Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy BDAY to me! :)
i'm juz glad i'm still enjoying life.. work may be full of shit now but at least i go home to my wonderful baby and Dearest husband who loves me unconditionally..
no resolutions. never stick it anyways! hah!
wishes a plenty..
to all December babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!.. may we be filled with love and joy, good health and prosperity for years to come!!.. ;)
now.. what shall we do today??... hmmm...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
it seemed that i'm not "delivering".. i'm the most "free-est" amg everybody here...
fuck you!..
u see wat u wanna see. u hear wat u wanna hear. u dun fucking listen. u forgot that there's a whole load of other things we do here. i dunno wat kind of a boss dun listen to wat work we do around here.
did u assume i'm free juz coz i seemed to be "enjoying" my work. fuck lah!.. i think i'll turn into an old nag if i go to work, dragging my feet and looking all forlorn doing my work!... :( grrrr...
2 more days to my bday and this is wat i get?!.. fuck u for spoiling it for me!...
ps: sorry that the entry is full of the F word.. i can't help it!.. i need to let it out!!!... and i'm damn blardy angry abt this!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
yes.. it's been a while since i last step foot in here!... the last time i updated was of Anuar Zain's concert and Zanna's wedding.. the last i heard, MaricAnna just celebrated their 1 mth anniversary!... it's been THAT loonggg?!!!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
i've been too bz with work and being sick!.. seriously!... i got the flu a mth after i took 2days MC for fever!.. grrrrr.... i can't freakin believe it!.. and right smack at the time when i have soooo many things to do!.. :(
and when i AM working and having soooo much things to do, someone in there thinks i'm freakin FREE!... not everything can be done within 2-3hrs hor!... grrrrr..... cannot believe it!...
niways, i don't want to "smear" my blog with stuffs of this "someone"... this someone can shove his weird-ass somewhere else!... thank u very much!...
so wat have me and my dearests been up to?... Eshan went on his first trip to the zoo on the 16 Nov together with a whole load of ppl!.... when i first organise this, i didn't realise that it was the second day of the sch holidays!... and not only that!... there were 2 family days happening at the same time!.. kwang..kwang..kwang.. PLUS, the KidsWorld (or wateva that's called!) juz opened so, our intention to bring him there and get him wetgot discarded soon after we reached the brand, new place!... :(
but i think he had a jolly good time though he was pretty much afraid to get "near" any of the animals even though all he had to do was touch the freakin glass.. hahahha....
we went to the Kids World thinking we can get Eshan wet there!... BUT... there were tooo many kids and parents there that there don't seem to be any space left in the wet area for Eshan to play around!...
i think we'll plan to go a weekday sometime next year.. so that we can fully enjoy the outing without having to jostle our way thru the crowds!...
i've been trying out a few recipes while i've been away from this ol' blog of mine... but can't seem to find the time to upload them!.. grrrr.... :( i wanna try out new recipes.. but i dunno wat!!!...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Truth be told, i'm still not over Anuar Zain's concert!.. :( i want MORE!... gosh.. i've got abt a week's worth of things to blog abt but no energy and time to do it...
so, let's juz blog abt one of the most amazing nites i had with Anuar Zain!.. hahahaha... it was "amazing" rite from the start!... i picked Ms Sinus up at 7.40pm and promised Win to meet us at 8.15pm at Esplanade. The show starts at 8.30pm!... i terribly underestimated the nite's traffic and ended up being at Nicoll Highway at nearly abt 8.10pm.. by then, there was still 10 lots avail at Esplanade's parking.. 200m after that first signboard, there were only 6 lots avail!...
when we reach Esplanade's parking at 8.15pm, we were not even allowed in coz it was FULL!.. so, had no choice but to park at One Fullerton.. by the time we had a parking lot it was already abt 8.20+ish!... in Amazing Race style, we dashed out of the car once my car was in the lot!...
and SPRINTED we did from one end of the bridge to the other in RECORD time!!!.... abt 50m-100m of it in my 3inch heels no less!.. hahahhaa... the rest was done barefooted style in front of the many ppl sitting or walking, enjoying the breeze/view!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... but frankly, there's no time to think abt "saving face" coz u can be damn sure i dun wanna miss a
we reached Esplanade at abt 8.26pm - JUST at the nick of time!!!... we came in all breathless - only to find one of seats taken by this woman who, still doesn't think that she's in the wrong by the way!... Win overheard her grumbling to the hubby/bf that i was rude (juz coz i din say "excuse me"!) like hello?... u saw that i was already looking at u when i was coming in!... and i did say nicely to u... and how did u answer me? "Is it?" with a very aku-tak-puas-hati look!... pls lah!... use ur brains can?... the 3 of us came in together. dun tell me i bought 2 tix + 1 tix at another seat?!... wah lau eh!.... stupid woman!...
but niways, that incident din bother me one bit!... coz Anuar was there, belting his hits, singing his heart out albeit with a scatchy throat!... but he hit all notes almost perfectly!.. aaaaah!.... i love, lurve, love Uuuu Anuar Zain!!! :D it really din feel like 2hrs had passed by coz i can safely say, the whole theatre thirst for more!!!.... we din want it to end. and we din want him to go juz yet!!!..... but the thing that was lacking from the performance, was his interaction with the audience. It would have been nicer if he had interacted more with the audience. When he talk, i couldn't really make out what was it that he said... but like Ms Sinus said lah - if he talk more, less songs! so, oklah.. sing MORE plssssss!!! ;)
but LELAKI INI have to go.. the time was up!.. haaaizzz.... howell!.. as if the excitement of seeing him on stage and hearing him live wasn't enuff, we and a thousand over hormones raging girls/women/makcik alike - chased after Taufik for a pose or a snapshot.. he was very accommodating, i must say!... Win managed to get a pose with him.. i din want to - SHY mah!.. hahahaa... niways, i've already gotten a pic taken together with him - no need to chase him some more (although that was like wat? 3yrs ago?!).. hahahahaa...
all in all, the nite felt soooo surreal... the next time i attend his concert, i hope the 3 of us have enuff moolahs to get the most expensive tix and get front row seats no less!!!!!!..... he's totally worth it!!!!!..... betul! tak bedek!... i manage to voice record a few songs.. quality not that gd - wat with the screaming and we being at the 3rd level of the concert hall!... but enjoy them nonetheless! :)
oooooh!.... can i also wish a dear fren of mine our heartiest congrats!... dah kawen pun adik kiter nie satu!.. hehehe... :) she's already on her way or might've reached their honeymoon destination by now..
And this was Eshan - being his fearless-self - wandering around the area and giving me this forced wink!.... gaaaaah!!....
now, he can...
- nod his head when he wants something
- Say "YUMMY! Yum! Yum!" when the food's good (god knows who taught him that!!)
- points out his eyes, mouth, tongue, ears, cheeks and nose correctly
- be very stubborn and purposely do something that he's not supposed to do juz to amuse himself!... grrrrrr!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i took this shot candidly... can you make a guess wat the boys are thinking?
hmmmm..... this is what i think they're thinking.. :D -> click here..
i forgot to bring along my cam tat day... i took these pictures off the gang's photo cribs.. meet our pride and joy, all grouped together for a photo shot of their first ever raya together!...
till we meet again next yr or hopefully earlier eh...! ;)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
loved it!.. thanks Aunty Nur!!
and thanks to the family who came and enjoyed the food... and of coz, thanks to Mak, i've got mee siam to serve that day and my now mastered Shepherd's Pie.. dunno wat we'd do without her!! :D
Then on Sunday, we went beraya with the SP Gang.. our last visitors for Syawal 2008. As usual, it was a kecohrable affair esp since Ayu's around.. hahahhaa.. :D
plus, now that the kids are all "grown up" - we can see all their silly antics..
1. Fauzi - the emo boy - he's got his own merajuk style which we found too cute!
2. Adam - the SNAG - he's like the only "grown up" amg the kiddies and he takes a freakin long time to warm up to all of us.. apparently, he only does this with us! hmmm.. i wonder y?!...
3. Eshan - the social butterfly - the name says it all.. and u'll know y when u see him.. ;) hahaa...
4. Adawiyah - the smiley one - always smiling whenever she catches us watching her..
5. Akid - the fearless one - so far, he's let anyone of us to carry him and he's the only one amg the boys who's not afraid of the little tortoise
anyways, since our love nest was the last order of the day, it was juz apt that i serve dessert, thinking that ours was the 6th and last hse, i'm pretty sure food will be served at every hse - WRONG!!... ours was the 4th hse. Only Ayu served a variety of food. Ani served kuih. Skipped Bai and Naz's hses and Ms Sinus - like me! tot that ours was the last few hses and we'd be too full to eat anything - only cooked noodle soup.. kwang.. kwang.. kwang...howell!.... wat to do??..... dessert it is at our love nest.. and wat better way to try out my long awaited apple crumble!!... hehehee.... thanks to Oven Haven, i got the apple crumble recipe i needed... thank u SOOOOO much!!...
Of course, my apple crumble din look anything like hers.. but taste-wise - PASS!!... :D al-hamdulillah..
and before they all left, Sahiril wanted to take a pix with the Liverpool boy for posterity as well as for "luck" for his Liverpool team.. i'm not sure how well Liverpool did that day.. but Eshan sure gave his winning smile - thanks to Naz's prompts... ;) so yeah.. that basically wraps up our Raya this year.. not that we did much Raya-ing.. hehehe...
Friday, October 24, 2008

then there was the Apple Custard Tart i made for another colleague who self-invited himself and family to our love nest!... hahahaha... since we were at home all day, i tot i'd give this a go... and since my throat was recovering from the sore-throat, i highly depended on the them to tell me a review...

though it looked horrendously looking like a rib-cage, it was superbly delish!... so say my colleague and family as well as the 2 boys in the house!!... i MUST work harder at my presentation skills!.. hahahaa...

but once it was done, my still sore throat was itching to have a try... oooooh!.. laaaa..laaaa.... sedaaaapnyeeee!!... yaaa ampuuuun!!!!...... u have to have it while it's piping HOT lah!.... but the crumble that was crumbling down the sides of the cup was too sweet and not that crumbly as i would have liked... i dunno y!...
n oooooh!... finally, my quest for apple crumble is over... juz wait and see... i can't freakin wait!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i think both me and Dearest need to go for some communication course together coz it seemed that we've been miscommunicating with each other too often!..
urrrgh!... it's exasperating, i tell u!!!!!!.....
niways, i'm having a mini open hse for my family this sat... thank god Mak agreed to help cook for us. If not, i DIE!!!!.... as it is, we can't even decide what to serve and prepare for the day!.. kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
the day after, we're gg out with the SP gang for our round of Hari Raya!.. hmmm... also wondering if i shld cook/bake anything... since ours is the last hse, i dun think can cook anything lah.. so how gang, any requests??...
oh!.. Eshan's having fever - AGAIN!.. i tot his fever went off oredi.. and I got the fever from him!... but yest, his temp went UP and still up this morning... but luckily, he's not looking sickly - still playing around and dancing-prancing around!... hmmm...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i'm getting irritated with a particular someone, by the day!...
i think it's rude, it's abrupt and certainly NOT impressive!... freakin' weird-ass!...
oh!... my aunty decided to pop by yest after a 7wks hiatus!.. 3 freakin wks - of waiting and freakin out for a while!... but *phew!* thank god she's here now...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
it was a memorable Raya coz anything that can go wrong, WENT wrong!.. the only thing that was good abt this Raya was, i had a full and complete Ramadan.. al-hamdulillah... ;)
anyways, the day started off with Eshan waking up the same time as moi and so, going to the bathroom without him tagging along with me was inevitable!... in the end, both mother and son took a bath together.. hhahhaa...
and then, he couldn't fit into his baju kurung!!... goodness gracious me!!!.... i freaked out pretty bad thinking that after all the $$ spent, Eshan will not be donning his first full set of baju kurung!!.... siap dgn songkok u!....
in the end, we had to cut away part of the thread that was holding the button area together.. wat a relief when the baju finally went thru his big head!.. ahhahaha... :D
after all that fuss, Dearest decided then to put on his Silver baju instead of the black one coz it was nicer for the first day of Syawal!... grrrr... so, he was the odd ball out!...
by the time we were more or less ready, we were already running pretty late.. but we just had to take that one shot of family pix on the first morning of Syawal!.. hahaha... :D
and so, we arrived blardy late to the first house where all my paternal side were gathered!... haaaiiizzzz... by the time we reached, i lost one of the brooch of my shoes and 2 of the family were leaving.. luckily managed to still meet them along the corridor and found my brooch on the way home without first falling like a nangka busuk along the way!!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
over at my parents' hse, the maternal side gathered.. and had a round of photo session with THE woman in the hse! Photos can be found at my Multiply.. ;) The bibiks were all excited to see Eshan in his baju, samping and songkok!.. but he was more interested to eat and play than taking pix with them!...
we also tried taking the 2 kenits in the family to take a pix together.. but this was the turn-out instead..
after a nap and a full stomach, it was off to the in-laws.. and MY oh MY!... MORE food!!!... seriously, i think i've gained all that i've lost! (if i ever did lose any in the first place!!)... Eshan had a ball eating all the goodies.. but one thing i'm proud of, my son will seek my permission if someone (other than Dearest, myself and my family) tries to give him any food.. he'll not eat it if i say NO.. and he won't cry too! ;) tat's my boy!!... so, at least i can kindof control his food intake without looking sooo much like a control-freak mummy... hehehehe..
so tat's my first day of Raya.. an eventful one indeed!.. next year, we'll def have to wake up very early and be more coordinated with our baju!... hahhahaa...
btw, Eshan's reached 18mths last Fri and had his last jab.. he weighed at 12.14kg!!... acc to the charts, that's at 95 percentile growth!... without realising, he's grown that much!!... gah!... nurses said it was good wt.. so, i need not get worried unneccessarily.. kekekkee...
ps: i have to jot this down.. i think Rancour sucked during the Raya show!... wat a disappointment!... the songs they sang was embarrassing to say the least and the singer faltered during the song Sesuci Lebaran at the end!... gaaaah!.... apadah!...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
a whole day without eating or drinking!... in my 20 odd years of fasting, never once had i missed sahur.. Sunday morning was THE day... i woke up, hearing Eshan's cry for milk.. when i look up, light was already streaming thru the curtain!... that's when i realised, "SHITE! i forgot to wake up for sahur!"....
i tot i wouldn't survive the day!... was soooo tempted to have a sip of water and have a bite!.. but i persevered and i survived... al-hamdulillah... it was basically mind over water.. but i was damn cranky lah yest.. heehhee...
niways, i only managed to bake 2 kinds of cookies yest!... i've got several more to go... i'm feeling kinda stressed coz i dunno if i can make it!!.... i hope i can do both my baking and mak's!... if got time, then do something for Mummy as well... hmmmm.... i hope Eshan won't be too clingy!.. he's always clingy whenever we're busy with something!... urrrgh!....
ooooh!... we also manage to settle our baju kurungs over the weekend!.. yeay!... really saved a bit of money on the clothes this year... only thing pending is whether or not to get Eshan a songkok!... but like $$ wasted coz for sure, he won't wear it even for a sec!!.. he simply hates anything on his head!... haaaiyaaa...
Friday, September 19, 2008
had the worst nite ever with my baby last nite!.. :( he cried his lungs out from the time we tried to make him sleep ie 10.30pm to 1am!...
of coz in between there's pauses when Barney came on TV and when we play with him for awhile.. but as the nite wore on and we got tired entertaining him, that's when things started to get out of control!...
in the end, we popped him a Panadol to hopefully ease wateva pain he's in coz we know for sure he's having running nose. He might also be running a slight temp.. tat's y he's feeling uncomfortable!... i hope it doesn't happen again tonite! i'll be phobic if it happens again!!
i'm now feeling awfully sleepy... :( need my bed now....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Dearest invited his sec sch frenz to our love nest on Sat.. and so, i fretted over what to cook since it's not a potluck session.. :( i chose the easy way out lah... my signature dish, NASI AYAM!... i knew i won't go very wrong with it!.. ahhahaa....
but of coz, i can't possibly juz serve that!... i scoured the net for Shepherd's Pie recipe and voila!..
luckily, it turned out A-OK!.. only thing, i prefer the potatoes to be softer and silkier.. hmmm... there's room for improvements! ;) i can't seem to find the original recipe now.. but if u wanna give it a try, u can get the recipe from my Multiply..
anyways, they were soooo totful as to give us a huge key as a prezzie... it was nicely done and i soooo like it!!!! but we dunno where to hang it!.. hahahaha....
thanks Mrs Bear for the work put in!... ;) She also later invited me to be in her Multiply network with a message attached..
yes!.. both mr and mrs was soooooo in lurve with our Dearest Eshan!... we can see!.. ;) hmmm.. niways, the tot of entering Eshan in baby contest have occured to my mind but never got round doing it!... sesape nak enter kan, silalah ye... hehehee...
to Mr & Mrs Bear, the newly weds, we hope u'll get your own SUPER cute, SUPER adorable, SUPER friendly Bear Jr of ur own next year! ;) we can't wait!!...
this is my baby at 17mths - giving me a half-smile.. :)
haiz.... he'll be 18mths come Hari Raya.. oh my!!.. time flies soooo damn fast!!.... 14days of fasting have just gone by without realising.. i've listed what goodies i wanna bake oredi.. whether or not they get baked.. hmmm... we'll see come 1st Oct! ehhehehe.... but i gotta start baking this weekend if i wanna finish on time!... and wat with the blardy small oven, i need to start freakin early if i intend to go Geylang to scour for our baju kurung! grrrr.....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
for reasons that i cannot state in here.. i miss her... haaaaizzzzzzz....
i've done up a new blogskin... but somehow, i dun quite like it!.. but perhaps, i've to make do with it first until i find the time to find a new skin and do up a proper blogskin.. which i doubt will be anytime soon!... haiiizzzz...
in a lousy, lousy mood today..... :(
Monday, September 01, 2008
Today marks the first day of the fasting month.. it also marked our first sahur together, husband and wife, in our new home.. :)
had to wake up at 4.30am to bathe and prepare for sahur.. after which, unlike all the other years where we had the luxury to sleep in for at least another hour, we both prepared ourselves to go to work! :(
howell!... the sacrifice we have to make-do for now..
to all my Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world, happy Ramadan.. may our fast and good deeds be recognised by Allah swt. insya-allah.. amin..
Friday, August 29, 2008
Darling dearest surprised me last nite with this!
sooooo sweet of him lor!... i was sooooo surprised that it tasted soooo darn GOOD! and by the end of dinner, to OUR surprise, we almost completely finish that big bowl of baked rice!.. it was TAT good!!... uh'huh!... :D
very proud of u darling! *muuuaaacckss!!!*... so now, from Mondays to Fridays, u shall be the chef eh??.. hehehee...
anyways, Ah-xin sent me an email on the effects of wearing high heels... not that i'm gonna stop wearing them coz i lurve wearing them soooo much that i actually missed them when i was pregnant!.. ehhehe... i feel soooo short if i dun wear them lah.. but niways, here's actually why u should NOT wear them often..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Due to "popular demand", i've decided to take a few snapshots of our love nest for your viewing.. :)
i really feel like the photos dun do justice to my very beautifully done-up home (if i can say so myself! hahahaa....) but wateva lah.. u're welcome to come view anytime! ;)
when u first enter thru the front door, the first thing that'll greet u is the dining room..
my love-at-first-sight sofa.. only thing that's missing from the living room now is a carpet.. still haven't found a right one yet..
next, u'll have to go thru the walkway to our rooms and we've called it our hall of fame walkway coz we displayed our graduation shots here.. hehehe...
when u enter our room, u'll first see our custom-make wardrobe cum wall feature in the supposed master room..
and yes.. fyi, the TV can be swivelled just like the TV in the living rm wall feature AND u dun see any wires sticking out! ;) juz next to it, is our study room which we converted to our bedroom..
so there u have it! features of the house which i soooo lurve!... hehheee.... of course, i lurve wat the developers did to the bathrooms too but i can't seem to get a nice pix of them!... so, too bad lah!... :(
wokay!.. on to my weekend.. Daddy told us that he's got tix to watch the fireworks festival.. and so off we went, all the while praying that it won't rain!... but afterall that rushing here and there to the floating platform, the fireworks started freakin late and lasted only abt 15mins?!... grrrr!!!....
and so of course, i took shots of Eshan and ourselves while waiting.. hahaaha.. but no need to feature ALL lah.. this will do.. hehehe..
but i must say, it was a good 15mins! it was almost 3D like!... and boy was i glad Eshan din scream in fear throughout the show!.. i guess he must've been too sleepy to be bothered!.. hahahaha... :D i did take a video of part of the fireworks if u'd like to see..
we also manage to squeeze in to attend Dila's wedding before Dearest have to dash off for his reservist.. bcoz of that, we didn't manage to take pix with the bride and groom! :( but instead took a photo of this cutie pie! hehehhee...
but the wedding was beautiful!.. it was an almost all-white theme with feathers and silver bears.. they got live band singing traditional malay songs and dancers from PA too!... i LOVE it! :D well done, Dila!
and then on Mon, i went to welcome home the TS team...
where we're at, there wasn't much peeps - only kids!... but oklah.. had fun clapping and cheering at every hippo bus that came along!.. hahhahaa...
haizzz.. it's raining and it's lunchtime! how to go out?!!!!.....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
wat's the blardy hoo hah abt this t/o/n/y vs S/T/T/A thingie? plsss lar... i believe the media has sensationalised the whole issue and PLUS! he DID NOT get sacked eh... his secondment period is OVER. geddit? O.V.E.R. it's only rite that he goes back to where he belongs...
albeit the mistake that he did is not a grave one.. but it's enuff to rob one's dream of an OLYMPIC medal! so tell me, how would u feel if u're in that athlete's shoes?
in the "real world" there's really no mercy... so, plssss get over it!...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I can't believe i had that early a conversation with Mummy on baby-making!... she said "better go have another one before they realised it's not gonna work and take it back again!"... hahahhaa... typical kiasu Singaporean!....
i AM just happy that they've made the call to increase the maternity leave and provide more leave for parents with child(ren) under 7yrs..
- 16wks maternity leave (last 4wks can be flexi)
- 6 days child-care leave until child turns 7yrs old
- 1wk (i'm assuming it meant up to 7days) infant-care unpaid leave up until child turns 2yrs old
- tax incentives for working moms
- more baby bonuses for new moms to be announced later!
howell!... we see how lah ye... i, for one, intend to stick to my plan of having another baby by end of next year, insya-allah... and i also do hope that it's a girl!... i dun wanna have to go for a 3rd try for a girl!...
ps: hmmm... with all these incentives, it looks like this is making it more difficult for me to bow out from this company! :(
Friday, August 15, 2008
i actually feel like baking.. but i dun wanna keep baking the same stuffs plus the oven's such a mini that i really am NOT motivated to bake!.... but now, i've this urge to eat apple crumble with ice-cream and i can't possibly go to swensons for it!.... might as well try to do it myself, rite?...
i had this recipe before and manage to do it too.. but first time didn't come out rite but the taste was, if i remember correctly, DAMN good!... anyways, i didn't keep it and i'm now hunting for a nice apple crumble recipe... can someone plsssss pass me a tried and tested recipe??....
the in-laws are also coming over this weekend.. thank god Mak is cooking!... i really dunno wat and how much to cook with the amt of ppl coming!... but i've to at least prepare something too mah... the SIL was also damn nice to offer to buy somethings to put on the table!... but she also reminded me "jgn tak buat choc tart har..."... hmmmm.... like i said, the oven's a mini.. i tried doing it the last time and ho.. ho.. ho... it was a few trips to the oven!... :( howell!... we'll see how...
for now, i juz wanna find an apple crumble recipe...
Monday, August 11, 2008
and so, we got 5th in Butterfly Swimming (W)... oklah tu... who would've tot that we're NOT last?... considering her size and age?...
at home, the debate is still on between me and Dearest on "F/S/T/s" vs true-blue Singaporeans.. as much as i tried to convince him that some of these F/S/T/s are not "imported" and were trained and coached by OUR own coaches, he still felt otherwise...
howell!... the garbermen really have a long way to go to convince ppl like him that the F/S/T/s are one of us!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
anyways, a union took place on National Day (ND) itself - speaking of which, it's soooo weird how it never rain on ND?... it was raining sooooo heavily where we're at which is pretty near to the NDP venue but apparently, the show still went on and it didn't really rain as heavily there... so anyways, felt like a freak going there with my specs, slightly torn dress and bushy hair!
(i wanted to put up a pix of the family photo we took with the bride & groom, but decided not to bcoz i look like a freak!.. :p)
my eye was swollen at it's fullest!... the whole time, i felt like i strained it and only by closing my eyes did it felt comforting... haiiizzz... luckily yest, the swelling subsided.. but it's still itchy! :(
oh!... i had a 1-to-1 talk with our new boss and thankfully, we're on the same page in terms of work-life balance.. :D i did mention to him that i'm thinking of leaving and he accepted it graciously and offered to make life a lil bit more "exciting" for me... it's not really "excitement" that i'm looking for... it's the recognition and the moolahs that i'm after!!.... hehehhe...
so niways, we c how lah hor?... i need some form of motivation to come to work and WORK now, is NOT the motivation!... :(
Friday, August 08, 2008
I've got a stupid infection on my left eye... i think it's coz of my mascara... grrrr..... gotta throw it away! :(
i've got a wedding to attend to tml but i've got to put on the ointment 3x a day! tat'll mean, i can't "glam up" for the wedding!!!!!.... double grrr....
my eye feels like it got punched but it looks like i cried (one-sided) for the whole nite! and to think it wasn't like this, this morning!... i'm also trying all my might not to scratch my eyes out!
y?!... y?!... y?!....
btw, "Don't Forget the Lyrics" was soooo fun and the girl was damn funny lah!... she can't freakin sing but she sure as hell lurrrve to!... hahahhaa... would lurrrve to join the local version but i'm damn sure i'll juz forget the lyrics once it's not there!... hahhaha...
Have a nice weekend peeps!... for those with that privileged tix, LUCKY u!... :p sourgrapes-me will juz have to be contented watching it live on TV! booo!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
it's the end of the day.. i've been feelng pretty unproductive and soooo unmotivated to work!.. :( been sleepy, tired and just. unmotivated. period.
anyways, got to meet Ms Quirky for lunch. as usual, Quirky as ever!.. questions came like gun shots in a cowboy shooting scene!.. ahahaha... very kepo that girl! but i think she's found the right job with her kepo nature.. ;)
Oh!... Dearest got a letter to inform him that there'll be a second recall for the financial year!... how many freakin days do they need sia?!.... urrrgghh!!.... the letter encouraged him to show the letter to the family and company to seek their understanding... (yeah! rite!) understanding or not, can say NO meh?!.... haiyah!!
urrrgh!!.... i'm FULL and i'm SLEEPY!... i wanna go home!... 5 mins, come quickly, can???....
Monday, August 04, 2008
and so, we invited Dearest's football group and family for a potluck session cum private open house.. it's soooo much easier with ppl coming in with food... it's not too stressful on the owner, u know?.... *hint! hint!*..
the session was to also celebrate our niece's bday..
these nieces of ours are my biggest food critic.. if they say good, it must be good!.. ahhahaa... esp si gendut tu!.. she reminds me of me!.. ahhahaa.. niways, thank god i passed!... the food was not gone to waste... all that was laid on the table got wiped out by the end of the day.. first time in history actually!. . ahhaha...
but it's prolly coz they went for a swim after dinner and was famished again after the swim!... oh!.. yes!.. we really made a ruckus at the pool that nite.. but errr... who really cares?!.. hehehe...
so, the nite ended late but with very happy stomachs... hehehhe...
the day after, we sent eshan for his hair-cut!... gosh!
we expected a full-fledged wail from beginning to end.. but nope!.. our boy's all grown up now... hopefully, by next cut, he'll not jembewek oredi lah.. hehehe... ;)
Friday, August 01, 2008
call urself "professionals"!.. oh! pleaseeee!... u tried to bring an innocent down for your own freakin agenda?!... thank god He's great!...
truth prevails and those who got blinded by you and the rest are fools to trust fools like you!...
very angered by the turns of events and how much one change for the drama of it all!... the innocent one had kept mum all this while - not wanting to touch your rice bowl - but this is how you repay one's kindness?... f.u.c.k. U!
gosh!... if only someone would "talk"!.... fools like you should have been asked to berampus long, long time ago!.. we can't grow as long as fools like you are amidst us... i dearly wish you get punished for all that you've done..
karma, my friend... karma..
it'll bite you when u least expect it. .
i'm sure..
to the innocent one, u're strong.
i hope u'll stay.
u're the best we've got so far.
and i hate to see you go bcoz of these fools.
dun say ur job's done coz u've still got a lot to give..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
i've been pretty much stoning the past hour.. this morning was blardy sleepy but luckily got enuff work to help me pass the morning!... gosh!!...
now, i'm back to sleepy.. will juz be happy if i could juz sit here, close my eyes and doze off to Lala land... only now, i think i am in Lala land for thinking such a tot!... :p
oh!... god... i cannot open my eyes!.. heeeeelllppp!!!!.....
oh!... btw, i bought 2 pieces of bag from A/L/D/O... ev'time i dun intend to shop, i ended up with a thing or two!.... grrrr!!..... Dearest will sure flip!.. as if the cupboard is not already full of my bags!.. hahaha... but i've not shop for bags for the longest of time AND they were on SALE!!... :D
maybeee.... i should trf stuffs from the old bag into the new bag to keep me awake before i continue working.. hmmmmmmmmm................
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i received an sms this morning telling me that an acquaintance - a senior in Sec sch - is now in critical condition suffering from brain cancer. i got saddened by the news coz even though we weren't close, he was a nice chap and i knew the sister before too.
he's young and has got a whole life in front of him but he's dying.. :( life is soooo short!... u never know when Allah will take you away.. my prayers are for him.. may he be put thru the remaining days of his life as painless as possible.. amin..
on a happier note, received news from an ol' fren that he's juz received an addition to the family, his first born son!! sooooo happy for him!.. the last time we spoke, they're still trying.. tup2 dah keluar dah budak tu!.. :D al-hamdulillah...
so, ppl have been asking when will the second one pop... well, hopefully, it goes as planned and "pop" next Dec!.. ahhahaa.... *yah!.. so, if u do ur calculations correctly, i'm still not pregnant yet!*... anyways, the govt will be announcing some "new measures" next mth to help family procreate... so, we'll see how well the "incentives" are lah ye??.... hopefully, there's something for working moms and some financial subsidy or some sorts that;s attractive enuff to lure us peeps to have MORE babies!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Okiez... i know i've not been updating.. the past week was spent doing a week's worth of work that i left behind juz to "enjoy" my new home..
i tot it'll be tai2 days for me that whole week... but NOOOOOO..... was only a tai2 for the first 1.5 days perhaps?.... after which, it was back to clean, clean, cleaning the whole hse everyday!!... i didn't realise i could be a neat freak too till i get my own hse!..
Mummy would be soooo proud to know that I, her daughter, have taken after her when it comes to having a dry sink!... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. but i think i'm not as freaky as her lah!.. ahhahhaa... :p
BUT although it was tough initially - wat with Eshan craving for attention - i got thru it in one piece and now getting the hang of it! ;) and most importantly, thru it all, i had my son for that whole week all to myself and seeing him grow up was priceless!..
Only at 15mths did he start to want to hold his own bottle!!... after months of coaxing him to do this, he finally did it!.. al-hamdulillah....
got him a Barney book juz so he'll read.. and "read" he did!....
he's learnt the art of lepakz at such a young age!....
juz before i went back to work, i got him to taste Milo!... bukan main shiok sekali minum Milo!
he took an immediate liking to be a rock-star!.. and here's a video to proof that!.. ahhahaa...
notice tat i've not put up pix of my humble new abode yet. have no inspiration to do so, coz believe it or not, the hse is still not completely ready!... by this Sat (i hope!), we'll get 98% of the things in.. last thing to come, is our sofa... my love-at-first-sight sofa!... haaaaizzzz.... really saving the best for last that one!... grrr....
and so, my promise to myself after i move in is to hone my cooking skills (not that i have any in the first place!) every weekend.. note that i've not made that promise to hubby lest i broke that promise!.. hehehe... but i will try!... my first attempt at cooking REAL food - meaning, not the usual foodie, which is basically juz one-dish meals and baked chix wings - was very flaming HOT Ayam Masak Merah!...
it really wasn't meant to be that hot!.. i use the cap Limau Chilli paste - coz i didn't bother to do the paste myself! - and freaky shit!.. it was HOT!!!.... so now i know! - next time, i'll juz grab some home-done sambal/chilli paste from Mummy's kitchen! hhehee....
now, i'm obsessing over doing briyani (coz i've learnt how to do my favourite ayam masak merah!.. ahhaha...) for this weekend!... alamak! i juz remembered some peeps are coming over this weekend... hmmm... need to cook tried and tested stuff instead.. howell!.. there's always the next weekend! ;)