Bad news.. bad.. bad.. news... :(
i may be delivering earlier than i would have liked...
annnnddd.... may most likely be delivering when the parents are away!
plsssss pray for our safety and that i can deliver the normal way!
thank U very much!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
So we brought our models yesterday... and this was the outcome..
So we brought our models yesterday... and this was the outcome..
Niways, i'm pretty happy with the results... at least the colour stands out... not too sure wat my model really think though.. *hinting! hinting!*... kekekke...
should have taken a before and after picture of her... but anyways, thanks girl for letting me conteng your face.. as for your eye-brows, i need to get it done by a professional first!.. hehehe.. or maybe i should look at your wedding photos as guidance eh?... hehhehe....
will book you during my maternity leave to practice on your face some more... hopefully, during exams, ur face no break-outs eh... kekkekeke..... thanks babe!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
let me start off the week (yes! was on leave yest.. so today is our MON! kekkeke... ) with the good news first.. as u all may oredi know.. we hit ONE on Sunday!... YEAY!

Couldn't believe how fast time flies... and of course, i wanted to put up a picture of ourselves a year ago and a year on butttt as luck would have it, my card reader is somewhere at home or some place coz i couldn't find it at home and it's not in the office either!... grrrrr!!....
so anyways, we celebrated our 1 yr anniversary and 8yrs together by indulging ourselves.. we treated ourselves to a romantic comedy - Music & Lyrics - at GV Gold Class... alamak!... wat indulgence!... so few of us in the theatre.. spacious, spacious seats.. fresh, hot wedges and soft drinks in a glass for consumption!... hmmmm...... i wanna go there some more!!..... uweeekk!....
after the movie, we went grocery shopping to "burn" off some calories from the wedges and the popcorn we juz had to psyche our body up for the dinner ahead at Straits Kitchen!.... oooooh!.. laaaa... laaaaa... Dinner at Straits was unexpectedly superlicious!...
we're not sure whether it was really the food or our endless laughing and talking cock that made us soooooo full soooooo fast!!.... but all i can say is, the selection was extensive and the food is simply tasteful!... i sooooooo intend to go there again someday!.... oh!.. but i must say that the dessert corner was horrible for me coz i dun quite like local desserts! ;( i'd go with the local fruits they have - mangosteens and buah jambu!!.... oh!.. u should also try their lychee ice-cream.... *slurps!*
anyways, we tot we wanted to go chill someplace else after dinner but we're not as young as we think we are!... coz after stuffing ourselves with good food, leaving us with no more space to laugh at ourselves silly, we were tired and all we wanted to do was to go home and snuggle up to each other... hehhehee..... so tat's wat we did!.... :)
the end of a good day and the start of a nitemare... we were sooooo excited to see our lil' babe yest.... initially, all was good.. the babe was in good condition.. doc said he's not too small, not too big - weighing in at 2.7kg.. al-hamdulillah... he did a VE on me and my! oh my!.... very freakin painful siot!!.... is it coz my cervix is high?.... brrrrr..... but anyways, he said it's not opened yet.. the babe's head is down but not engaged.. so, my wish for an Apr babe WILL come true!.. YEAYness!!...
after all that, i had my usual weigh in and urine test... however, instead of the usual "tat's good" for the urine test that i juz did, i got an alarming msg from the nurse - "your sugar level is very high. I'm afraid you may be diabetic!".. huh?!.. huh?!.... i heard warning bells going off in my head!...
was it coz of the 7-Up i juz had?... and the fact that i had not drank a single drop of plain water since morning?!... gosh!.... so in i went to see the doc again... this time, he tested me again on my blood pressure and took my blood.. and this time, he found that my blood pressure is slightly high and i'm slightly diabetic!!....
so how freakin freaky and uncool is tat?!!!!.... if i continue to have high blood pressure and am diabetic, i am not able to wait for natural labour... :( urrrrgghh!!... i'm hoping that these results was bcoz of the over-eating session we had at Straits the nite before and then, followed by a late lunch with no plain water the whole day!!!.... booo-hooooo-hoooo!!......
i dun wish to receive a call from the doc anytime today or tml.. starting today, i'll be a good girl and stay away from cakes, chocs, ice-cream and soft drinks!!.... promise...
let me start off the week (yes! was on leave yest.. so today is our MON! kekkeke... ) with the good news first.. as u all may oredi know.. we hit ONE on Sunday!... YEAY!
so anyways, we celebrated our 1 yr anniversary and 8yrs together by indulging ourselves.. we treated ourselves to a romantic comedy - Music & Lyrics - at GV Gold Class... alamak!... wat indulgence!... so few of us in the theatre.. spacious, spacious seats.. fresh, hot wedges and soft drinks in a glass for consumption!... hmmmm...... i wanna go there some more!!..... uweeekk!....
after the movie, we went grocery shopping to "burn" off some calories from the wedges and the popcorn we juz had to psyche our body up for the dinner ahead at Straits Kitchen!.... oooooh!.. laaaa... laaaaa... Dinner at Straits was unexpectedly superlicious!...
we're not sure whether it was really the food or our endless laughing and talking cock that made us soooooo full soooooo fast!!.... but all i can say is, the selection was extensive and the food is simply tasteful!... i sooooooo intend to go there again someday!.... oh!.. but i must say that the dessert corner was horrible for me coz i dun quite like local desserts! ;( i'd go with the local fruits they have - mangosteens and buah jambu!!.... oh!.. u should also try their lychee ice-cream.... *slurps!*
anyways, we tot we wanted to go chill someplace else after dinner but we're not as young as we think we are!... coz after stuffing ourselves with good food, leaving us with no more space to laugh at ourselves silly, we were tired and all we wanted to do was to go home and snuggle up to each other... hehhehee..... so tat's wat we did!.... :)
the end of a good day and the start of a nitemare... we were sooooo excited to see our lil' babe yest.... initially, all was good.. the babe was in good condition.. doc said he's not too small, not too big - weighing in at 2.7kg.. al-hamdulillah... he did a VE on me and my! oh my!.... very freakin painful siot!!.... is it coz my cervix is high?.... brrrrr..... but anyways, he said it's not opened yet.. the babe's head is down but not engaged.. so, my wish for an Apr babe WILL come true!.. YEAYness!!...
after all that, i had my usual weigh in and urine test... however, instead of the usual "tat's good" for the urine test that i juz did, i got an alarming msg from the nurse - "your sugar level is very high. I'm afraid you may be diabetic!".. huh?!.. huh?!.... i heard warning bells going off in my head!...
was it coz of the 7-Up i juz had?... and the fact that i had not drank a single drop of plain water since morning?!... gosh!.... so in i went to see the doc again... this time, he tested me again on my blood pressure and took my blood.. and this time, he found that my blood pressure is slightly high and i'm slightly diabetic!!....
so how freakin freaky and uncool is tat?!!!!.... if i continue to have high blood pressure and am diabetic, i am not able to wait for natural labour... :( urrrrgghh!!... i'm hoping that these results was bcoz of the over-eating session we had at Straits the nite before and then, followed by a late lunch with no plain water the whole day!!!.... booo-hooooo-hoooo!!......
i dun wish to receive a call from the doc anytime today or tml.. starting today, i'll be a good girl and stay away from cakes, chocs, ice-cream and soft drinks!!.... promise...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
how can Sanjaya NOT be in the bottom 2?!... really?!... he was the MOST outrageously and shamelessly, dreadful to hear of the nite and have absolutely NO singing potential at all!... these omputeh really got no idea how to vote and put where their money is worth is it?!..... or is it the whole mamak community that is voting for this boy??....
i was sooooooooooo blardy and truly disgusted when Ryan announced who the bottom 2 was.. it would have made me a bit less resentful if he had been bottom 2 and still "alive".... but the fact that he's not, means that ppl actually like his awful, dreadful, lembek, no tune sound of his voice??!!.... except for his hair, there's really NOTHING appealing abt him at all!... gdness!!....
i hope the omputehs save this boy from more embarassment next wk!.... grrrrr..... he's juz toooo painful to hear. really!... *gag*
oh!.. btw, i wanna say GOOD LUCK to Dearest's fren, Jan, who'd be taking part in Anugerah this year!.... i heard he's taken up vocal lessons for this.. semangatnye?!!!... hahahaaa..... but he's got potential!.. as long as u dun cock up ur first audition, i believe u can make it thru!.. u've got potential!... oh!.. to be more appealing, go kuruskan badan sikit!.. hehehe... and if u want us to vote for u, u have to promise us that u'd give us tickets whenever there's Taufik / Hady performing!... even if Dearest won't vote, i'll unfailingly vote for you once each week. promise. hehehhee....
how can Sanjaya NOT be in the bottom 2?!... really?!... he was the MOST outrageously and shamelessly, dreadful to hear of the nite and have absolutely NO singing potential at all!... these omputeh really got no idea how to vote and put where their money is worth is it?!..... or is it the whole mamak community that is voting for this boy??....
i was sooooooooooo blardy and truly disgusted when Ryan announced who the bottom 2 was.. it would have made me a bit less resentful if he had been bottom 2 and still "alive".... but the fact that he's not, means that ppl actually like his awful, dreadful, lembek, no tune sound of his voice??!!.... except for his hair, there's really NOTHING appealing abt him at all!... gdness!!....
i hope the omputehs save this boy from more embarassment next wk!.... grrrrr..... he's juz toooo painful to hear. really!... *gag*
oh!.. btw, i wanna say GOOD LUCK to Dearest's fren, Jan, who'd be taking part in Anugerah this year!.... i heard he's taken up vocal lessons for this.. semangatnye?!!!... hahahaaa..... but he's got potential!.. as long as u dun cock up ur first audition, i believe u can make it thru!.. u've got potential!... oh!.. to be more appealing, go kuruskan badan sikit!.. hehehe... and if u want us to vote for u, u have to promise us that u'd give us tickets whenever there's Taufik / Hady performing!... even if Dearest won't vote, i'll unfailingly vote for you once each week. promise. hehehhee....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
my babe's moving wildly now.. and i can't stop squirming in my seat coz it's blardy painful!... my abdomen is also feeling dull and slightly in pain too!... grrrrrr.... .
and my body is full of wind i think!... if i dun burp, i'll be farting!.. and mind u, sometimes, the fart can be horrendously smelly!.. hehehhee...... thank god when it smell, no one's around me.. hehehhee...
oh!.. y oh! y didn't i think of that thick mattress option?!... haahhaha.... will definitely consider tat!!... any other better suggestion before i go off doing my shopping on Saturday??... kekekkee....
btw, Mummy said that my stomach haven't "drop" yet... if it's true, yippee!!... tat means, i'm not ready for labour juz as yet!!... hehhee....
i'm soooooo looking forward to this weekend btw... ooooh!.. i can't wait!!!...... *squeals*
my babe's moving wildly now.. and i can't stop squirming in my seat coz it's blardy painful!... my abdomen is also feeling dull and slightly in pain too!... grrrrrr.... .
and my body is full of wind i think!... if i dun burp, i'll be farting!.. and mind u, sometimes, the fart can be horrendously smelly!.. hehehhee...... thank god when it smell, no one's around me.. hehehhee...
oh!.. y oh! y didn't i think of that thick mattress option?!... haahhaha.... will definitely consider tat!!... any other better suggestion before i go off doing my shopping on Saturday??... kekekkee....
btw, Mummy said that my stomach haven't "drop" yet... if it's true, yippee!!... tat means, i'm not ready for labour juz as yet!!... hehhee....
i'm soooooo looking forward to this weekend btw... ooooh!.. i can't wait!!!...... *squeals*
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
so now the question remains - will i deliver earlier, on time or later?... the latter seemed absurd coz i doubt it'll be any later than 2wks from now actually!!...
ppl are guessing the babe's delivery date... one of my classmate - the girl who said i'll deliver end of this mth said she's giving me 10 more days!... errrmm.. that's still end of this mth!... and i was telling another girl abt me having that feeling u get juz before menses kind?... and she said that's one of the signs labour is near... hmmmm......
frankly, i'm worried i dun even know that i'm having contractions!... i dun even know if i'm having braxton hicks now coz i dun seem to feel a thing... the only pain is when the babe moves.. so i'm hoping that my first signs of labour would be the obvious - either the bloody show or my water bag burst.. either one would be great!... coz at least i know, i cannot go wrong!... hehehhee...
anyways, if the babe decides to come out early, anytime after this weekend is fine!.... if it decides to show up on our 1st yr anniversary, it's more than fine too! ;) but mama would still prefer if u're an April babe!....
my bag's packed - thanks to Dearest! *muaaacks!* the babe's clothes washed & cleaned thanks to mbak.. the babe's stuffs all ready except for a few more things like getting some things from Yanti and another colleague..
we're wondering if we need another playpen or mattress or wat not for the babe?... coz i dun wanna hafta drag the playpen from the second floor to the first floor everyday!.... or maybe, i should juz get that baby monitor thingie so that i can hear him cry/wail from the first floor?... hmmmm...... which should it be?... suggestions, anyone??
so now the question remains - will i deliver earlier, on time or later?... the latter seemed absurd coz i doubt it'll be any later than 2wks from now actually!!...
ppl are guessing the babe's delivery date... one of my classmate - the girl who said i'll deliver end of this mth said she's giving me 10 more days!... errrmm.. that's still end of this mth!... and i was telling another girl abt me having that feeling u get juz before menses kind?... and she said that's one of the signs labour is near... hmmmm......
frankly, i'm worried i dun even know that i'm having contractions!... i dun even know if i'm having braxton hicks now coz i dun seem to feel a thing... the only pain is when the babe moves.. so i'm hoping that my first signs of labour would be the obvious - either the bloody show or my water bag burst.. either one would be great!... coz at least i know, i cannot go wrong!... hehehhee...
anyways, if the babe decides to come out early, anytime after this weekend is fine!.... if it decides to show up on our 1st yr anniversary, it's more than fine too! ;) but mama would still prefer if u're an April babe!....
my bag's packed - thanks to Dearest! *muaaacks!* the babe's clothes washed & cleaned thanks to mbak.. the babe's stuffs all ready except for a few more things like getting some things from Yanti and another colleague..
we're wondering if we need another playpen or mattress or wat not for the babe?... coz i dun wanna hafta drag the playpen from the second floor to the first floor everyday!.... or maybe, i should juz get that baby monitor thingie so that i can hear him cry/wail from the first floor?... hmmmm...... which should it be?... suggestions, anyone??
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Nyai juz called to chit chat a bit... and the poor, ol' woman is worried that i'm still not considering on going for an early maternity leave!.. hah!...
see, i'm soooooo tempted to go for an early maternity leave but i soooooo dun wanna waste a day with my precious babe!... and plssssss dun ask me to take my own leave or updaid leave!... bleagh!.... niways, she went "u have to go straight to the hospital if u feel u have stomache, k?".. errrrrr..... soooooo dramatic har??... hehehhee....
howell.... my mind's made up... i'll leave when my babe's born!... ;) so now... wat new changes have my body gone thru?...
1. a more pimply body
2. a more pimply face
3. i feel as if my babe's "dropping"..
4. sometimes i have that feeling juz before i get my menses - is that something to worry abt??
5. my legs feeling too heavy and HOT! HOT! HOT!
6. i cannot stand the heat esp at nite! and the hubster's not helping by feeling cold when i'm feeling HOT! HOT! HOT!
wooop!... i've got to rush off for class!... will continue tml...
Nyai juz called to chit chat a bit... and the poor, ol' woman is worried that i'm still not considering on going for an early maternity leave!.. hah!...
see, i'm soooooo tempted to go for an early maternity leave but i soooooo dun wanna waste a day with my precious babe!... and plssssss dun ask me to take my own leave or updaid leave!... bleagh!.... niways, she went "u have to go straight to the hospital if u feel u have stomache, k?".. errrrrr..... soooooo dramatic har??... hehehhee....
howell.... my mind's made up... i'll leave when my babe's born!... ;) so now... wat new changes have my body gone thru?...
1. a more pimply body
2. a more pimply face
3. i feel as if my babe's "dropping"..
4. sometimes i have that feeling juz before i get my menses - is that something to worry abt??
5. my legs feeling too heavy and HOT! HOT! HOT!
6. i cannot stand the heat esp at nite! and the hubster's not helping by feeling cold when i'm feeling HOT! HOT! HOT!
wooop!... i've got to rush off for class!... will continue tml...
Monday, March 19, 2007
We wanted to give Ms Gems a nice surprise for her 30th bday... and so, we devised a not-so-thought-out plan with the the hubby.. and hence that minor glitch - sorry Nazy u couldn't join us!!... but anyways, we're soooooo glad that she was sooooooooo surprised!!.... :D

So girl, till ur next 40th bday... i think by that time, we need to give u a 2kg cake to fit all 40 candles in!.. hehehehe... ;)
oooooh.... must put up this pic of this minah mentel (cheeky) in the making...

she was busy being entertained by her bibik... i quickly stole a shot of her.. lo and behold, as if she knew i was going to take a shot of her, she sempat give the camera a smile!!.... hahhahaa...
We wanted to give Ms Gems a nice surprise for her 30th bday... and so, we devised a not-so-thought-out plan with the the hubby.. and hence that minor glitch - sorry Nazy u couldn't join us!!... but anyways, we're soooooo glad that she was sooooooooo surprised!!.... :D
We bought a cake - Chocolate Banana - from The Royals... (mamamia!... it's freakin nice!!!... i shall buy all bdays cakes from there!!....) with 30 candles in celebration of her 30th bday of course!!...
and boy!.. did we sabo ourselves instead!... the husbands had a hard time lighting up all 30 candles!...
and then there was also this makcik kaypo, looking on from one corner!... hehehhee....
see that shocked face??... YES!.. she was THAT shocked!... not only by our presence but also by the 30 candles on top of her cake!...
Wat's a bday without a group photo with the organisers, rite??....
see how delighted she look cutting the cake?...
ooooh!!.. sungguh ayu si Ms Gems dah bertudung!!....
So girl, till ur next 40th bday... i think by that time, we need to give u a 2kg cake to fit all 40 candles in!.. hehehehe... ;)
oooooh.... must put up this pic of this minah mentel (cheeky) in the making...
she was busy being entertained by her bibik... i quickly stole a shot of her.. lo and behold, as if she knew i was going to take a shot of her, she sempat give the camera a smile!!.... hahhahaa...
Friday, March 16, 2007
been having delivery dreams the past week... is it a sign?!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. sooooo out of fear that my labour will be earlier than expected, i went to ask my sup to who should i handover my stuffs to.. i've already had in mind who i wanna handover what to... buuuutttt guess wat?!....
all my "plans" are ruined coz the sup told me that my stuffs are going to Ms Mono!!!..... *wails out loud!* Wat the Fuck!!... i DON'T WANNA waste my freakin time explaining to her and after ALL that explaining and wat not, have her fuck up my stuff!!!.... FUCK!... this is sooooooooo NOT good at all!... and YES!.. i am THAT negative when it comes to HER!.... :p
oh!.... this morning we also had a very loud Ms ADT in the office!... hahahhaa.... sometimes, really... i cannot blame her for being sooooo lorsor and naggy.... the ppl in the office are asking for it lah... how can you say you don't know this and that when things have been emailed out to everyone black and white?!.... and to think that you're in this dept for at least a year oredi??.. u're still claiming that you dunno that this is how it should be done??... gaaaaahh!.... wat utter NONSENSE!...
grrrr.... i'm soooooo freakin tired now.. and i'm soooooo tempted to take early maternity leave.. my legs are bloated beyond recognition; so much so that my pants and jeans are getting tighter at the calfs!... :( i'm also practically dragging myself around.. Mummy saw me walking home one day and freaked out.. she offered to fetch me home from work on days that i don't have class.. aaaaah... the pleasures of pregnancy... hehehee...
but frankly, my legs are too heavy now.. i can't even lift them to use my pants / panties / kain!!.... i've got to sit down and lift my legs to fit into them... haaaaaiizzz...... and all i can do now is to be patient for another 2-3wks if labour comes early or longer wait (up to 5wks) if babe decide to be a gd boy and wait full-term...
but juz for my boy, i'll be patient... i'll persevere till the end.. ;) insya-allah...
oh!... btw, Dearest's favourite boy idol wannabe is out!... i think, the omputeh juz wanna go against the judges!... so the more the judges discredit Sanjaya, the more they'll vote for him to stay on!.... baaaaah!!!...... and i'm not surprised that the bottom 3 was an all-boy thing... we've already expecting all the boys to go out first before the girls...
been having delivery dreams the past week... is it a sign?!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. sooooo out of fear that my labour will be earlier than expected, i went to ask my sup to who should i handover my stuffs to.. i've already had in mind who i wanna handover what to... buuuutttt guess wat?!....
all my "plans" are ruined coz the sup told me that my stuffs are going to Ms Mono!!!..... *wails out loud!* Wat the Fuck!!... i DON'T WANNA waste my freakin time explaining to her and after ALL that explaining and wat not, have her fuck up my stuff!!!.... FUCK!... this is sooooooooo NOT good at all!... and YES!.. i am THAT negative when it comes to HER!.... :p
oh!.... this morning we also had a very loud Ms ADT in the office!... hahahhaa.... sometimes, really... i cannot blame her for being sooooo lorsor and naggy.... the ppl in the office are asking for it lah... how can you say you don't know this and that when things have been emailed out to everyone black and white?!.... and to think that you're in this dept for at least a year oredi??.. u're still claiming that you dunno that this is how it should be done??... gaaaaahh!.... wat utter NONSENSE!...
grrrr.... i'm soooooo freakin tired now.. and i'm soooooo tempted to take early maternity leave.. my legs are bloated beyond recognition; so much so that my pants and jeans are getting tighter at the calfs!... :( i'm also practically dragging myself around.. Mummy saw me walking home one day and freaked out.. she offered to fetch me home from work on days that i don't have class.. aaaaah... the pleasures of pregnancy... hehehee...
but frankly, my legs are too heavy now.. i can't even lift them to use my pants / panties / kain!!.... i've got to sit down and lift my legs to fit into them... haaaaaiizzz...... and all i can do now is to be patient for another 2-3wks if labour comes early or longer wait (up to 5wks) if babe decide to be a gd boy and wait full-term...
but juz for my boy, i'll be patient... i'll persevere till the end.. ;) insya-allah...
oh!... btw, Dearest's favourite boy idol wannabe is out!... i think, the omputeh juz wanna go against the judges!... so the more the judges discredit Sanjaya, the more they'll vote for him to stay on!.... baaaaah!!!...... and i'm not surprised that the bottom 3 was an all-boy thing... we've already expecting all the boys to go out first before the girls...
reality bites
Thursday, March 15, 2007
okie... so we're NOT going to Bintan - dun worry!.. hehehe.... it was juz a tot we were playing around with... we'll prolly go there for our 2nd yr Anniv.. insya-allah... cross fingers my parents willing to take care of the babe for a weekend or something!... ehheehehe...
so anyways, come 25 Mar, we're thinking of indulging ourselves with the buffet spread at Straits Kitchen... anyone tried it before??... nice??.... let me know, k??...
Watched Idol last nite and boy are we hoping for an ALL-GIRLS finals!!.... the boys have not shown any worthiness to be in the top 12 at all!... while we feel that the top 4 should be all black girls!... only these 4 showed worthiness to be in the show. And i still can't get over the fact that Jordan is only 17!!... my gawd!!.... oh!.. and i sure hope i won't be watching Melinda rite before my delivery lest my babe comes out looking like her!... hurhurhur.... but like Daddy said, who knows the babe comes out with a voice as nice as hers?!... hmmmm... tat's a tot i liked!!.... ;)
oooooh!... and wat was Sanjaya thinking wearing his hair like that?!... sooooo girl!... eeeeks! he also reminded me of the original MJ!.. hah! and in case u cannot feel a hint of dislike, let me blatantly say he's the most unworthy one of the lot to be in the top 12!... plssssss get him out tonite!!.... urrrrgghh!!..... i seriously dun understand why the judges put him thru to top 32 in the first place!....
p/s: oh!... Ms Quirky!.. u are sooooo kaypo!!.... cannot staaaaanndd u!!.... btw, pls answer my email quick!!....
okie... so we're NOT going to Bintan - dun worry!.. hehehe.... it was juz a tot we were playing around with... we'll prolly go there for our 2nd yr Anniv.. insya-allah... cross fingers my parents willing to take care of the babe for a weekend or something!... ehheehehe...
so anyways, come 25 Mar, we're thinking of indulging ourselves with the buffet spread at Straits Kitchen... anyone tried it before??... nice??.... let me know, k??...
Watched Idol last nite and boy are we hoping for an ALL-GIRLS finals!!.... the boys have not shown any worthiness to be in the top 12 at all!... while we feel that the top 4 should be all black girls!... only these 4 showed worthiness to be in the show. And i still can't get over the fact that Jordan is only 17!!... my gawd!!.... oh!.. and i sure hope i won't be watching Melinda rite before my delivery lest my babe comes out looking like her!... hurhurhur.... but like Daddy said, who knows the babe comes out with a voice as nice as hers?!... hmmmm... tat's a tot i liked!!.... ;)
oooooh!... and wat was Sanjaya thinking wearing his hair like that?!... sooooo girl!... eeeeks! he also reminded me of the original MJ!.. hah! and in case u cannot feel a hint of dislike, let me blatantly say he's the most unworthy one of the lot to be in the top 12!... plssssss get him out tonite!!.... urrrrgghh!!..... i seriously dun understand why the judges put him thru to top 32 in the first place!....
p/s: oh!... Ms Quirky!.. u are sooooo kaypo!!.... cannot staaaaanndd u!!.... btw, pls answer my email quick!!....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
if i get to deliver normally, i fear my piles will come back!... *booo!* been getting tummy aches but difficulty in shitting!.. and ev'time i manage to shit, i always get this extra feeling "down" there.. grrrrr... boring siot!!....
if we decide to celebrate our 1yr anniversary in Bintan or someplace else, i fear i'd deliver overseas!... i dunno y!!!... but i juz have this feeling that if we get anywhere off-shore, i may juz deliver elsewhere!... *stupid?!* looks like we have to stay put here and juz enjoy our favourite activity - eating buffet! - for our anniversary!..... kekekkee... how "lomantik"!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
i read the news.. we may get a pay revision.. hmmmm... i wonder if we're one of those services that is "lagging behind".. i'm praying and hoping that we'll get a better pay revision come Apr!!... insya-allah rezeki baby.. who knows rite?..... but will they be able to come up with the appropriate packages by April?...
if i get to deliver normally, i fear my piles will come back!... *booo!* been getting tummy aches but difficulty in shitting!.. and ev'time i manage to shit, i always get this extra feeling "down" there.. grrrrr... boring siot!!....
if we decide to celebrate our 1yr anniversary in Bintan or someplace else, i fear i'd deliver overseas!... i dunno y!!!... but i juz have this feeling that if we get anywhere off-shore, i may juz deliver elsewhere!... *stupid?!* looks like we have to stay put here and juz enjoy our favourite activity - eating buffet! - for our anniversary!..... kekekkee... how "lomantik"!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
i read the news.. we may get a pay revision.. hmmmm... i wonder if we're one of those services that is "lagging behind".. i'm praying and hoping that we'll get a better pay revision come Apr!!... insya-allah rezeki baby.. who knows rite?..... but will they be able to come up with the appropriate packages by April?...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
and another reality hit me... i'm like pretty huge now though a lot of ppl still thinks and i do quite agree that my tummy is small for the timeline it's at...

i can't believe my favourite team Rob & Amber are out so early in the race!... see lah.. see lah.. too overconfident!?... grrrr.... wat's AR without them?!!!.... aaaaagggh!!...
and then, there's also the surprises in Idol!... but it's expected lah.. the omputeh never, ever fail to amaze me when it comes to voting for the "right" person!... *slaps head* how can they choose a guy with nice hair but not nice voice over a guy with nice voice but not nice looks?!... gggssshh!!... and how can Sabrina not be in?!... alamak!!.... horrendous siah!!....
so there goes good, reality TV!.... haaaaiiiyyyaaaahhh!!!....

luckily, my face is not so visible.. i look soooo freakin ugly siah!!..... everything is freakin growing!... my whole body is filled with water.. everywhere i depress, there's white spots!... :( and my legs are oh-sooooooo-stiff and chubby, i can't believe they're mine!...
oh!.. and can you imagine?!!!.... i was at Rosma's chalet on Sat.. coz i can't sit on the ground (for obvious reasons!), i was given a chair.. and guess wat?!... someone in the family was shocked that i was in a wheelchair!!!.... *gasp!*.... tat's wat she tot lah - couldn't see in the dark mah!... and yeah, come to think of it, i might have looked like i was sitting on a wheelchair!.... ish!.. ish!!... ish!.....
anyways, on to more happy tots and moments... met up with Teeny Weeny on Fri.. and it was a fabulous start to my weekend!... ;) we stuffed ourselves silly at ECP!... and as if the food wasn't enuff, we headed down to Coffee Club to chill and eat more sinful food dessert!!... gosh!...
but it was a fun-filled nite!... i'm sure Tee was more than ecstatic to hear the current, latest gossip from the office!.... and truly speaking, the office drama has all the right ingredients for a successful soap opera!!... from romance to scandal to politics to the unimaginable!... kekekkeke.... and i believe, Tee would make a great scriptwriter for this soap opeara!.. hahahaha.... we do miss his CNN updates!....
anyways, after a nite filled with laughter and great food, check out my tummy!!....
how freakin huge and bulat (round) it is!... but i do lurve it's bulatness... very nice!... but i dun like my bulat face!... my double chin is obvious!... and i can tell ya, my nose is also more bulat now!... depressing siah!... oh!.. and how can i forget?!... my hair is getting curlier by the day!... it really look like curly fries and my curly fringe is sticking out like a sore thumb on my head!... baaaahhh!!!....
but anyways, i'm not sure if i mentioned this in my previous posts before - i've lost my singing voice!... i can't sing and hit the notes i used to hit before!... very depressing leh!... not used to this new voice at all!!!...... but i've a "consoling" theory.. since ppl say the babe is zapping my beauty, and in turn he will come out pretty.. then i say, he's zapping my voice and hence, he will sooner or later have a beautiful singing voice and may - insya-allah - become the next Taufik Batisah!.. amin.. hahahaha..... oh!.. dun be a wet blanket and laff at my nonsense!.. this is a happy tot for me and the babe!.. hmmmm... i do hope i get back my singing voice after delivery!.. i miss it!!!...... if i dun get it back, cannot go karaoke-ing liao!!....
reality bites
Thursday, March 08, 2007
finally, we got the babe his playpen!... Mummy went - "went shopping again??!!"... like OF COURSE lah.. no one offered to sponsor anything mah!!.... *doouuhH!!*... so now, stuffs for the babe is almost complete!... *yeay!!*... i guess i'm only left with the breast pump (hopefully, there IS milk to pump out!), the blanket - oh!.. can we juz use the lampins as bendung and blanket??... hmmm... and diapers!!.... how can i forget them!
now, allwe Dearest need to do is clean the room, set up the playpen , clean the toys and help me wash all the babe's clothes.. hehehhee..... oooooh!... counting down the days to delivery... how i wish i can take off from work now... coz i'm really freakin tired to go to work... i'm now dragging my feet ev'where i go!... even my colleague commented that she can hear me walk from far!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. wat to do?!... my legs feel freakin heavy!... I feel freakin heavy!.... *booooo!*
uuurrrgh!... i've been receiving this nuisance call from this company - Global Trend or something?... they informed me that i will be receiving some gifts from them as an appreciation for helping them complete a survey on SIA... they insisted and claimed that they're not a scam though they did admit that their technique is similar to that of that time-share scam thingie... *macam bodoh kan??!* anyways, i've GOTTA go down and collect the gifts myself - but halllooooo??... i dun wanna take the risk lor... though the prizes sound tempting, i wouldn't go down lest it IS another scam!... so unless u tell me u're calling from SIA, i won't be answering your calls, sista...
i finally completed my appraisal yesterday.. i think i am the first one to complete it - goes to show how freakin free i am in the office lah - and i'm not surprised at the comments that my sup gave.. not that it's anything too negative.. juz that i expected it oredi lah.. i know where my weaknesses are mah... however, there IS an area that i think i should work on.. not juz me but my buddy too!... kekekkee.... we have to work on communicating with one of our other buddy in da hse!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
see, it's not that we dun wanna talk to her or dun like her... it's juz freakin stressful to talk to her.. she talks slowly.. and she's freakin stubborn... i juz finished working with her on our gathering project and waaaaahh!!.... she thinks it should or must be this way.. that way.. and she's into minute details too!!... but the weird thing is, how come she's not like that when she's actually doing her core work eh?.... gaaaahh!!!....
anyways, i admit that we've purposely left her out when we (me and my other buddy) did that big, a-lot-of-paperwork-project coz we simply couldn't be bothered to tell her wat to do, how to do it coz believe me, we tried at the initial stages but somehow, she still come back to us to haunt us with questions we believe is unrelated/redundant!....
howell... but that's really something we need to work on... will try lah hor... next appraisal, we'll see if i get the same comments again!.. kekekekke.....
finally, we got the babe his playpen!... Mummy went - "went shopping again??!!"... like OF COURSE lah.. no one offered to sponsor anything mah!!.... *doouuhH!!*... so now, stuffs for the babe is almost complete!... *yeay!!*... i guess i'm only left with the breast pump (hopefully, there IS milk to pump out!), the blanket - oh!.. can we juz use the lampins as bendung and blanket??... hmmm... and diapers!!.... how can i forget them!
now, all
uuurrrgh!... i've been receiving this nuisance call from this company - Global Trend or something?... they informed me that i will be receiving some gifts from them as an appreciation for helping them complete a survey on SIA... they insisted and claimed that they're not a scam though they did admit that their technique is similar to that of that time-share scam thingie... *macam bodoh kan??!* anyways, i've GOTTA go down and collect the gifts myself - but halllooooo??... i dun wanna take the risk lor... though the prizes sound tempting, i wouldn't go down lest it IS another scam!... so unless u tell me u're calling from SIA, i won't be answering your calls, sista...
i finally completed my appraisal yesterday.. i think i am the first one to complete it - goes to show how freakin free i am in the office lah - and i'm not surprised at the comments that my sup gave.. not that it's anything too negative.. juz that i expected it oredi lah.. i know where my weaknesses are mah... however, there IS an area that i think i should work on.. not juz me but my buddy too!... kekekkee.... we have to work on communicating with one of our other buddy in da hse!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
see, it's not that we dun wanna talk to her or dun like her... it's juz freakin stressful to talk to her.. she talks slowly.. and she's freakin stubborn... i juz finished working with her on our gathering project and waaaaahh!!.... she thinks it should or must be this way.. that way.. and she's into minute details too!!... but the weird thing is, how come she's not like that when she's actually doing her core work eh?.... gaaaahh!!!....
anyways, i admit that we've purposely left her out when we (me and my other buddy) did that big, a-lot-of-paperwork-project coz we simply couldn't be bothered to tell her wat to do, how to do it coz believe me, we tried at the initial stages but somehow, she still come back to us to haunt us with questions we believe is unrelated/redundant!....
howell... but that's really something we need to work on... will try lah hor... next appraisal, we'll see if i get the same comments again!.. kekekekke.....
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Remember i mention that we have to walk around with our passes on?... well, well... they have taken a step further this morning and actually lock us in!.. hahahaha..... nobody can get in AND out!... i think if we need to go out, we may need to make a detour and go one blardy big round!!... grrrr...... wat the hell!!....
oooooh!... before i forget, CONGRATULATIONS to Joy on the birth of her Pistachio!... ;) see, i got a feeling that she may be giving birth yesterday after she still had not updated her blog by late afternoon!... kekekkee.. bleh?.... but niways, alas, it popped!!.... ;) CONGRATS hor!! sooooooo happy for you... now my turn lah to countdown....
last nite, we got this lady in class, a masseur, to feel my tummy and see if she can gauge when i'll be delivering the babe... and guess wat?!.... she said i'll be delivering in 3wks time!... WAAAAATTT??!!!!.... i dun want lor!!!...... i want a full-term babe. An April babe and a true-blue Aries... anything between 9th to 20th Apr is fine.. nothing less and nothing more, pls.... so babe, if u hear mama, plssssss... plsssss... dun come out sooooo soon.... i know u're excited to see the world. we're juz as excited to see U!.. but juz trust mama and come out in Apr k?... *muacks!* love u, babe!
Remember i mention that we have to walk around with our passes on?... well, well... they have taken a step further this morning and actually lock us in!.. hahahaha..... nobody can get in AND out!... i think if we need to go out, we may need to make a detour and go one blardy big round!!... grrrr...... wat the hell!!....
oooooh!... before i forget, CONGRATULATIONS to Joy on the birth of her Pistachio!... ;) see, i got a feeling that she may be giving birth yesterday after she still had not updated her blog by late afternoon!... kekekkee.. bleh?.... but niways, alas, it popped!!.... ;) CONGRATS hor!! sooooooo happy for you... now my turn lah to countdown....
last nite, we got this lady in class, a masseur, to feel my tummy and see if she can gauge when i'll be delivering the babe... and guess wat?!.... she said i'll be delivering in 3wks time!... WAAAAATTT??!!!!.... i dun want lor!!!...... i want a full-term babe. An April babe and a true-blue Aries... anything between 9th to 20th Apr is fine.. nothing less and nothing more, pls.... so babe, if u hear mama, plssssss... plsssss... dun come out sooooo soon.... i know u're excited to see the world. we're juz as excited to see U!.. but juz trust mama and come out in Apr k?... *muacks!* love u, babe!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
woooo... apparently, some ppl here felt the tremors.. my Sup saw her trays moved on her desk and tot that it was the work of a hantu!.. ahhahhaa... wat a laff!... Ms Mono tot that she was too sick and tat's y she felt as if the world was moving.. (cannot blame her lah.. she juz got back from MC!...)
we went to Suntec for lunch and found that the carpark was unusually empty.. even the foodcourt was empty!... guess where everyone went??.... HOME!!.... they were all outside seemingly waiting for cabs!!.... even the bus stands were full! imagine tat!!... a free half-day!.. damn!... y aren't we given half day too?!... brrrrr.....
woooo... apparently, some ppl here felt the tremors.. my Sup saw her trays moved on her desk and tot that it was the work of a hantu!.. ahhahhaa... wat a laff!... Ms Mono tot that she was too sick and tat's y she felt as if the world was moving.. (cannot blame her lah.. she juz got back from MC!...)
we went to Suntec for lunch and found that the carpark was unusually empty.. even the foodcourt was empty!... guess where everyone went??.... HOME!!.... they were all outside seemingly waiting for cabs!!.... even the bus stands were full! imagine tat!!... a free half-day!.. damn!... y aren't we given half day too?!... brrrrr.....
ASLEEPP!!!.... :( zzzzzzzzzzz.... literally dozing off doing my work, yet again!... i can't help it!.. really. if i can, i would.. but i can't help it if i can't sleep at nite!.... i seemed to be waking up in the middle of the nite every now and then to either find the right position or woken up after a dream. grrrrr..... i need proper sleep!...
oooooh!... did u guys manage to catch Desperate Housewives 3 last nite?.... i'm falling in lurrrp with it... great start to the show... i still and do find it funny no matter wat others might think of it!.. they're soooo inspirational - they always never fail to bite off someone else's ev'time they get provoked!... i lurrrrve it!.... ;)
Oh!.. Rob and Amber is amazing to be still in 1st place 3 legs in a row!.. yeay!!!...... would really lurrrrve to see them get the moooolahs.. but i doubt they'll win it!... *boooo!* i dun wanna see Uchenna and Joyce winning it again.. i want Eric & Danielle, Danny & Oswald and Rob & Amber to be top 3. After which, let it be war amgst the 3 teams!...
haaaaiizzz.... the dreaded appraisal is here again.. they changed the blardy form yet again!... not much but still enuff to kill you with the mounting paperwork!... grrrrr.... pantat!!.... the only consolation is the review of salary cum Apr... will it happen??... will it affect us who's been here like forever or only graduates who they wanna retain??.... hmmmm...... i sure do hope it's ev'one!!.... really need the moolahs mann.....
ASLEEPP!!!.... :( zzzzzzzzzzz.... literally dozing off doing my work, yet again!... i can't help it!.. really. if i can, i would.. but i can't help it if i can't sleep at nite!.... i seemed to be waking up in the middle of the nite every now and then to either find the right position or woken up after a dream. grrrrr..... i need proper sleep!...
oooooh!... did u guys manage to catch Desperate Housewives 3 last nite?.... i'm falling in lurrrp with it... great start to the show... i still and do find it funny no matter wat others might think of it!.. they're soooo inspirational - they always never fail to bite off someone else's ev'time they get provoked!... i lurrrrve it!.... ;)
Oh!.. Rob and Amber is amazing to be still in 1st place 3 legs in a row!.. yeay!!!...... would really lurrrrve to see them get the moooolahs.. but i doubt they'll win it!... *boooo!* i dun wanna see Uchenna and Joyce winning it again.. i want Eric & Danielle, Danny & Oswald and Rob & Amber to be top 3. After which, let it be war amgst the 3 teams!...
haaaaiizzz.... the dreaded appraisal is here again.. they changed the blardy form yet again!... not much but still enuff to kill you with the mounting paperwork!... grrrrr.... pantat!!.... the only consolation is the review of salary cum Apr... will it happen??... will it affect us who's been here like forever or only graduates who they wanna retain??.... hmmmm...... i sure do hope it's ev'one!!.... really need the moolahs mann.....
Monday, March 05, 2007
actually, i'm juz bored.. so, was juz surfing thru the net.. and dum dee dum - i found my childhood sweetheart's wedding photo staring right to my face!.. i'm pretty sure it's him alrite!... still as charming but not as handsome as i remembered him lah.. hehehe... but nonetheless, congrats to him!... alas, i get to see how he looked like all grown up... ;)
anyways, today seemed like a complain day for Ms ADT.. but i can't really blame her lah.. i'm sure if i'm her, i'd be juz as irritated.. we've got this "Smarty Pants" in the house and juz as she had irritated the hell out of a LOT of us before, she's now irritating the hell out of Ms ADT!.. hahahhaa..... now, tell me... how can you not know the contents of the email that you had sent out??... isn't it weird that when ppl ask you a question pertaining to something that you wrote on your own email, you don't even know how to answer it?!... granted, the email didn't come originally from you.. it was written out nicely for you.. but YOU had copied, edited (wrongly the first time round! read: Smarty Pants!) and pasted it on a brand new email msg and forwarded it to ev'one in the office!... and now, u're telling me u dunno how to answer that stupid, simple question???.... gaaaaaahh!!!.......
she's forever like tat.. i dun think she will change for the better... so too bad for us, we'll be stuck with her for ever!!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
oooooh!!.... i hate this shitty feeling... i definitely feel like i wanna shit.. but i can't seem to get it out!.... :( it's irritating me, my tummy AND my A.N.U.S... !!.... grrrrr.....
actually, i'm juz bored.. so, was juz surfing thru the net.. and dum dee dum - i found my childhood sweetheart's wedding photo staring right to my face!.. i'm pretty sure it's him alrite!... still as charming but not as handsome as i remembered him lah.. hehehe... but nonetheless, congrats to him!... alas, i get to see how he looked like all grown up... ;)
anyways, today seemed like a complain day for Ms ADT.. but i can't really blame her lah.. i'm sure if i'm her, i'd be juz as irritated.. we've got this "Smarty Pants" in the house and juz as she had irritated the hell out of a LOT of us before, she's now irritating the hell out of Ms ADT!.. hahahhaa..... now, tell me... how can you not know the contents of the email that you had sent out??... isn't it weird that when ppl ask you a question pertaining to something that you wrote on your own email, you don't even know how to answer it?!... granted, the email didn't come originally from you.. it was written out nicely for you.. but YOU had copied, edited (wrongly the first time round! read: Smarty Pants!) and pasted it on a brand new email msg and forwarded it to ev'one in the office!... and now, u're telling me u dunno how to answer that stupid, simple question???.... gaaaaaahh!!!.......
she's forever like tat.. i dun think she will change for the better... so too bad for us, we'll be stuck with her for ever!!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
oooooh!!.... i hate this shitty feeling... i definitely feel like i wanna shit.. but i can't seem to get it out!.... :( it's irritating me, my tummy AND my A.N.U.S... !!.... grrrrr.....
Watched the most-talked-show Ugly Betty last nite.. was a bit disappointed that it wasn't as hilarious as i tot it would be but it was pretty heart-warming.. and for that i will continue watching it.. not only for the show but i do find the boss hot-lookin'... hahahhaa....
oh!.. and i can't believe our neighbour has started airing the show way before us... even Desperate Housewives Season 3 is already airing there!!... Y!... no wonder Rizan said that we're very slow in airing the shows when other countries are already 1 or 2 seasons ahead!... baaaah!!!.....
Over the weekend, guess wat we did?!.... shopping!!.... Dearest found his Caterpillar shoes at the RSH warehouse sale - very *cheap! cheap!* and i found myself a nice, big bag to put in all my make-up for my class!... yeayness!.... another bag to mycollection!... waaahhahaa....
We also did another big purchase!.. urrrgghh!!... this purchase was sooooo unexpected!... i juz hope it really do wonders!!... but obviously, it can lah!.. hahaha.. else, we won't even think of buying it mah!... duuuuh!!!......
The last shopping trip before the weekend was over, was all done for the babe!... ;) and wowwee!.... spent quite a bomb and the shopping's still not over yet!... gaaaahh!!!..... oh!!.. we found a cute sandal for the babe at the RSH warehouse sale!!.... it was sooooo cute, even Dearest cannot resist not buying it!... hehhehhee.... btw, Yanti, when can we come over to collect the stuffs from you??.... ;)
Watched the most-talked-show Ugly Betty last nite.. was a bit disappointed that it wasn't as hilarious as i tot it would be but it was pretty heart-warming.. and for that i will continue watching it.. not only for the show but i do find the boss hot-lookin'... hahahhaa....
oh!.. and i can't believe our neighbour has started airing the show way before us... even Desperate Housewives Season 3 is already airing there!!... Y!... no wonder Rizan said that we're very slow in airing the shows when other countries are already 1 or 2 seasons ahead!... baaaah!!!.....
Over the weekend, guess wat we did?!.... shopping!!.... Dearest found his Caterpillar shoes at the RSH warehouse sale - very *cheap! cheap!* and i found myself a nice, big bag to put in all my make-up for my class!... yeayness!.... another bag to mycollection!... waaahhahaa....
We also did another big purchase!.. urrrgghh!!... this purchase was sooooo unexpected!... i juz hope it really do wonders!!... but obviously, it can lah!.. hahaha.. else, we won't even think of buying it mah!... duuuuh!!!......
The last shopping trip before the weekend was over, was all done for the babe!... ;) and wowwee!.... spent quite a bomb and the shopping's still not over yet!... gaaaahh!!!..... oh!!.. we found a cute sandal for the babe at the RSH warehouse sale!!.... it was sooooo cute, even Dearest cannot resist not buying it!... hehhehhee.... btw, Yanti, when can we come over to collect the stuffs from you??.... ;)
Friday, March 02, 2007
i'm going off pretty soon... we're having this gathering and we're doing BOWLING!... hmmm... going there to juz show face and enjoy some free food and freebies... soooo blaah!...
ooooh!... the girls on Idol yesterday were damn good!... i've oredi chosen the 2 who deserved to be booted out.. and i hope the 2 will be the ones to go and not any other!!...
we've been asked to go around work with our passes.. i can understand y.. but i dun like it.. coz it looks ugly and dangly on my neck!... :( but it's now freakin compulsory to do so... so, heck!... at least they dun make us use our name tags!.. i'll juz DIE!!!..... coz it feels like i'm back to school!...
our first year wedding anniversary coming up.. not too sure wat to do juz yet though i do have an idea.. but..... hmmmm.......
i'm going off pretty soon... we're having this gathering and we're doing BOWLING!... hmmm... going there to juz show face and enjoy some free food and freebies... soooo blaah!...
ooooh!... the girls on Idol yesterday were damn good!... i've oredi chosen the 2 who deserved to be booted out.. and i hope the 2 will be the ones to go and not any other!!...
we've been asked to go around work with our passes.. i can understand y.. but i dun like it.. coz it looks ugly and dangly on my neck!... :( but it's now freakin compulsory to do so... so, heck!... at least they dun make us use our name tags!.. i'll juz DIE!!!..... coz it feels like i'm back to school!...
our first year wedding anniversary coming up.. not too sure wat to do juz yet though i do have an idea.. but..... hmmmm.......
Thursday, March 01, 2007
@ 32wks..
My babe grew suddenly!... he's oredi 2kg - 1kg more in 4wks!... if he grows this way or more in the next 2mths, hmmm... he may be a bigger babe than i originally tot!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. and i too have grown much bigger than before!... another 5kg up.. *NOOOOOOO!!!!* so far, i'm 15kg heavier.. i hope i dun grow another 5kg within the next mth!...
Dearest being a darl that he is, told me not to fret over it coz all that weight is probably from all the water that i'm retaining!... hah!.. thanks Dear... *muacks!!*
but the best part of the appointment yesterday was to receive another 3D scan of the babe!!...
he's still as "shy" - dun wanna face the "camera"; juz giving us his side view!... the eye is still as round, the nose still blunt but the MIL seemed to think otherwise!... she said the nose mancung, tinggi (translation: sharp and high)... huh?!.... errrr... oklah.. wateva.. but he's definitely chubbier.. btw, if u can't figure out wat's wat yet, click on the picture for the features..
aaaahhh.... really can't wait leh... but on the other hand, dun come out sooooo soon hor!... wait till u're completely full-term!... must wait till ur grandparents come back from their holidaying!...
anyways, now that i'm at 32wks, i only have 8 more wks to go before i deliver!... annnndddd, i only have 2 pictures of my pregnant self at 4 & 5mths!... :( i need to take some more before i deliver!!...... time's running out... i think need to get Dearest out and start clicking!!....
oh!... btw the boys in Idol was much, much better than last wk!... annnnnddddd the most impt thing was, Sundance is BBAAAAACCCCKKK!!!! yippee!.. yippee!... yeay! yeay!.... in Simon's words, that's the Sundance we fell in love with!... i sooooo luuurve that performance!!...
thanks to effa..
i dunno if these are particularly weird.. but they are to me, at least.. but if u DUN find them weird.. then, thank god i'm not a weirdo!.. hehhehe... ;)
1. I only shop at shops that have been highly recommended by someone (of the same shoe or dress size). i won't dare to enter other shops lest i'll be deeply disappointed.
2. I eat durians but not it's by-products except from durian roll from Angie's Choice and durian puff from Putri Mas.
3. I dun drink coffee at all but i lurrrrve Ultimate Vanilla and any other ice-blended (with coffee beans) from Coffee Bean.
4. I dun eat peanuts for fear of pimples!
5. I have a fetish for "collecting" make-up from my favourite brands. I buy stuffs that i dun really need and in the end, my make-up bag is overloaded with make-up way over its expiry date!..
6. I only have Aussino bedsheets / quilt cover... even my towels are from there.. i won't have it any other way!
Chiselled Tomboy coz i think she's weirder than me!.. but not too sure if she's any freer to entertain me with this!.. ehhehe...
Ms Quirky coz she's a Quirk as her name implies... but too bad u won't be able to read them! ;)
My cuzzins Lina, A'lia and Nuha coz i need Lina to get away from her books. A'lia to share me her weird side and Nuha? coz she's juz plain weird! hehehee...
Yanti for tagging me in Multiply!!.... hehhehee... *kidding!* would have been Rosma but i dunno if she ever touches her computer nowadays!
My babe grew suddenly!... he's oredi 2kg - 1kg more in 4wks!... if he grows this way or more in the next 2mths, hmmm... he may be a bigger babe than i originally tot!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. and i too have grown much bigger than before!... another 5kg up.. *NOOOOOOO!!!!* so far, i'm 15kg heavier.. i hope i dun grow another 5kg within the next mth!...
Dearest being a darl that he is, told me not to fret over it coz all that weight is probably from all the water that i'm retaining!... hah!.. thanks Dear... *muacks!!*
but the best part of the appointment yesterday was to receive another 3D scan of the babe!!...
he's still as "shy" - dun wanna face the "camera"; juz giving us his side view!... the eye is still as round, the nose still blunt but the MIL seemed to think otherwise!... she said the nose mancung, tinggi (translation: sharp and high)... huh?!.... errrr... oklah.. wateva.. but he's definitely chubbier.. btw, if u can't figure out wat's wat yet, click on the picture for the features..
aaaahhh.... really can't wait leh... but on the other hand, dun come out sooooo soon hor!... wait till u're completely full-term!... must wait till ur grandparents come back from their holidaying!...
anyways, now that i'm at 32wks, i only have 8 more wks to go before i deliver!... annnndddd, i only have 2 pictures of my pregnant self at 4 & 5mths!... :( i need to take some more before i deliver!!...... time's running out... i think need to get Dearest out and start clicking!!....
oh!... btw the boys in Idol was much, much better than last wk!... annnnnddddd the most impt thing was, Sundance is BBAAAAACCCCKKK!!!! yippee!.. yippee!... yeay! yeay!.... in Simon's words, that's the Sundance we fell in love with!... i sooooo luuurve that performance!!...
TAGGEDthanks to effa..
*Here's the rule of the game: List 6 weird stuff about yourself. Tag 6 other people and ensure that they list the rule in their blog. List their names and leave a message in their comments log letting them know they've been tagged. They have to read your blog to know the rules of the Tag Game*
i dunno if these are particularly weird.. but they are to me, at least.. but if u DUN find them weird.. then, thank god i'm not a weirdo!.. hehhehe... ;)
1. I only shop at shops that have been highly recommended by someone (of the same shoe or dress size). i won't dare to enter other shops lest i'll be deeply disappointed.
2. I eat durians but not it's by-products except from durian roll from Angie's Choice and durian puff from Putri Mas.
3. I dun drink coffee at all but i lurrrrve Ultimate Vanilla and any other ice-blended (with coffee beans) from Coffee Bean.
4. I dun eat peanuts for fear of pimples!
5. I have a fetish for "collecting" make-up from my favourite brands. I buy stuffs that i dun really need and in the end, my make-up bag is overloaded with make-up way over its expiry date!..
6. I only have Aussino bedsheets / quilt cover... even my towels are from there.. i won't have it any other way!
the 6 people i choose to tag:
Chiselled Tomboy coz i think she's weirder than me!.. but not too sure if she's any freer to entertain me with this!.. ehhehe...
Ms Quirky coz she's a Quirk as her name implies... but too bad u won't be able to read them! ;)
My cuzzins Lina, A'lia and Nuha coz i need Lina to get away from her books. A'lia to share me her weird side and Nuha? coz she's juz plain weird! hehehee...
Yanti for tagging me in Multiply!!.... hehhehee... *kidding!* would have been Rosma but i dunno if she ever touches her computer nowadays!
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