oooooh!.... i'm missing my son... yes!.. yes!... missing him soooooo much!... i would have been home now, reading my mag or baking a new recipe while waiting for him to wake up for his feed.. haaaiizzz... how i miiiissssss holding him!!.... annnnd i sooooo very the bacin!... it totally slipped my mind to go develop his pictures so that i can put it in front of me at work.. i juz realised i should do that like yesterday!... gaaaah!!!
this morning, while getting ready for work, he woke up for his feed. I prepared his milk and put it in his mouth but he kept on crying!.... so, i tried giving him my almost-dried nippies and he sucked on it like no tml!... that made me cry!!.... it's as if he knows he won't get to see me the whole of today!... sheeesh!... i'll make sure i go home on the dot today!....
anyways, i was on baking mode in my last week of maternity leave!... (yah!.. i've got like 3mths to bake but my mood only came on the last week!) i baked 3 new recipes successfully while 1 was a flop (and that's y i didn't bother to put it up on my Multiply)..
Click on the various caption for it's recipe if u're interested... i'm actually still on baking mode but i doubt i'd have the time to do them... brrrr..... actually, i'm very interested to try to do the frosting for the cupcakes but for some reason, i'm afraid to attempt doing it!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
almost half a day is gone... another 4 more hrs to go.... luckily there's a few things to do to keep my mind off Eshan... tick tock.. tick tock..
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