it was, as mentioned in my previous post, Daddy's bday 2 days ago... and so, we went to Carousel for dinner.. our first time ever too...
the food was slightly salty - depending on your taste bud, it could be very salty for some.. the selection was good though i prefer the old Carousel better.. the chicken rice was horrendous!.. the raw food - sushi, cold platter and wat have yous were VERY GOOD according to the parents. the bread were soft and delicious!... the bread and butter pudding were simply the best!
we bought this ridiculously expensive cake but ridiculously delicious and got the team of servers to sing to Daddy the bday song!
he loves it when we sing Happy Bday - even if it's not to him!

not only was he stuffed with loads of food!.. he even got a choc treat from a staff there!.. look how satisfied he is!!.. ahhaha...
but when it was time to cut the cake..
but when it was time to cut the cake..
he looked bored!!.... ape saje!
so anyways, Carousel is having a 15% disc to all DBS/Citibank/AMEX card-holders.. it's a good time to be there.. ;)
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