Yesterday marked the conclusion of Raya 06.. Wat can i say??... i didn't really get to do much visiting this year due to the fact that Dearest have to prepare for his exams (and he's gotta pass them so that he can fully concentrate on the arrival of our babe next year!)..
Anyways, before we conclude our Raya 06, I (minus the hub! *sobs*) , manage to go do visiting with my Poly mates!.... yeay!.. and selenge me, left the cam in the office.. and sooooo... takde gambar lah ye!... :( sooooo bacin!!..... hopefully Ms IA get good shots of the 2 small boys meeting up!!... errr... for the first time, rite??.... yah... quite eventful, i must say!.. ahhahaa... ;)
oh!.. and Ms IA aka event organiser, pls help to organise Raya 07 also eh.. but unless of course if it's ur turn to errrmm, carry around "excess baggage" next year! ;) hehhehee..... but i'm telling ya... and i've already "warned" Dearest that next year is gonna be our Raya-sakan year!!.. i dun care, hor, Dear!!!...
Saw this article in the New Paper on Wife crying "Rape" by own husband.. i felt a bit disturbed by the news.. i may not understand what she's going through mentally.. but i do understand that sex is halal after marriage... which husband wouldn't want to have sex after marriage??.... shouldn't this be in your thoughts before you agreed to marry the guy?... sure, he said sex is not an issue before marriage coz he respect you.. but definitely sex will have to come one fine day??....
and now that you can be charged for having sex with your own wife against her will, the guys had better bring up this issue with your respective partners before you say "I Do"... you wouldn't wanna be slapped with a jail term for having sex with own wife, do you??...
and regretably, if that "rape" incident bear you a child, like in the case of the Wife (above), the innocent child became the victim coz the Mother simply refused to give him/her tender, love and care a Mother should give to a child coz she thinks that the child is not a product of love but dirty, filthy lust!.... i do pity the child above anything else.. so, plssss... before this happens, search your thoughts and seek help if necessary...
Sex (or i prefer Love-Making Session) is not painful if you embrace it with open arms.. It's supposed to be a wonderful feeling, sharing yourself with the man you love..
I hope this does not offend anyone out there.. it's simply my thoughts on this issue coz in the end, everybody lose.. even that innocent child..