Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Before i start my morning, i have to vent out my anger!... u see, even though i've already half-expect that i've to somehow clear up some kind of mess from her but i didn't expect a whole lot of shit!... urrrrghh!!!...

when i took over the work from Ms Mono yesterday, i can really pull out my hair in frustration!... some paperwork, u juz can't take short-cuts coz that's how u lose some info along the way!... so wat are some of the things that i've to do?
1. refile all the paperwork for the past 3mths coz the way she files it, i can never find the info i need!
2. check each and every claim made to make sure that no extra pay-outs made. Within the 45mins handover, we discovered 3 claims which were incorrectly paid out and for that, she has to answer for it!... i get a feeling, there's more!!! :(
3. Follow-up some things which she didn't manage to help follow-up on coz she was juz "too busy" with - get this - not her core work but her "recreational" work!.... *surprise! surprise!*

I'm soooo blardy irritated!.... i think some things which you can simplify, by all means, do so but i believe, it'll be more courteous if u'd had consulted me first before you do it coz ultimately, i'm the one doing the work in the long run - not U!... u can think that i'm doing a lot of unnecessary work but those little things helped me in my work systematically. wat's the point of doing short-cuts but in the end, things are not in order and it's difficult to find this and that?!... bodoh punya pompuan!

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