I cannot believe that Shauna's still in!.. i didn't watch her whole performance but that short snippet that recapped her Umbrella performance was enuff to tell me that she's definitely not good enuff - and tat's saying it mildly - to advance and be the top 3 soloist... tat snippet wasn't even good enuff for a high school performance! at least for sure i dun sound like that when i performed for my teachers on Teacher's Day!... grrrr....
and who did they choose??... the one with the better voice!... even better than Victor's!..... wahlau eh!!... can't believe he's in too!.. haiyoh!.... now, Ani seemed to think that Victor (god forbids) will win it!... i certainly hope not coz i dun think i wanna watch a concert by a mediocre, lembek, muka nak nangis singer on the big stage!...lagi worst if Shauna wins it!... i can juz imagine how cutesy her performance would be and i think she'll be totally "lost" on the big stage...
the only hope for the soloist is Fendi... sungguh tak hemsem tapi sungguh sedap suara dia!.... i've said this before and i'll say it again... sinJiapor cannot vote!.... if u wanna see a true reflection of votes each week, make voting free of charge or at least, the same charges apply to tat of an SMS. u charge us 60cents per SMS - tat's like wat? - 12x more than the normal charges leh!!... ppl like my husband will definitely not vote.. he said it himself.. he'll vote for By Definition if it's FREE!.... pfft!!... but it's actually true... how many votes would u cast for these peeps if u dunno them?... true... u would want to see your favourites advance.. but at 60cents per sms, how many votes can u or would u cast for one person/grp?.... and i'm not asking the blardy rich ones, hor..
but thank god After the Rain is gone!... gosh!.. it was pretty painful to hear them... they've got to thank the cameraman coz they made it look more exciting.. but i can juz imagine if i were part of the audience, i would have snored to sleep!... and to think that the guy forgot his lyrics??... alamak!!!..... waaah.. at least the group performance is something to look forward to.. though i think the 3 young boys is not as good as the 3 older men!....
so, the drama of Live the Dream continues next week.... i hope Fendi belts out a Malay song and give to them good!... and next week, i WILL vote for him!.... no buts abt it!.... the right singer should be chosen and it's definitely NOT the other 2!....
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
waaaah!.... we've been told to pack our stuffs oredi.. we'll be relocated to a temporary site not far away from here at the end of the year.. i'm gonna miss this place.. but i think i'm gonna like the new place better - albeit it'll be a smaller working space - coz it's nearer to not so healthy but convenient foodplaces!... ;) u know, in case i dun get to eat out and Dearest can't get me my lunch.. at least a makan place is only a 2min walk!...
i've been here the past 6 yrs (yes! it's been tat long!.. my god!!... ppl of my batch have come and gone and i'm still stuck here! :( ...) and i've moved at least 5 times!... this is gonna be my 6th but thank god for the moves coz i'm sure i would've collected a whole load of junk to fill a truck!.. kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
anyways, i dunno where and when to start.. i dun like to throw away stuffs.. but i would juz HAVE to!.... grrrr.... haaaizzz... i'm sooooo freakin bored now.. seriously, i need a job!... a new job!.... can somebody pls give me something?!!!..... booo hoooo hooo!!......
waaaah!.... we've been told to pack our stuffs oredi.. we'll be relocated to a temporary site not far away from here at the end of the year.. i'm gonna miss this place.. but i think i'm gonna like the new place better - albeit it'll be a smaller working space - coz it's nearer to not so healthy but convenient foodplaces!... ;) u know, in case i dun get to eat out and Dearest can't get me my lunch.. at least a makan place is only a 2min walk!...
i've been here the past 6 yrs (yes! it's been tat long!.. my god!!... ppl of my batch have come and gone and i'm still stuck here! :( ...) and i've moved at least 5 times!... this is gonna be my 6th but thank god for the moves coz i'm sure i would've collected a whole load of junk to fill a truck!.. kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
anyways, i dunno where and when to start.. i dun like to throw away stuffs.. but i would juz HAVE to!.... grrrr.... haaaizzz... i'm sooooo freakin bored now.. seriously, i need a job!... a new job!.... can somebody pls give me something?!!!..... booo hoooo hooo!!......
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
bcoz i dun really like to read the papers, i would be the last to receive hot news... i'm sure by now everybody would have known abt the Nurin case?.... well, i juz found out abt the late child over the weekend. and not by reading the papers but by my SIL who was reading the Malay paper at the time.
she was the one who brought me up to date with the strory. A tragic one indeed. Now, that they've "caught" the woman in action on cctv, i hope they'd be able to find her soon enuff!... i juz cannot believe the extent of injury inflicted upon this 8yr old child.
She's a child for heaven's sake.. an innocent child who have a whole life ahead of her. the future and hope of 2 parents. wat were the criminals thinking doing wat they did to her? it's soooo sad! do they know wat kind of suffering the mother went thru juz to give birth to her and to care for her? Do they know the anguish the parents must have felt seeing their dead daughter in front of them unrecognisable? Don't they have any conscience at all for murdering an innocent child?
as the pictures of her burial stared at me, i juz don't understand what could possibly be in the minds of these criminals as they strike that fatal blow. Why couldn't they juz go kill a cow or something if they really need to kill a piece of meat. at least, its meat can be eaten after the slay!
cases of such nature - child abuse, rape and murders - seemed to be on the rise. wat's happening to the world? The children is our future. They are (or most of them anyways) are from the seeds of our love. As parents, we have to protect them from these predators. And as parents, we too have to do the right thing if we know our child have "problems". I know it's easier said than done. It takes a whole lot of courage for a parent to stand up and tell the world that his/her child have issues and send him/her to the right channel to be led to the right path. But as a parent yourself, wouldn't it be better to take a more proactive approach before the problem escalates and eventually lead to hurting another human being, let alone, someone else's child?
bcoz i dun really like to read the papers, i would be the last to receive hot news... i'm sure by now everybody would have known abt the Nurin case?.... well, i juz found out abt the late child over the weekend. and not by reading the papers but by my SIL who was reading the Malay paper at the time.
she was the one who brought me up to date with the strory. A tragic one indeed. Now, that they've "caught" the woman in action on cctv, i hope they'd be able to find her soon enuff!... i juz cannot believe the extent of injury inflicted upon this 8yr old child.
She's a child for heaven's sake.. an innocent child who have a whole life ahead of her. the future and hope of 2 parents. wat were the criminals thinking doing wat they did to her? it's soooo sad! do they know wat kind of suffering the mother went thru juz to give birth to her and to care for her? Do they know the anguish the parents must have felt seeing their dead daughter in front of them unrecognisable? Don't they have any conscience at all for murdering an innocent child?
as the pictures of her burial stared at me, i juz don't understand what could possibly be in the minds of these criminals as they strike that fatal blow. Why couldn't they juz go kill a cow or something if they really need to kill a piece of meat. at least, its meat can be eaten after the slay!
cases of such nature - child abuse, rape and murders - seemed to be on the rise. wat's happening to the world? The children is our future. They are (or most of them anyways) are from the seeds of our love. As parents, we have to protect them from these predators. And as parents, we too have to do the right thing if we know our child have "problems". I know it's easier said than done. It takes a whole lot of courage for a parent to stand up and tell the world that his/her child have issues and send him/her to the right channel to be led to the right path. But as a parent yourself, wouldn't it be better to take a more proactive approach before the problem escalates and eventually lead to hurting another human being, let alone, someone else's child?
Monday, September 24, 2007
hmmm.... i simply lurrrrve this muffin!... it's soooo freakin nice!!.... my first attempt at baking a muffin and it rose!.... YEAY!.... :) i'm sure this will be a hit amg the kids coz it's ooozing chocs!... but i found the choc a bit tooo much lah....
Dearest juz lurve it!... i did a second batch, this time with much lesser chocs... he said he still like the first batch!... chet!... but i still think that lesser is better... less jelak... original recipe asked for 2 cups of choc chips.. i modified it to 1 cup..
my second attempt to do brownies failed miserably!... tat's it... no more brownies making... i'll stick to cupcakes, muffins, cookies and cream puffs... baaaah!!.... speaking of baking, i hope i've got time to bake my cookies this year... i would lurrrve to do other stuffs other than my cookies but my Saturdays are now gone! urrrrgghh!!!.... i think i better start baking next wk!.... 2 more weekends before raya!....
ooooh!... went to the Naked Fish last nite and my oh my!.... the menu looked appetising.. the dish tat came looked soooo unappetising but the end result was pretty appetising... ;) in Simon's words - "I'm not jumping out of my chair" - but oklah.... something different to try... anyways, while we were there, Eshan got kissed by this pakcik!... errrr...... seb baik tak terbegik on my sambal stingray!
the rest of the nite, both me and Dearest juz couldn't bring ourselves to kiss him for fear we kissed him where the pakcik juz did!... ahhahaha..... dun ask me y... but we juz find it weird!.... anyways, my dear son... who asked u to be soooo darn cute and friendly with strangers??... see wat it did??....
yah!... i think if i'm a stranger i'd also be geram!... he'll laff and give that big, wide-eyed, smile of his that make ppl go "Sooooo cuttteee....".... as long as they dun go touch his cheeks with their dirty fingers!... (so far, never had a stranger actually kissed him.. yest was a first.. and i hope a last!...) yeah!... i've got this "eeky fetish" abt touching the face with ur fingers... i dun like it myself if Dearest touches my face in jest... this is juz one of those quirks i have... u never know what ur fingers are holding!... esp if u've not washed it for sometime... anyways, u should get the drift...
sooooo Naz & ZamAni, we're definitely mtg this Sat with or w/o Ms Sinus rite??... can we go to Eatzi Gourmet, plssssssssssssss????... Ms Sinus and family, plsssssss join us!!.... dah lama tak jumpa!!try to make it, k?....

Dearest juz lurve it!... i did a second batch, this time with much lesser chocs... he said he still like the first batch!... chet!... but i still think that lesser is better... less jelak... original recipe asked for 2 cups of choc chips.. i modified it to 1 cup..
my second attempt to do brownies failed miserably!... tat's it... no more brownies making... i'll stick to cupcakes, muffins, cookies and cream puffs... baaaah!!.... speaking of baking, i hope i've got time to bake my cookies this year... i would lurrrve to do other stuffs other than my cookies but my Saturdays are now gone! urrrrgghh!!!.... i think i better start baking next wk!.... 2 more weekends before raya!....
ooooh!... went to the Naked Fish last nite and my oh my!.... the menu looked appetising.. the dish tat came looked soooo unappetising but the end result was pretty appetising... ;) in Simon's words - "I'm not jumping out of my chair" - but oklah.... something different to try... anyways, while we were there, Eshan got kissed by this pakcik!... errrr...... seb baik tak terbegik on my sambal stingray!
the rest of the nite, both me and Dearest juz couldn't bring ourselves to kiss him for fear we kissed him where the pakcik juz did!... ahhahaha..... dun ask me y... but we juz find it weird!.... anyways, my dear son... who asked u to be soooo darn cute and friendly with strangers??... see wat it did??....

sooooo Naz & ZamAni, we're definitely mtg this Sat with or w/o Ms Sinus rite??... can we go to Eatzi Gourmet, plssssssssssssss????... Ms Sinus and family, plsssssss join us!!.... dah lama tak jumpa!!try to make it, k?....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
haiyah!... must have caught this damn flu bug from my lil bub.... been sneezing away like nobody's business... i'm actually using a mask rite now... very the tak comfortable... but wattodoo?! if i can catch it from my 5mth old son, i think the others can get it from me... and i dun think we want ppl to be sick now coz it's one of our peak period moments... baaaah!!....
ooooh!!.. btw, Eshan can now roll himself... so far, only Dearest manage to catch him in action... according to Dearest, he had been rolling since Tuesday!.... chet!.... i only manage to see him roll after break fast yesterday!....
Yesterday was also the first day we went into geylang to "soak" in the barely-there raya atmosphere.. Eshan was alert and awake when we were walking along haig rd side of the road.. by the time we went to the singpost side of the road, he was looking droopy-eyed... and as we know our son, he will sleep in wateva position he is in as long as he gets his sleep!.. hahahaha....
the raya atmosphere was not there yet... and i dun seem to be enjoying it as much either!... :( the things were the same.. the kuih-muih were blardy expensive!!!..... i think i'll stick to DIY-ing my kuih!... and the kebaya fashion was the same as last year!... alamak!..... sungguh tak best!
i still wanna find another baju for myself this raya.. can't possibly have only 1 rite?... kata nak raya sakan this yr!.... hehehhee... been missing out on raya sakan-ing for the past few yrs... all thanks to Dearest's exams!... now that he's free from exams, we'll definitely go all out!.. hahahaha..... bleh??...
haaaa... another day in the life of me in this cold, cold office!.... haaaaa-chooooo!!!..... *sob!*
haiyah!... must have caught this damn flu bug from my lil bub.... been sneezing away like nobody's business... i'm actually using a mask rite now... very the tak comfortable... but wattodoo?! if i can catch it from my 5mth old son, i think the others can get it from me... and i dun think we want ppl to be sick now coz it's one of our peak period moments... baaaah!!....
ooooh!!.. btw, Eshan can now roll himself... so far, only Dearest manage to catch him in action... according to Dearest, he had been rolling since Tuesday!.... chet!.... i only manage to see him roll after break fast yesterday!....
Yesterday was also the first day we went into geylang to "soak" in the barely-there raya atmosphere.. Eshan was alert and awake when we were walking along haig rd side of the road.. by the time we went to the singpost side of the road, he was looking droopy-eyed... and as we know our son, he will sleep in wateva position he is in as long as he gets his sleep!.. hahahaha....
the raya atmosphere was not there yet... and i dun seem to be enjoying it as much either!... :( the things were the same.. the kuih-muih were blardy expensive!!!..... i think i'll stick to DIY-ing my kuih!... and the kebaya fashion was the same as last year!... alamak!..... sungguh tak best!
i still wanna find another baju for myself this raya.. can't possibly have only 1 rite?... kata nak raya sakan this yr!.... hehehhee... been missing out on raya sakan-ing for the past few yrs... all thanks to Dearest's exams!... now that he's free from exams, we'll definitely go all out!.. hahahaha..... bleh??...
haaaa... another day in the life of me in this cold, cold office!.... haaaaa-chooooo!!!..... *sob!*
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Eshan was supposed to go for his jab on Fri but after consultation with the doc, we decided not to let him have it coz we're afraid it might irritate him further.. as it is, he's not recovered from his coughing and running nose... we got another medicine from the polyclinic for his coughing since the med from the pte PD dun seemed to work!
with confidence, i told the hubby, no need to take que no at the pharmacy coz the nurse said "it's tagged to our number".... we actually sat and waited for our number to be called for a good 10mins before i realised that ppl were queing up for another que no, giving the counter their previous que no!... pantat!!!.....
we waited and waited for our no to be called... after another good half hr (i think!), we were finally called juz to be told that they dun have the med!!... urrrgghh!!!..... have to get it from other pharmacies!!... dah takleh claim!... bengang betul!!...
but after all tat, thank god, he's recovering pretty well.... however, the maid is now down with a cold!... i juz hope he doesn't catch it from her!!...
over the weekend, we went to look see look see our own love nest in progress... it looked almost complete.. we're juz hoping we get it asap coz we both can't wait to be "free" and enjoy our long-awaited privacy...

i also manage to snap some photos of my lil' bub over the weekend...

Eshan was supposed to go for his jab on Fri but after consultation with the doc, we decided not to let him have it coz we're afraid it might irritate him further.. as it is, he's not recovered from his coughing and running nose... we got another medicine from the polyclinic for his coughing since the med from the pte PD dun seemed to work!
with confidence, i told the hubby, no need to take que no at the pharmacy coz the nurse said "it's tagged to our number".... we actually sat and waited for our number to be called for a good 10mins before i realised that ppl were queing up for another que no, giving the counter their previous que no!... pantat!!!.....
we waited and waited for our no to be called... after another good half hr (i think!), we were finally called juz to be told that they dun have the med!!... urrrgghh!!!..... have to get it from other pharmacies!!... dah takleh claim!... bengang betul!!...
but after all tat, thank god, he's recovering pretty well.... however, the maid is now down with a cold!... i juz hope he doesn't catch it from her!!...
over the weekend, we went to look see look see our own love nest in progress... it looked almost complete.. we're juz hoping we get it asap coz we both can't wait to be "free" and enjoy our long-awaited privacy...
i also manage to snap some photos of my lil' bub over the weekend...
we found out that he lurrrves playing with this particular balloon that Rosma and Ms Gems bought for us when he was first born!.... berguna jugak belon nie.. thanks girls!! ;)
he was caught with his butt held high while sleeping!... hahahhaa.....
this was taken on the way to our love nest.. i lurve it when he gives me that big smile of his!...
while waiting to break our fast, father and son bonded.. i love u both!.... mmuuuaaaaccckksss!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I think i look like Garfield today - chubby with droopy eyes... bah!!..... Eshan was not so well last nite.. he's got running nose so i dun think he was able to breathe properly. poor thing.. when he awoke for his feed at 1am, he kept crying everytime his pacifier is out of his mouth.. and after all that crying, all he needed was juz to poo!...
anyways i'm wondering how on earth do we suck out the mucus on his nose without actually literally sucking it out ourselves??... *yucks!!* i can clean his shit with my bare hands but the tot of sucking out those mucus irks me lah.. we bought one of those lil things that claims to suck the mucus out, but either we dunno how to use it or it juz doesn't work!... sucky!....
so experienced mothers out there, plssss tell me how to do it??.... i hope he gets better today... need to do his jab tml so that even if he fall sick, i've got 2 full days to take care of him without taking my leave..
it feels weird going into the office today and not munch on something first thing in the morning! hahahaa.... i also learnt y i never lose weight during Ramadhan..
I think i look like Garfield today - chubby with droopy eyes... bah!!..... Eshan was not so well last nite.. he's got running nose so i dun think he was able to breathe properly. poor thing.. when he awoke for his feed at 1am, he kept crying everytime his pacifier is out of his mouth.. and after all that crying, all he needed was juz to poo!...
anyways i'm wondering how on earth do we suck out the mucus on his nose without actually literally sucking it out ourselves??... *yucks!!* i can clean his shit with my bare hands but the tot of sucking out those mucus irks me lah.. we bought one of those lil things that claims to suck the mucus out, but either we dunno how to use it or it juz doesn't work!... sucky!....
so experienced mothers out there, plssss tell me how to do it??.... i hope he gets better today... need to do his jab tml so that even if he fall sick, i've got 2 full days to take care of him without taking my leave..
it feels weird going into the office today and not munch on something first thing in the morning! hahahaa.... i also learnt y i never lose weight during Ramadhan..
Do you know?
when the body is hungry it "sucks" in a lot more stuffs of the first food that enters into the body.. so, imagine... at azan time, the first thing u gobble down is a piece of fried chicken... hmmmm..... sooooo much fats goes into those fat cells in ur body lah dey!... tat is y, we're encouraged to eat dates first as it is very sweet; contains natural sugar. so i've decided that this year, i'll try to break my fast with a piece of fruit first - apples or pears - anything sweet lah since i dun really like dates...
howell... we'll see how in 1mth's time.. ;) btw, did anyone feel the tremors yest??... i heard there's another one this morning too!... i didn't get to feel both!... chet!... anyways, i heard it hit Jakarta.... thank god my parents are back from their trip...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
for the first time in my entire life, my legs are hairless! :D i'm soooo freakin proud of going thru the waxing session yesterday. i've been contemplating for the longest time to shave my legs but i dun dare do it...

hah!.. and it's not as painful as i tot it would be.. i can't wait to wax my armpit lor!!.... i'll go look for the wax and the cotton strips soon!.. i can't wait!!
Fasting starts tomorrow!.. abstinence is key! ;) ehem.. ehem.. happy fasting peeps!!!
for the first time in my entire life, my legs are hairless! :D i'm soooo freakin proud of going thru the waxing session yesterday. i've been contemplating for the longest time to shave my legs but i dun dare do it...

Did you know??.....
shaving your legs is very drying and the hair grows faster and coarser.. and shaving your armpits make the area darker too!....hah!.. and it's not as painful as i tot it would be.. i can't wait to wax my armpit lor!!.... i'll go look for the wax and the cotton strips soon!.. i can't wait!!
Fasting starts tomorrow!.. abstinence is key! ;) ehem.. ehem.. happy fasting peeps!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I brought him to see a PD yesterday coz he was coughing more and it kinda made him lose his voice.. so off we went to Hougang since it's the nearest..
and boy!... i soooooo regretted lor... anyone staying in that area can vouch that it was pretty "hazy" there last nite... my hair, body and clothes smelt smoke all over!... ;( my throat got itchy and i was coughing myself at the end of the day!...
anyways, the doc took a while to get to us even though we were only the third in the row when i got there!... Eshan was squirming & screaming - prolly out of frustration having to wait!... but when the nurse "gah" him, he smiled and squealed out of sheer delight!.... hahahhaa...
but when the doc was inspecting him with the cold stethescope, he was quiet... didn't squirm, squeal, shriek like i expected him to!.. very good boy, my boy... ;) the doc diagnosed him with mild coughing and sneezing.. gave him one 1 medicine to cure his coughing and sneezing.. the total bill = $40 (consultation fees) + $3 (medicine)!.. aiyoh!!.... wat a vast difference!.... i tot he will charge much much more for the medicine.. but thank god lah... i never tend to bring too much cash with me... but chet!.. should have saved that money till friday if i had known that his coughing is not serious!.. at least at polyclinic, it's much, much cheaper!... kekekkee....
howell!.. first time parents, always kiasu one!.... next time, i'll know wat to look out for! ;)
I brought him to see a PD yesterday coz he was coughing more and it kinda made him lose his voice.. so off we went to Hougang since it's the nearest..
and boy!... i soooooo regretted lor... anyone staying in that area can vouch that it was pretty "hazy" there last nite... my hair, body and clothes smelt smoke all over!... ;( my throat got itchy and i was coughing myself at the end of the day!...
anyways, the doc took a while to get to us even though we were only the third in the row when i got there!... Eshan was squirming & screaming - prolly out of frustration having to wait!... but when the nurse "gah" him, he smiled and squealed out of sheer delight!.... hahahhaa...
but when the doc was inspecting him with the cold stethescope, he was quiet... didn't squirm, squeal, shriek like i expected him to!.. very good boy, my boy... ;) the doc diagnosed him with mild coughing and sneezing.. gave him one 1 medicine to cure his coughing and sneezing.. the total bill = $40 (consultation fees) + $3 (medicine)!.. aiyoh!!.... wat a vast difference!.... i tot he will charge much much more for the medicine.. but thank god lah... i never tend to bring too much cash with me... but chet!.. should have saved that money till friday if i had known that his coughing is not serious!.. at least at polyclinic, it's much, much cheaper!... kekekkee....
howell!.. first time parents, always kiasu one!.... next time, i'll know wat to look out for! ;)
Friday, September 07, 2007
America's Next Top Model is back and the girls this round seemed to be bitchier than ever!.. weeeee!!!...... bitching, cat fights and drama is back on thursdays this season.. thank god they're no longer on Sundays.. but why thurs??... aiyah!...
anyways, woopee for the 2 plus-sized girls that made it to the finals!!... i prefer Whitney though.. haha... there's another bushy-eyed girl again this season.. ya ampun!.. it looked shaped but it seemed like forever she last trimmed those damn berbulu eye-brows!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
there's this girl, Jaiel who really looked quite misplaced amg the girls last nite and as aptly commented by Ms J, the girl who looks like she's juz come out from jail!.. hahahaha.... very farny Ms J!... ;)
yeayness to end of the week!!... but booooo! to sat class tml!!... ;( it feels like forever sitting thru facial class!!... bila nie nak abis?!!!!..... although, i must say the theory classes have been very insightful and interesting so far!..
btw, i've decided that i will do the Rock & Roll Perm in 3mths time!.. insya-allah... :D and just so u know wat i'm talking abt, this is the picture of Nia Long with those damn curls that i'm swooning for!!....
America's Next Top Model is back and the girls this round seemed to be bitchier than ever!.. weeeee!!!...... bitching, cat fights and drama is back on thursdays this season.. thank god they're no longer on Sundays.. but why thurs??... aiyah!...
anyways, woopee for the 2 plus-sized girls that made it to the finals!!... i prefer Whitney though.. haha... there's another bushy-eyed girl again this season.. ya ampun!.. it looked shaped but it seemed like forever she last trimmed those damn berbulu eye-brows!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
there's this girl, Ja

btw, i've decided that i will do the Rock & Roll Perm in 3mths time!.. insya-allah... :D and just so u know wat i'm talking abt, this is the picture of Nia Long with those damn curls that i'm swooning for!!....
Lah ling!!... can sponsor half??... hahahaha...
Nice or not eh??.... can you imagine this hair on moi??.... but dun care lah... i need those volume.. i'm actually tempted to do it before Hari Raya but bo cian!... plus it's still too early to do anything to my hair since i only juz did these curls 3mths ago!..
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I'm bored out of my freakin mind!.... and when i'm bored, i snack... i also do some surfing.. and wat would i be surfing?... baking recipes, of course!... i cannot wait to try out some of the recipes.. buuutttt, biler tu eh nak cuba??... haiz....
OH!.. OH!.... i watched Live the Dream (like finally!!) yesterday and i was like sooooo damn blardy disappointed at the results lor... y on earth was the wildcard round results left entirely up to the votes??.... we know jolly well that if SG votes, some lousy peeps will snake into the finals undeservingly!.. and tat's wat happened!....
i sooooo regretted not voting for Monggur.. i didn't watch her perform but from the snippets, she chose the wrong song.. not her best performance but at least she's better than V/I/C/T/O/R who??.. i dun want that A/L/A/N to go into the finals but after the results, i'd rather he go into the finals than him!... his version of Mandy was sooooo lembek.. it almost made me roll off the bed, sleeping!... gaaaah!!!....
And then, the grp results?.. lagi disappointing!... wat's up with choosing a lousy-trying so hard- cannot make it band with very bad shouting-all-the-way-singer to the finals??... B.A.R.B was waayyyyy better than them siah!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
howell... but at least watching Live the Dream beats watching over-rated SG Idols wannabes!... at least 80% in the former show can sing and entertain as compared to the latter.. SG Idols have 80% who cannot sing and/or entertain!... hah!! lucky we got the right Idols in both the seasons!!.... i'll be rooting for soulful Fendi and lovely Olynn.. From the snippets, Sugarettes seemed good too.. so, i'll prolly be rooting for them.. but even then, somehow Live the Dream don't appeal me to start voting for anyone!.. y eh??.. hahahaha...
haaaaaa..... i'm bored!!... cannot wait to go off at 3pm!!....
I'm bored out of my freakin mind!.... and when i'm bored, i snack... i also do some surfing.. and wat would i be surfing?... baking recipes, of course!... i cannot wait to try out some of the recipes.. buuutttt, biler tu eh nak cuba??... haiz....
OH!.. OH!.... i watched Live the Dream (like finally!!) yesterday and i was like sooooo damn blardy disappointed at the results lor... y on earth was the wildcard round results left entirely up to the votes??.... we know jolly well that if SG votes, some lousy peeps will snake into the finals undeservingly!.. and tat's wat happened!....
i sooooo regretted not voting for Monggur.. i didn't watch her perform but from the snippets, she chose the wrong song.. not her best performance but at least she's better than V/I/C/T/O/R who??.. i dun want that A/L/A/N to go into the finals but after the results, i'd rather he go into the finals than him!... his version of Mandy was sooooo lembek.. it almost made me roll off the bed, sleeping!... gaaaah!!!....
And then, the grp results?.. lagi disappointing!... wat's up with choosing a lousy-trying so hard- cannot make it band with very bad shouting-all-the-way-singer to the finals??... B.A.R.B was waayyyyy better than them siah!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
howell... but at least watching Live the Dream beats watching over-rated SG Idols wannabes!... at least 80% in the former show can sing and entertain as compared to the latter.. SG Idols have 80% who cannot sing and/or entertain!... hah!! lucky we got the right Idols in both the seasons!!.... i'll be rooting for soulful Fendi and lovely Olynn.. From the snippets, Sugarettes seemed good too.. so, i'll prolly be rooting for them.. but even then, somehow Live the Dream don't appeal me to start voting for anyone!.. y eh??.. hahahaha...
haaaaaa..... i'm bored!!... cannot wait to go off at 3pm!!....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
She's beginning to get on my nerves... how many times must a simple instruction be passed down before she actually geddit?... i hope i dun have to lose my patience with her... i'm closed to screaming at her this morning... sesungguhnya aku berpuasa..
Dearest have told me to make her repeat my instructions to her coz he knows that she cannot take instructions.. but i dun want to treat her like a child.. most of the time, she's free to do watever however she likes.. some times, there are certain things extra tat i need her to do and she cannot do it coz she didn't "listen" to me... urrrgghh!!!......
at this point, i seriously want the 2yr contract to end and no more hiring of a maid thereafter... gaaaahhh!!!....
She's beginning to get on my nerves... how many times must a simple instruction be passed down before she actually geddit?... i hope i dun have to lose my patience with her... i'm closed to screaming at her this morning... sesungguhnya aku berpuasa..
Dearest have told me to make her repeat my instructions to her coz he knows that she cannot take instructions.. but i dun want to treat her like a child.. most of the time, she's free to do watever however she likes.. some times, there are certain things extra tat i need her to do and she cannot do it coz she didn't "listen" to me... urrrgghh!!!......
at this point, i seriously want the 2yr contract to end and no more hiring of a maid thereafter... gaaaahhh!!!....
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
i want those rock & roll curls!!..... i was reading last month's issue of Her World and they featured these curls that springs from the roots!... it even treats dry and frizzy hair... and you only need a leave-in conditioner to maintain the look!....
i need big hair to hide my thinning hair.. it's ridiculous the amt of hair that falls ev'time i wash it or run through my very kusut hair... i also think i need to see a trichologist.. but they do say that we fall an average 50-100 strands of hair per day.. only thing - i cannot afford to lose that much hair!... baaaahh!!!!.... ;(
anyways, i'm feeling disturbed abt something.. very. disturbed. hmmm.... how did it come to this? or why? gaaaaahh!!..... dun mind me.. i'm rambling.. i'm juz disturbed..
i want those rock & roll curls!!..... i was reading last month's issue of Her World and they featured these curls that springs from the roots!... it even treats dry and frizzy hair... and you only need a leave-in conditioner to maintain the look!....
i SOOOOOOOO want those curls!!!!.....
i need big hair to hide my thinning hair.. it's ridiculous the amt of hair that falls ev'time i wash it or run through my very kusut hair... i also think i need to see a trichologist.. but they do say that we fall an average 50-100 strands of hair per day.. only thing - i cannot afford to lose that much hair!... baaaahh!!!!.... ;(
anyways, i'm feeling disturbed abt something.. very. disturbed. hmmm.... how did it come to this? or why? gaaaaahh!!..... dun mind me.. i'm rambling.. i'm juz disturbed..
Monday, September 03, 2007
i'm really on a baking mode!... i've got quite a lot of recipes to try out but no time to do it.. but this weekend was a bit different coz it was egg tarts this weekend... coz for the first time in quite a long time, my weekend was spent at home... did my portuguese tarts of course!... and then, i attempted to do egg tarts... was actually tempted to do Choc Chip Muffin but the egg tarts looked easier... this was the outcome..

it really looked like the portuguese tarts but the recipe is totally different... i dun quite like the taste of the pastry.. i'd prolly try out another tart recipe the next time.. if u're trying out this recipe, perhaps u can share with me your tips if you think urs turn out nicer than mine.. ;)
we went for the big sale that levi's and RSH was having and then, we were back home... was soooooo tempted fight the crowd to ramage thru the pile of cheap levi's jeans buttttt, the heat, the smell and the menacing crowd put me off big time.. in the end, i only came out with 4pairs of socks for the babe and a skirt for my niece!... chet!
manage to get bibik to come down to massage me and i've decided to spend a teensy weensy part of my pay on massages every month to clear off the "blockages" all over my body!... i can literally feel the bumps all over and it hurts like crazy!... :(
btw, it's my babe's 5th mth today!... *gasp!* he's growing up sooooo fast!!.... Mr Clock, can you slow down ur time, plssss??....
--edited at 4.06pm---------
i juz finished talking to Ms Gems and asking her how she wished RosmAman on her bday when i realised.. i could have done that thru my own blog!!... duuuh!!!....
To Rosma,
i'm really on a baking mode!... i've got quite a lot of recipes to try out but no time to do it.. but this weekend was a bit different coz it was egg tarts this weekend... coz for the first time in quite a long time, my weekend was spent at home... did my portuguese tarts of course!... and then, i attempted to do egg tarts... was actually tempted to do Choc Chip Muffin but the egg tarts looked easier... this was the outcome..
it really looked like the portuguese tarts but the recipe is totally different... i dun quite like the taste of the pastry.. i'd prolly try out another tart recipe the next time.. if u're trying out this recipe, perhaps u can share with me your tips if you think urs turn out nicer than mine.. ;)
we went for the big sale that levi's and RSH was having and then, we were back home... was soooooo tempted fight the crowd to ramage thru the pile of cheap levi's jeans buttttt, the heat, the smell and the menacing crowd put me off big time.. in the end, i only came out with 4pairs of socks for the babe and a skirt for my niece!... chet!
manage to get bibik to come down to massage me and i've decided to spend a teensy weensy part of my pay on massages every month to clear off the "blockages" all over my body!... i can literally feel the bumps all over and it hurts like crazy!... :(
btw, it's my babe's 5th mth today!... *gasp!* he's growing up sooooo fast!!.... Mr Clock, can you slow down ur time, plssss??....
--edited at 4.06pm---------
i juz finished talking to Ms Gems and asking her how she wished RosmAman on her bday when i realised.. i could have done that thru my own blog!!... duuuh!!!....
To Rosma,
aku sungguh bacin, aku tahu!...
sorry that this is a belated bday wish... (5days late!!! *slaps forehead*)
hope u had a rolling gd time on that day..
did u ask Aman for a handphone for ur bday prezzie??...
hehhehe... susah lah nak contact kau nowadays..
it feels weird talking to you thru aman... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
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