Thursday, December 28, 2006
We just found out how Dearest fare for his exams!... and al-hamdulillah, he passed all his papers with flying colours!!.. YAAAAHHOOOOO!!!!....... and there he was lamenting after every paper abt how not well he'd done and etc.. etc... i think he belongs to that kind of group - the smart ones who will complain and complain abt every paper knowing full well that they'd ace it!.. tsk.. tsk!.. hahahhaha.....
anyways, with the pass of all the papers, he no need to attend any classes next year!... he juz have to complete his FYP and wait for graduation in June!... yeay! yeay!... :) soooo proud of u darl!!... *muacks! muacks!* can't wait for ur graduation.. then we can go don that graduation suit together and take family picture together, eh?!... hehehhee....
hmmm... it's raining again... hujan rezeki gaknye... and i'm home... *yes!*... but i've got classes later.. like soooo lazy to go plak!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... but i think i should go lah!!.... cannot afford to ponteng as and when.. wat with the delivery and post-delivery later!.... howell!....
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
we went on a "major shopping spree" yesterday!... i hope we made the right choice!... but i think we did!... hehehe.. it didn't take long for us to make the choice - 4days was all it took!.... insya-allah it'll all be worth it!... :) happy! happy! me!.... *Joy, i think u know oredi.. and u're the only one who knows!... keep it to urself first, yah!... ;)*
anyways, we've yet to go on a shopping spree for the babe!... baaaah!!!...... we can only go around snooping our noses at the different stores coz my parents' house is not ready - the current house is too damn small!!! aaaarrgghh!!!..... we went to look at the house on Sat and hmmmm..... it doesn't even look half ready!.... but it sure is damn huge lor!.... oh!.. and there's a store in the house!!.... *exciting!* u see, we never really had one before!... tat's y i'm excited!.. hahaha....
ok.. back to the lamenting.. the house doesn't look like it'll be ready in Jan!... how freakin saddening!.... so to Yanti and Rosma, pls hold on to the things that u're passing me.. i won't go get it till prolly in Feb!!... :( but we hope to work something out.. so, i'll let u know in due time yah...
but i sooooo wanna get my hands on this Maclaren stroller we saw!!... and it's such a good bargain at Baby's Kingdom!!!.... grrrr..... btw, for those who may not know it oredi... there's this warehouse kinda place - Baby's Kingdom and Baby's Hyperstore at Shun Li Industrial Park, Kaki Bukit Ave 1.. they open everyday even on PHs!!.. haaaaizzz..... i got the moolahs but i don't get to spend them!... baaaaahH!!!!
it's freakin raining today but i'm feeling hot!... urrrgghh!!.... is it juz pregnant me?!.. or is the aircon really not working?!...
Friday, December 22, 2006
The trainer gave us a look to copy off the mag... and guess who i was supposed to "look" like!!....
pls dun mind my oily, sweaty face... hahahhaa....
hehehee... yes.. the one on the left? - tat's Aisywaria Rai - the fatter, pregnant version!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. lurve, lurve, lurve the eye colour!!!...... must scout for the eye-colour liao....
oh!.... Dearest said he dreamt of our babe last nite... he didn't give me details of how our babe looks like.. i wonder if he dreamt that the babe's got straight hair?.. hahahaa.... hmmm.... we juz can't wait for it's arrival!!!.....
actually, it's oredi 22wks, going on 23!... time really do fly!!!..... tup! tup! next mth, we'll be receiving 4 babies!!... Yati, my cuzz's, Murni's and Izy's!.... all around the same time! oh my!..... how exciting!!!!.... :D it's gonna be babies galore next year!!!..... and how can they say that baby's not booming in S'pore??!.... hmmmm....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
i'm literally falling asleep the whole of today!... been dozing off while doing some reading... and i juz can't seem to open my eyes until i pop in a few M&M minis!... and now at least half the tube is gone!!.... shit!.. i better curb my snacking rendevous siah!!... not hungry but keep munching!.. uurrrgghh!!!... ;(
anyways, yest, the girls - Fahma, Leen and Carolyn gave me a surprise bday "treat"... juz nice for tea time actually!.. hahahhaa.... thanks girls!!!... nevermind if it's belated!... it's the tot that counts!! ;)
and thank god it didn't rain last nite!!..... my cuzzin got her party underway as planned.. al-hamdulillah.. and boy!.. did she invite a LOT of her friends over!!!..... waaahahhahaa..... al-maklum.. they may not see each other as often since they're all graduating and prolly going to the different institutions and/or going their separate ways... aaaah... reminded me of my secondary school class-mates.. wonder wat happened to them eh??.... hmmmm....
but anyways, the food damn kick-ass nice!.... basically, i juz stuffed myself with satay and chicken wings!.... they're finger-licking goooooddd!!!..... speaking of it make me wanna eat some more now!.... damn!!.... pfft!... i ate till i was sooooo full last nite but this morning, i woke up, feeling sooooo hungry!.... alamak!.. how liddat?!....
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
yeay!.. the sun came out at last!... i'm soooo happy!!...i hope it stays this way for the sake of my cuzzin who's celebrating her bday today!... :) she's invited us to her bbq and soooooo i dun really wanna see her plans foiled!!.... happy 16yrs old Shahirah!! :D
anyways, yest was (to me), a successful make-up lesson day!.. yeay!.. manage to do my C-technique quite well, i must say.. hahaha...
we also learnt how to do the hair.. very basic one... not glamour ones of course... and THAT gave me a hard time.. it doesn't help that i dun have enough time to complete the hair... wat u see on her is not done by me obviously!.. ahahaa....
but anyways, can practice somemore the coming weeks! :)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It's been raining since yesterday!!... gosh!... and i had to take the cab today.. which cost me nearly $20!.. alamak!.... really cannot afford to take cabs in the later stage of my pregnancy lah!.. too expensive!!!... baaaahh!!...
anyways, we had a nice, "romantic" dinner at my favourite rest... 3 Monkeys!.. hehehee... the food was nice, ambience was cozy and the company is lovable!... *muacks!!*... love u dear!!!..... we were sooooo freakin full at the end of the day but had to wait out for the rain to stop...
we tot it'd stop.. but when we were walking towards the bike halfway, it started pouring cats and dogs AGAIN!!.... and sooooo we rushed to the nearby phone-booth where we cramped in for almost half an hr!.... very "romantic" hor?.... hahhahaa.... i was already pretty sleepy by then and soooooo we braved the "storm" and made our way home!... coz we sure ain't getting out of there anytime soon if we're thinking of waiting for the rain to stop!.... baaaaah!!....
to sum it up, my bday was a wet (but not wild!), romantic one..... ;) i'm happy to be with my Dearest.. and i think it's hujan berkat on my bday.... :)
today, i juz wish i was in bed, enjoying the warmth of my blanket!!.... brrrr.... it's such a nice weather to sleep in!.... there's nothing much to do around here... so yeah!... i'm freakin free!..... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
Monday, December 18, 2006
Have you gotten hold of the CD yet??... i forgot that i wanted to blog abt it today till i went surfing to annnnddd.. they've got my fav song!!!..... *screams!*
Song composed by the man himself... lyrics by him and Imran Ajmain.. i fell in lurrrve with the song the moment i heard it!... i'm not too sure y!!... but the chorus serves as a reminder to my Dearest.... coz i don't ever wanna let him go and i dun ever want him to let me go!!.....
Back to review of the album - i lurve three quarter of the album.. coz the rest of the songs aren't my cup of tea... he wrote/composed/arranged most of the songs... and i can tell ya.. i really do feel for him... how come his love stories sooooo sad one??.... aiyoh!!....
but anyways, if his malay album is filled with songs like Usah Lepaskan, i'll die happy listening to his album!... hahahaha... :P ooooh... i can't freakin wait!!!.....
yeay!... it's my bday today!... another year has gone by... a year older but hopefully wiser.. hehehe... *though i know some will tend to disagree!.. considering how "slow" i am at somethings!... * :)
so what have i significantly achieve the past year?...
1. a new (short-lived) figure. even for that slightest moment - 1mth to be exact.. i got myself a figure i never imagine i can achieve!... even if it's not exactly what i want!.. hahhaa.... but howell!... anything to look good for the wedding!!.... hhehee... and of course, now, i'm going back to my original frame only bigger!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
2. my newly wed status. i LURRRVVEE being married to the love of my life! love u honey!!!... *muuaaacckss!!*... nothing beats getting a kiss and greeted from your loved one first thing on your bday morning!...
3. our unborn but breeding child in me. can't really say i lurrrrve being pregnant... but i definitely doooooo lurrrrve this breeding child in me... it's amazing what God has created and how it's being created... and it's definitely making us excited waiting for it's arrival!!....
the past year is filled with bless, full of new experiences.. a good year indeed.. and i hope, i'd enjoy more blessed, fulfilling years to come!! ;)
Friday, December 15, 2006
With the MC that i got yest, i slept off my running nose and anger away before waking up, feeling fresher and much better... i decided to try out these 2 new recipes i got off a mag and the net...
Apple Crumble and Philadelphia 3-step Mini Cheesecake Baskets.. didn't take any pictures coz we dug into the apple crumble once it was ready to be eaten!... and by the time i remembered to take a picture of it, it looked kinda gross-like but definitely a tantalising treat! ;) and the cheesecake was sunken!!!..... urrrrgghh!!... soooo irritated!.. but very, very yummylicious!... hehehehe... anyways, recipes will stored in Multiply soon...
anyways, yesterday gave us yet another milestone... we tried talking to the lil' one.. we wanted him to kick/punch so that the Daddy can feel it move in me... and so, wat did the Daddy ask the lil' one?..... "When you come out later, u'll get to play PS2 with Papa!... want or not?" and lo and behold!.... he kicked and punched!!.... the Daddy went hysterical!... at last!!.. the lil' one acknowledges it's Daddy's voice!... hehehe... he might be a "gamer" for responding enthusiastically to that silly question posed by the Daddy... :(
we also manage to watch Amazing Race Asia last nite (since i didn't go to class!) and Singapore's out of the running of that $100,000 prize... bummer!... but nonetheless, u girls did good!!!...... :) i cannot, cannot stand that Sahran!.... he's scared of practically every lil' thing thrown at him!... urrrrghh!!!.... if u're such scaredy pussy, y the hell did u join the race in the first place?!... urrrrgghh!!..... i can betcha if one day they all have to jump from a tall building or something, i won't be surprise if he actually pee in his pants on national TV!.... urrrgghh!!....
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Just been to the doc's... and can i request to give the doc a tight bitch-slap?... urrrrgghh!!.... he asked me questions with a straight face that screamed - "PUNCH ME!"...
when i answer, he nodded. wrote some notes. silent. ask question. answer. nodded. hear my lungs - front. back. wrote some notes. silent. all these while sitting on his ass and me having to move myself about, feeling uncomfortable!... baaaaah!..... wtf!...
the clinic's lucky that this doc is a replacement one... i dun think anyone would wanna go back to the clinic if he's the doc!...
oh!... and yesterday, was on the MRT to Woodlands after my check-up with my gynae... annnnddd this one Singaporean lady is also asking for a jab from me when she started pushing me while trying to get out of the MRT!.... like "Hello! Woman!... i'm going out too, rite?!" alamak!!!.... macam nak kena terajang betul sey!!.... such an impatient bitch!... so wat did this oredi irritated, pregnant woman do?... turned around, gave her my fiercest stare and grunted a loud "hmph!".... even Dearest got a shock when he heard that grunt!... hahaha... he was oblivious coz he was in front of me bull-dozing the way for us mah.... ;)
i was supposed to do the 3D scan of my babe yest... but, the doc said that the babe's not in the right position to do it... so.. haiiizzz... have to wait for another month.... and we found out that my placenta is pretty low... it's at the borderline and there's a slight chance that i may not be able to deliver normally... :( so now, i'm hoping and praying that the placenta will go up in the the nx few mths so that i've got a good chance of having a normal delivery!....
oh!... we have kinda settled on a name for the babe.. i wanted to start calling the babe by the name but Dearest, in his usual paranoid mode, is against it.. reason?... he's worried that the babe may not be a boy afterall!.... alamak!!.. the detailed scan should be more accurate than juz the normal scan rite??.... can someone pls tell him that!!!..... *exasperated!*
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i was reading TODAY and read abt our Singaporeans who got kidnapped and robbed in JB recently... that made me all the more wary to go back to JB!!.....
ever since the incident that happened in March 2004, i dare not step into JB... even though i wasn't hurt in any way, that one incident alone scarred me.. i still cower or cringe everytime i hear a loud, screeching bike ride past us... in a car, in a group - yes.. i'd be more willing but if u ask me to go in juz the 2 of us or a few ppl in juz 1 car, hmmmm..... i'd be very, very half-hearted...
too many incidents, too many reports abt ppl robbed, parang-ed, killed, blah.. blah.. in JB... B juz told me that her mother's car's windows were smashed with a rock when her bro drove the car there!... they tried to take away the radio set.. but when they couldn't take it out, they left only with the outer casing of the radio.. like that also shiok?!... pantat!!!....
we've got an invitation during the X'mas holiday to JB - Dearest's relative... the family's been asking when me and Dearest would go down to visit... everytime i'd answer, "insya-allah" but i know deep down, it won't be anytime sooooon....
urrrrgghh... i'm still sneezing after taking the panadol last nite... i tot it'd be alrite in the morning since i sweated buckets after popping the pill.. butttt noooo... i sneezed the first thing in the morning!... :'(
y the hell did i bother turning up for work today?!... gaaaahh!!!..... feeling shitty and disorientated... oh!.. not forgeting my wisdom tooth pain decide to come bacK!!... aaaggghhh!!!..... my left gum feeling as if someone's hammered me overnite and now, it's left that side of my face feeling numb but throbbing with pain... :(
btw, i forgot to mention yesterday that i dreamt of my lil' babe.... very cute!!.. round eyes, chubby cheeks and smiley!... :) butttt with straight hair!!!..... waaahhahaha... how can that be kan?!.... but i was pretty sure it's ours!...
hmmm.. tat image sure has put a smile to my face now... i think i should juz keep that image in mind so that i dun feel sooooo lousy... dam.. dee.. dam.... ;)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
aaahhh... yes!.. it's confirmed... it's a boy lah!!..... we went for a detailed scanning which only took 20mins but got us HOURS of wait!!.... *boo!* and the lady who did the scanning didn't even ask if we wanted to find out the gender of the babe... juz blah and said "u know that it's a baby boy, don't you?" like "damn you!".. we dun really know that!.. and we dun really wanna know!... but since it's pretty obvious from the scan, wat the heck!... the impt thing is, e babe is healthy, weighing 383g at 21wks..
sooooo yeay!!... we're excited!..... :) soooo many boys this year!!..... the 3 mak yongs of the gang are expecting boys next year... can't believe it!!... hahahhaa... The Sury family have another boy (totalling 3 nephews) to it's 4th generation.. and my SP gang have another boy addition too!!.... - lil' Fauzi and lil' Adam have fwen to play with oredi! ;)
waiting for Thurs to see our babe's features... yeayness!!!....
oooooh..... speaking of yeayness, i finally cut 3-4 inchess off my long, tangled, curly, disorientated mane on Fri... happy sakan!.... after the cut, i have less tangled hair, feel free-er!.... annnnndddd, i also receive a surprise early bday present from my bro!....
my first and prolly ONLY Coach bag i'll own!... unless of course, he's gonna give me a different Coach bag every bday!.. hahahaa... *yeah! rite!* brought it out the very next day to meet Ms Quirky (totally forgot to take pictures of and with her!.. too busy eating and gossiping!!) and also a nite out with the in-laws...
Friday, December 08, 2006
When i found out that a 16yr old girl won an unexpected Gold medal for us in the Asian Games, i was shocked and ecstatic!... i went "Sure or not?!".... like WOW!... she did??!... she beat the Chinese??..... amazing isn't it?
but of course, there'd be ppl like Dearest who'll go "but she's not a true-blue Singaporean.. wat's there to be proud of?"..... that may be true but the fact that she and a few other Foreign Sports Talents who were brought here and agreed to forsake their former citizenship to become Singapore citizens showed the sacrifice they'll make for Singapore, rite?...
to me, they're already a Singaporean and they're representing Singapore.. and you cannot deny the fact that the Chinese (i meant the China ppl) have a better sporting genes than most Asian countries.. if not, why else would it look like it's
anyways, to all our athletes - CONGRATULATIONS to have made it to one of the 4 major Games.. double Congrats to those who have contributed to the medal tally.. ;) we have 2 Golds, 4 more Golds to outdo our last Asian Games... insya-allah we can make it - in the spirit of Team Singapore.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
We've been told, reminded, warned (?), that a child's name is very important. Wat with the Papa itself emphasizing the need to have a name that is "recognised" in Islam. I acknowledged that need but i also acknowledged the fact that as a girl, i'm prone to beautiful things - and that include names!..
and soooooo, i had went in search of beautiful names with beautiful meaning(s)... and last nite, we managed to agree on a girl's name... but we've yet to agree on a boy's name... waaahahhahaa.... i dun quite like the name that the Papa has chosen coz i juz felt that i couldn't quite "sync" it... On the other hand, he's oredi let me have my way with the girl's name and so, isn't it just right to let him have his way for a boy's name?.... hmmmm...... perhaps we should juz combine the names!!!..... kwang... kwang.. kwang... but we've decided that our child (or children in future) will only have a simple name for reasons:
- we can all call him/her by his/her full name. No short-forms. No calling by first names
- the grandparents and great-grandmother can remember the name easily.
- the child don't have to "struggle" writing down their names during class, exams or filling out an application form!...
- and it'll make it easier for parties involved to pronounce their names during akad nikah (solemnisation).. hehehe..
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The trick to this technique is to colour the socket area outwards.. i can't really theorise it further but wat u see is close enuff to that of the supposed C-Technique lah... :)
And as u may have guessed, it's a different model this time... this is how she looks after the make-over... she lurrrrve to take out all her make-up after every class... luckily she dun have time to do that yesterday!... coz i think it'd be such a waste to take it off!!......
We also learnt to do taping of the looked easy enuff.. but i doubt that when the time comes for me to actually do the taping myself, errrrm...... hopefully, i can get it right then!!!.....
Btw, have heard Hady's album and as expected, i prefer his live rendition of the songs... buuutttt, there's also 1 song that i think everybody should listen to.. it's his own song - Merpati (Dove) - it's in Malay though... i love it!!! ;) i'm still waiting for the day i go to CD-Rama to get my hands on Taufik's latest album!.. urrrgh!!!....... y the hell do they sell it exclusively there?!... bacin sungguh!!.... sooooo tak accessible!... :( oh!.. in case u've not gotten hold of Manja mag (Dec issue), with Taufik in front cover, i juz wanna say he look sooooo damn yummylicious in his shoot!..... muuaaahhhhahahhaa.....
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
It's yeayness that the bitches in Amazing Race 10 is finally OUT of the competition!! ;) waaahahahaa.... been wanting them to be OUT soooo early in the competition coz they were tooooo bitchy - a real beauty queen trademark i must say!!....
who do i hope would win the million bucks?... anyone but the sistas!.... they're another set of bitchy queens but more subtle... or actually, only one of them is... u'd know who if u watch the show!...
i do have a fav bet the 2 hunks and the couple.. but i dun wanna jinx it!!!.... i do hope my fav would win!!! :D
Amazing Race Asia is also pretty exciting esp the last episode in Australia!!... unexpected twists of fate.. butttt... i still dun like Allan Wu hosting the show!!... DULL! DULL! DULL!!!!....... *bleagh!* can they get someone more exciting, plsssss....... rooting for Melody and friend!!..... go Singapore!!!!!! been doing pretty well the last leg... yeayness!!!!
oh!.. and the Asians in Survivor are also doing pretty well!!!.... GOOOOO ASIANS!!..... they're all still in the island, surviving!!..... so i hope they all made it to the merge!
Was informed of a rather disturbing news this morning... couldn't believe wat i heard... am pretty disappointed that things turned out the way it did... but i guess no one can really judge nor comment since no one can really say wat happenned behind closed doors.. :(
the pregnancy has taken a new direction.. it's been wetness yesterday!... wanted to pee every 5mins!!.... gdness!!... luckily it stopped after half an hr!... probably no more water to pee out!... baaaah!!!......
oh!... and i've come to a realisation that i am, afterall a pampered bitch!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. i simply cannot stand the tot of having to take the public transport to work every morning at rush hour!... :'( how do ppl do it eh??.... taking the public transport with ev'one "falling asleep" in the train or bus when u're pregnant, standing?!... uuuweeeekk!!!....... i guess i shall juz have to take the bike till the very, very last moment when my body or my babe (or prolly the bike too!) say NOOOOOOOO!!!!.......
see, we did our own reality check and it's not feasible to get our own car now... wat with the babe and the house coming together at abt the same time... it's time to toughen myself up... but hmmmm.... we'll see if i falter later... :(
Monday, December 04, 2006
the company's internet system was not working over the weekend and sooooo, baaaah... no updates!!!..... :( on Friday, i wanted to tell everyone that i have reached yet another milestone in my pregnancy... i can't put on my wedding ring anymore!!!.... :( very the sad!!......
couldn't believe the day has come... my already stubby fingers got stubbi-er (if there's ever such a word!) my fingers will definitely shrink after delivery rite??... rite??.. rite??... hmmm..... *i hope so!*.. can't afford to have chubbier, stubbier fingers!...

for this recipe, click here..
and then yesterday, had my much awaited shopping session with Dearest.. only that i didn't manage to shop for things that i really need!!... *wat's really new?!* but i did quite shop till i drop!... hahahha.....
we went to Vivo City to experience to mega-shopping experience... first feel when we stepped into the mall, it felt like i was KLCC... but after doing the rounds, it's not a big a shopping centre as i had envisioned it to be - wat with everyone saying that it's huge and it takes a while to actually go from one shop to another...
but i do lurve it's transformation!!.... it reminded us of the time when we were still dating.. studying there with our friends, "romancing" by the bay looking over Sentosa.. waaahhaha....
and we watched this group of peeps playing some instruments... and we were quite intrigued with these girls who were playing some strings that were hung from the top of the mall to their one wooden instrument...
see how the 2 ladies have their hands up in the air??... they were tugging or wateva u call it on the strings... we couldn't really make out the sound from the strings though... but it was interesting!...
at the end of the day, I had fun shopping with him.. he had fun seeing me walk till i drop.. but ultimately, WE had fun spending the time with each other after the past stressful exam weeks!..