ESHAN ADUKAIntroducing our precious lil' one..
Eshan - in God's grace; worthy
Born: Tues, 3 Apr 07
Weighed in at 2.75kg, 42cm tall
it's pronounced as E-shh-an.. NOT Es-Han eh..
It was truly an experience entering motherhood... but i'm very proud of myself.. for a woman with a very low level threshold for pain, i manage to go through the birth process without the help of the epidural!... ;) but i can tell ya, i was whimpering, crying, begging for mercy and screaming my lungs out from start to finish...

i was warded on Mon nite at 10.30pm.. was excited, happy and nervous at the tot of receiving my son the very next day!... ;) def had to take a last shot of my pregnant self... now, looking back, i really dun have such a big tummy afterall!... hahahhaa....
anyways, the doc induced me at nite with a pill... he said he's not worried abt my gate but he's worried abt my driveway now.. hmmm... had very bad cramps throughout the nite but the nurse assured me that it'll go away and i juz need to tahan.. and i did coz i didn't wanna give birth in the middle of the nite w/o Dearest by my side - knowing him and his very lack of "hearing" when he's asleep!...
but the pain really lessen but was still lingering in the morning.. at 8.30am, i got wheeled into the labour ward... did the nex.. and was very embarassed when the nurse actually shaved me down there... *squirms* the doc came in.. poked me around and pop the water bag!... he left with a bit of a disturbing look on his face!... grrrr.... and i was put on drip.. that's when the nitemare began!....
in summary, the pain was really like having menstrual cramps only thousand times more painful and my back felt like it will disconnect anytime soon!... while still at labour ward enduring the pain, i told Dearest, "i think i dun want another one after this..."
fast forward a bit.. i got the laffing gas which didn't freakin work by the way.. asked for the painkiller - worked for a teeny weeny bit but didn't freakin work too!... but at the peak of the labour, i remembered thinking, i want the epidural! i even want a caesarian coz i really cannot tahan the pain anymore!! and to make matters worst, when the desire to push was intense, my gynae was still not there yet to receive my babe!...
i had to push but tahan a bit for a few minutes before the gynae arrive... i was already screaming my lungs out ev'time i push but had to tahan!.... and the mid-wife's not helping asking me not to scream like that!... urrrrgghh!!.. i feel like screaming back at her and giving her the F word!... my gawd!... the audacity!...
luckily Dearest was more supportive... he was there all the way... didn't say anything "wrong" to make me wanna punch him or anything like that... *muacks!*.. u're the greatest Dear!!... ;) when the gynae came and was ready, i only did 3 pushes and pop! Eshan was out!!..... screaming his cute lil lungs out!... ehhehhee.....
all i can say is - RELIEVE - tat's the ultimate feeling... it was like a release long awaited... oh!.. the pulling of placenta was the exact same feeling of the popping out of the babe!... hahahhaa.... i tot i was having twins!... waaahahhaha....
anyways, after the whole ordeal, only then did my gynae tell me that my pelvic bone is small. I can only deliver up to a 3kilo babe.. anything more, i'd have to go thru caesarian.. so, luckily my boy is only 2.75kg!.. any bigger, under the knife i'll go!... :(
During his first day in the world, he was always in this position:
we hardly hear him cry.. the nyai and yai who's going to be away for their holiday trip on that very day didn't really get to see him with his eyes wide open...
he's been a darl so far... very easy to take care of... and we're sooooo lurrrving every minute being with him... we can't stop smooching him!!.... he's now curious with lights... and he look sooooo cute ev'time we on the blinking lights on his playpen!.. hehehhee...
now, my only problem is, i'm not lactating yet... he's been sucking an "empty vessel" but i've been asked to keep giving him my teats.. so, i did juz that... he'll suck till he sleeps.. but of coz, he gets formula milk later lah... he'll be soooo hungry if not!.... i'm wondering when i'll start producing my milk!... it's irritating coz my boy is not given the BEST milk yet!... hmph!!...
oh!.. before i forget, thanks to all those who's wished and prayed for our safe journey... for more pictures of the last few days...
here they are.. ;)