances from his TV special, A Clay Aiken Christmas will be released on Dec 14 with guest star Barry Manilow. It includes exclusive footage from behind the scenes. CAS is working to bring the DVDs into Singapore. So i'm waiting for it.... hahahhaa... though it's a Christmas special, i'm missing seeing him perform!!...... i want HIM to come to Singapore to perform, pweety, pweety, puhleassse??..... pls help me fulfil my X'mas wish??..... hehehehhee.....
Billboard Music Awards 2004 - is today.. LIVE on FOX!... DARN!... Clay, Diana and Fantasia are in the running for Top Selling Single of the Year!.... WOW!!..... Ruben, on the other hand is up for New Male Artist of the Year and New R&B/Hip Hop Artist of the Year!.... he new meh??.... errrrmmmm..... oh well!..... good luck to CLAY!... (of course!!)... hahahahah.... and Fantasia!!.... pretty sure this will be telecast sometime next year in one of our public holidays - as USUAL!
BOREDOM!.... pure, absolute boredom i'm feeling now!..... damn it!... i've got NOTHING to do at all!!..... i wonder wat these ppl in the office are BUSY with... and how come i seemed to be the only who's sooooooo freee??!!..... i action busy only... sitting in one corner, hammering my fingers away, as though i'm soooooo busy with WORK!.. HAH!...... i'm bored, i'm depressed coming to work not working and i'm absolutely SICK of NOT being SICK when everyone's sick!!!.... is the flu vaccine i took sometime last year soooo powderful that i'm flu-less eversince i took it?!..... when was my last "flu" or "fever" MC eh??..... i think have lah.. but i think that one bo pakai coz i think i was feeling more stressed and not really that sick!... hahahahaa..... can't remember!... but NO real fever or flu...... hmmmmmmm..........
Missing him..... dunno why but i do!.... i DO!!!..... i wanna go out, shop-shop, talk cock, hang out, watch movies!.... why eh??..... see each other everyday also like not enuff har??.... errrrr...... yalor!.... not enuff leh.... hahahahaaa...... meet to fetch and send home only bah.... but niways, i MISS HIM!!!..... LOADS!!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Mummy's kamchongness have had me biting my nails yesterday.... the last time she did ask me to draw up my guest list and i did but didn't quite complete it... and when she called me up yest, she went like "so, how many have you got in your guest list?".... errrrrrrrr........... couldn't answer her and she got flustered asking me to quickly do up the list lah... blabbering.. blah.. blah... and finally asked me THE ONE MILLION $$ question which got ME flustered!
so, me and dearie talked abt the wedding, finalised our expenses, find out what we've gotta do, popped the million $$ question back to mum.... so we'll see how it goes after this......
62% : 38%!
Hah!... at last Mediacorp relented after all the hoo-hahs from the public..... so Taufik DID win with a landslide victory - thank you very much... however, i guess the most pissing thing nagging our heads and hearts would be the fact that Sly and Taufik got the SAME freakin record deal!....
and after reading the new paper report on Sunday, there's this nagging thought - where did all our $$ go to eh??... hmmmm.... definitely they got abt $2m from our votes which was said to be divided bet Fremantle, Mediacorp and another party... and that Mediacorp got a minimal cut out of it.... *yeah! rite!*.... plus they've got sponsors.... so, what do the sponsors sponsor then??... as it is, the winner don't get any cash "returns" (correct me if i'm wrong)... they don't even get to "travel" in style!...... look at AMI - they get to do radio shows and all in a limo... wat do our idols get??.... the other day taufik was late arriving at Perfect 10 for a radio interview... and wat was being said? he couldn't get a cab!... Sly was late too! if they HAD been driven, they wouldn't be late, rite??.. alamak!!......
okie... okie... maybe i'm asking for too much!.. hahahahaa....but heck!.... like wat was being reported - we ARE the investors, and we DO have right to know how it was being spent and there MUST be accountability on Mediacorp's part.... oh well!.... at least Taufik won the title!!.... hahahahhaaa....... yeah!... am still NOT over Singapore Idol!.. hahahhaaa... WATEVA!!!!.......
Monday, December 06, 2004
I've to attend 2 weddings and this is only part 1!... next week, 2 more to go!.... oh no!... i'll be FAT again!... stuffing myself with briyani!!.... DARN!... luckily, we managed to escape going for a wedding the following week!.....*phew!*.....
Niways, my cuzzin, Noraihan got married!.... at looooong last!!... hahahhaaa...... but yeah.... though the make-up wasn't my taste but the baju lah!.... very, the nice!!.... ;) i loiiike!... and the whole place is filled with kids and MORE cutesy kids!!.... lurrrve the kids and their antics!... but the good day had to end with someone deleting the ROMM pictures i took earlier in the day!... soooooo bingit!!... DAMN!.... the next time we've got a "big" event, i'm gonna have to lock these pictures!!.....
The next day, went to dearie's friend's wedding.... long time no see the bride!... waaaah!!.. she soooooo pretty!...... *bling! bling!* radiance emitting from not only the bride, but the groom as well!... and they both have lost quite a bit of weight!.. hahahaa..... and love the pelamin lah!... like not sooooo heavy yet very pleasing!.... i also loike!!....
Friday, December 03, 2004
Thank YOU sooooo much TEE!!... for the wonderful suprise!!!.... the audio of Taufik's live performances during the finals is NOW in my handphone!!!....... i dunno how or where you get it!... but u DID it!!.... since u don't wanna tell me, tat's FINE!... hahahaa.... wat matters is, it's now in my handphone!!...... weeeeee-peeee-dooooo!!!!.......... meeeeee annnnnnnnnndd mrs jooooneeees........
Had Mc breakfast (for the second time this week) earlier.... waaaah!... soooo full now!... al-hamdulillah.... the auntie who served me was darn gooood!...... with a smile, thank yous and quick service!.... very the gooood!.... not seen one as good as her from any Mcs before..
hehehehee.. juz read Tee's comment on asking dearie to join SI next year... hahahaha..... had a laff!...... was talking with A-Xin earlier too abt this... and she went "he can be the next rocker"... hahahhaa.....
i can juz imagine... my dearie - that mat rock at heart!.... *giggles* a stage name for him? "ADOOOOOOO (OOH! OOh! OOH! *juz like ruben's*) KAAH! ".... hahahhahaaa............ ;-D
My dear, if you ever join the queue to be an idol, u can bet i WILL too - no matter wat say you!!!!.......... wooooopeeeeedooooo!!!...... but even if you don't U are my #1 idol at heart!... and no one's gonna say or can say otherwise!... *mmmmuuuaaacks!*
i didn't get to write this yest... for those who dunno yet, Taufik Batisah's album is scheduled to come out on 17 Dec.... lalalalala..... juz nice for me and I hope they DON'T freakin delay it!.....
I saw it on the news yest abt the World Idol thingie!... hell I was pissed when i heard in the afternoon tat there may NOT be World Idol... i felt sooooo cheated!... like helllooooo??... we're alll rooting on the fact that our first Singapore Idol would represent us to the world!.... and i think mainly, that's the reason why we're pretty hyped up to choosing the best for US!.... but luckily, there's a glimmer of hope for us as the news states that they're still trying to talk to Fremantle Media to get an affirmation on World Idol. And the reason why there may not be World Idol, is because there's lots more countries participating this year.. like DUUUH!... do a Miss World concept for ALL i care!.... for me, watching a singing competition is more enjoyable than watching girls parading their booties and pom poms and giving practically the same answer year in and year out.. *though i've got nothing against them*
And the other thing abt Sly's recording contract, yeah!... initially, i didn't think why anyone would be upset... it was expected that Sly would get a recording contract... but when RosmAman called me up sounding soooo upset... it did get me thinking!.. hahaaa..... but niways, yeah!.... SONY BMG should not have extended the same recording contract to Sly.... it juz ain't right!.... if another recording label extend a recording contract to him, i'd be totally fine with it.. but NOT from the same place!!...... the night's glory belong to Taufik... selfish as I may sound but it's a fact that the limelight should be on the winner!
Oh well.... my views, my thoughts... it's over and the winner's been declared and i'm pretty sure we're all (or at least, most) of us are freakin happy with the results.... and one very happy man is my dearie... for the end of SI means, the end of "Taufik-crazy" days for me!... hahahhaaa... oh my DEAREST, you know you are THE ONE for me!... and I LOVE only YOU!...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
as promised, to dear Toddie, i'm "dedicating" this entry to him... and him alone!.. hahahhaa..... he's soooooo sweeet!!...... he's treating me and B lunch soooon... i told 'em that we can't go lunch in a restaurant coz i'm freakin' broke!.... and so he's treating me lunch knowing how much i've spent so far for Taufik, my idol!.... "AWWWWWWW!!!...."...
Oh!... he was extremely sweet yesterday as well!... he actually smsed me wishing my "party" to go well and that da' man i'm voting for would win (i think.. or something like that.. coz i didn't keep the msg so, i can't really rem wat was written - wat with all the excitement going on in the house!) ..... like "awwwwww!!......." again!!!........ thanks toddie!!... u're the best!!... ;) hahahhaaa.......
awwwww!!... maannn!!!....... HE made me cry again!.... he's soooooo sweeeet!!...... truly felt he's loving his mom!..... he was describing how they gave him a surprise by bringing his mom to his after SI party at Hard Rock Cafe!.... he was called to go down coz "someone" wanted to meet him... as he was going down the stairs, his mom was climbing up the stairs.. they met halfway and they hugged!..... e'eh!... macam citer hindustan!!.... ehehheee.... he wanted to cry but his mom told him "jangan nangis... banyak camera lah sini! apelah kau nih!"... hahahhaa..... tat was soooo touching!!...
btw, peepz!.... Taufik will be Manja's cover boy in January!!!... woooopeeee!!....
AAaaaaah!!!...... Perfect 10 has put out the song "I DREAM" by Taufik Batisah!..... wooooHoooo!!.... sooooooo sedap!!.... i LOIIIKEEE!!!...... alamak!!... how not to "fall in lurp" everytime I hear his voice??...... scarrrrrieeee lah!!... hahahhaaa......
50,000 MORE VOTES!
Heard from a pretty reliable source, that Taufik received 50,000 MORE votes than Sly juz from ONE service provider alone!... tat's a WOW!!!...... i wonder wat abt the rest eh??.... i'm pretty sure now, that the win is a land slide one!.... weeeeeeeee!!!!.......
Suara serak terpekik-pekik
terminum air bercampur milo
Taufik menang kalahkan si apek
tunggu apa lagi pergilah tido!
ahahahhaaa... i tot this was hilarious!..... yana... yana.... dunno if you made this or not.. but HELL!..... i can't sleep lah girl!... hahahahaa..... HAPPPPPY giler!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!.... TAUFIK!!... Taufik!!!....... we went hysterical after Taufik was crowned our first Singapore Idol!..... all that votes that i've and the rest of Taufik-manics voted to get him to this point - has all been worth it!..... good work peepz!!!......
The mothers had to go back during the break.. Izy wanted to go back during the break as well!.... hah!.... dah lah i did up the t-shirt no one wanna use it!... CHET!..... hahhahaaa.... but anyways, who stayed behind??... NOORLIN!!... weeeeee!... Boy!... she can really freakin scream mann!!!..... we were holding on tightly to each other and once Gurmit announced "TAUFIK!".... all hell broke loose!.. hahahhaaa.... both screamed at the top of our lungs and jumping up and down!... daddy and mummy juz laff... brother was screaming too (minus the jumping up and down!).. hahahahhaa...... tat was a riot!!... *lucky, neighbour next door went on a holiday!*... the rest, i DUN care!!.. hahahhaaa.....
However, on the other hand, my entry won't be complete without a lil' bit of bitching of coz!
1. plssss eh... next time, make it a LIVE performance!... don't get me wrong!.. the idols sang live - all three... but their performances with the other finalists and the duet are NOT live!.....tat's soooooo cheating!..... i doubt it's live!... it doesn't sound like it!.... they're idols and have gotten that far!... DO have some faith in them!..... duuuuuh!!.... tat's wat endless rehearsals are for, ait??
2. plssss change the judges!.... stop being such hypocrites!..... if you don't like, say you don't like lah!.... why say such nice things?!.... the fans won't kill u lah!..... like c'mon!... how can you like Sly's version of "It's my Life"?..... it was too painful for me to hear his version!... i cringed for him!!
3. in relation to point two, Sly's was trying was trying too hard!.... everything abt it, sooooo hancur!...... dun be rocker, if you can't be one!.... DUN even dare trying if you know u can't bring it!..... DUN be someone you're NOT juz bcoz that's wat the people want you to BE!....
4. in relation to Sly's choice of song.... i don't think that he should sing that chinese song!... this is Singapore Idol and I tot u're required to sing all English songs??.... it's NOT fair and it juz goes to show soooo much abt his singing capabilities..... ie "go to Taiwan, Sly"....
5. Dick Lee's performance was good, but we dun need to see him in the whole song lor... they should have put up front the shots of the finalists on screen or something..
6. stop asking "stars" who they're voting for if the answers that they're gonna give is "i think both of them are equally as good..... I think they'll both make it big.... blah.. blah.." that's NOT answering the question ppl!... if you wanna be diplomatic, do it in the Parliament room!... being too diplomatic or impartial is toooooo corny, i'd say!.....
So there!.... i think that's what I wanna say for now... to Dearie, I'm soooo sorry that I've been sooooooo "involved" in this Taufik-mania thingie... can't help it dear.. but u know U're the ONE i lurrrrve deeeep down!... ONLY YOU!..... and i'm soooo thankful you're able to bear with my nonsense; knowing you!..... hahahhaa.... i guess being engaged, ain't so bad afterall!.. hahahaha......
To Taufik, i really hope with this, it gives you a better, brighter future and the life that you wanna give your mom soooo much!... it has warmed and touched me, knowing that you love your mom that much.... My votes were given based on purely your ability to not only sing, but to make me feel like a school girl all over again and also based on the fact, that I'd like you to lead the life that you've been dreaming for yourself and mom!.... you deserve it, boy!... go live that dream... it may not be MUCH to be the Singapore Idol.. but it is a start!....
Anyways, Taufik will be on Perfect 10 followed by Ria or vice-versa.... whoever got him first today!.... go "catch" him there!!....
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Being a fanatic that I am, I am soooo disappointed with myself for not able to wear my "Taufik, my Idol" T-shirt!... DAMN!!.... should have bought that top i saw the other day... it's not that I'm embarrassed donning on the shirt but because it's pretty "transparent" for office wear lah.. so, the above is a replacement.. juz imagine I'm donning this the whole day!.. HaH!... to the girls who're coming today... be prepared!... i've got 2 more at home!.. hahahaa..... and YOU ARE gonna wear it for the party tonite!... woooo hOOO!!.....
Anyways, my brother soooooo sweeeet!.... he downloaded ALL of Taufik's songs he sang during the show for ME!!.... weeeeeeee!!... mind you, i can't access the songs via his special-made website.. and the other webbie which was helping out, didn't have all the songs... so, i'm really not sure where he got them coz he won't tell me!... but nonetheless, I LOVE HIM!!... thank u sooooo much, lil brother!!!....