Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008

my colleagues said it's nice - i hope it's not out of courtesy!.. ahahhaa.. they said that it's not too sweet but i need to cut it thicker!.. hahaha... errr... pardon my thin pieces.. coz i really dunno how to cut a cake!.. i'm very horrible at that!... personally, i do like it.. it's very soft and i can actually taste the choc!... but next time, i'll use real choc instead of cocoa powder...
over the weekend, i gave Eshan a taste of Durian and he lurves it!!!.... he wants more even after giving him 6 pinches.. but no more lah... cannot give him too much...
Eshan is also starting to try to stand.. he will bravely let got for a second and hold on the stationary object in front of him before letting go again for another second!.. so, i'm hoping that he can start standing by 10.5mths and then i can train him to walk so that he can safely start walking by his 1st bday!! ;)
I juz msged Izy abt how fast time flies... before you know it, our darlings are turning 1!... my gosh!.. i really dunno how tat happened?!... :( but it's weird how much i want him to start walking and talking but at the same time, i also dun want him to grow up tat fast!.. HAH!....
i guess for now, i juz have to enjoy these moments when he
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
i always jinx my fav grp chance of winning the Amazing Race!.. :( first it was Nate and Jen.. i know they fought a lot.. but i still find them cute coz there are times when they do show their affection.... but they got ousted juz before the finals!.... then, last nite, i was rooting for the Father-Daughter duo and i said it out loud.. and who knows?!... they came in SECOND!!... urrrgh!!....
this morning, we had a super-duper loooong meeting... i actually juz came back from it!... aaaahh!!!... the blardy long minutes i have to write later!!..... :( but that's not the point!.. the point is, i'm frust that my boss dun seem to be supportive of something that i deem impt for the morale boosting of our staff... hmph!
and then, i get extremely frustrated with a certain old foggie here who can't seem to understand wat i want!!!... which part of "the whole list of ..." dun you understand?!... and to think that i requested for it in verbal and written form!!!... is it my English u dun understand or r u juz plain dumb?!..... fuck!!
oh!... and it was decided that we may go for a retreat... 1 nite or 2 nites?!... freak!... k'm gonna miss my son! and i'm sooooo not into retreats if it's juz gonna be abt work, work and MORE WORK!!! so yes!... as u can see, i'm not sooooo in a good mood now... :<
Monday, January 21, 2008
My bro bought Desperate Housewife Season 4 - claimed to be complete but it only has 9 episodes!!... is it really complete?!!!... i DUN think so lor!!..... but when i googled it earlier, it got me to ABC website and yup!.. there's only 9 episodes... hmmm..... the ending is sooooooo menggeramkan!!...
anyways, we juz had this staff engagement survey findings briefing and boy!... it's not looking all too good!.... hopefully, with the findings, there's better remuneration package, benefits and wat nots for us all!... i can't wait!! ;)
Friday, January 18, 2008
I receive this video mail from a classmate and boy!... i felt sooooo drowned!... this baby soooo kesian lor... really!.... i think he was crying... ya ampun!!....
but on the other hand, the fact that he can turn himself to float is amazing!!.... WOW!... how the hell did they train him siah??... i also WAAANNT!!..... hahahhaa... but i feel that my babe is toooo young to go through this arduous process of learning to swim... i'll coach him myself when the time is ripe! ;)
anyways, American Idol is on... the first 2 episodes proved to be a disappointment!... it's getting boring-er and irritating by the season.. like Dearest said, if only the real talented + those who genuinely think they're talented minus the ones that juz wanna be irritating and have that 30s of fame on tv had lined up, the que would be a quarter of what it is now... wah lau eh!... anyways, it's a waste of 2hrs of time-slot... but i cannot wait for the real deal though!!.... it's been a while since i last see a handsome singer.. so i hope there is one that i can go GA-GA over this yr!... ahaks!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
haiyah!... soooo sad!!..... Naz decided not to go for the trip... so we can't possibly go with ZamAni's family coz we're all inexperienced drivers... hmmm... sungguh sedih!... :(
perhaps it's a blessing in disguise... it's a sign to use the $$ on my son's bday!.. ahhahaha... bleh gitu?!.... *excuses! excuses!*.... anyways, i think i WILL do a mini bday bash for my son - juz with close family and frenz.. hmmmm...... time to start planning!! ;)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i was soooo caught up catching up with my old fren that i totally forgot to take pic of her new bundle of joy!!... and even her!!... grrrr... bacin!!...
To Dearest Sarina, CONGRATS girl on the cute lil girl!!.. ;) another girl to the family!.. takpelah.. there's always next time... hahahaha... :p
Anyways, i'm feeling sooo hungry!!... i hope i get to go out to eat real food today!... been eating junk food the past 2 days!... i really do think i'll grow real fat after moving into this new place... wat with my 2 fav fast food outlets juz round the corner!.. hah!...
work is piling.. and tat may explain the hunger pangs!... *excuses*... but yeah!... work is piling and i'm also procastinating doing some things... all i ever think of now is my son... i miss him a lot during the day!... haiz... if only i can be a SAHM or if not, if only this workplace has a childcare centre where i can deposit him - at least i get to see him everyday any time of the day!... urrrgh!!...
i also cannot wait for the upcoming rd trip with the gang.. any suggestions where we can go to in MAS? Nazrin kept suggesting Fraser Hill... i very scared leh.. ahhahhaa... yah.. i'm scared of going up and down the hills... Ms Sinus & family still have not gotten back to us on whether they're joining on this rd trip.. join lah.. join lah... ;)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
first it was the taxi fare that infuriated me!... now, we found 1 ERP gantry at - get this! - TPY !!!!!... WAAAAT?!!!.... is that blardy rd leading to town?!.... freaky!.....
i pity the ppl staying there coz now, they really have got no choice but to go thru the gantry every other day... if not, they'd have to make a longer turn to avoid the jam!!.... with the rising taxi fare and the numerous ERP gantries scattered everywhere, no wonder ppl are always late for work!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang... coz it's not like the buses here are VERY efficient!... no doubt, it is one of the best but if only it could be BETTER like being ON TIME for example!...
can i suggest the following to SBS:-
1. Get more fleet of buses and schedule the buses at regular time slots at peak period. i took the bus to class yesterday and missed the bus and had to wait for a whole 25mins before i get another bus. Apparently, Ms Gems saw 2 of that bus pass her at the same time!.... if it had been scheduled properly, this shouldn't be the case and i may only need to wait half that time to get the bus.
2. The buses to reach designated bus stops on time. After years of traveling the roads of SG, i'm sure SBS can est the time the bus reaches from one point to the other. This links to point 1 - if you schedule the bus timing rite from the start when they leave the interchange, u can display the timing of the bus arrival at that particular bus interchg so that commuters would have a rough est of wat time the bus will come.
3. Train bus drivers to drive at a normal, safe speed. Some drivers drive the bus like it's carrying a dead body inside while some drive like a mad cow forgetting that they're driving a bus load of passengers and that soooo many lives are in their hands! This links to point 2 - if a speed limit is regulated for all bus drivers to follow, buses can definitely turn up at the bus stops on time!
i dunno if these suggestions are feasible... but it's worth a look, dun u think?.... anyways, i dun even know how these all get started in the first place!... i was supposed to blog abt happy stuffs today!.. ahhahahaa.....
we had our last of the last facial practical class yest... it was courtesy of our dearest che-cher Kat... the 3rd was supposed to be our last class but we had a makan session instead... this is the class that i had been with for the past 1.5yrs... there were definitely more than this at the start of the class.. but these stayed faithful till the end... ;)
i guess it's never easy to juggle work, family and class.. me and Win definitely regretted taking up this course but to think that we acquired an extra skill made up for it lah... we only hate taking the exams!... urrrgh!.. i juz hope i pass the facial practical!... i dun wanna retake leh....
and at last, i did Madeleines!!!... it's really freakin nice lah... got the recipe from the girl who paints her kitchen red - again! :) - who got the recipe from Donna Hay Modern Classics 2. I sooooooo have got to get my hands on that book... but actually, have requested Ms Gems to get me that for my bday present but have yet to get it from her... hehehehe... aku tak sabar lah!!.. and yes... i'm pretty shamless but heck!.. they asked!! :D
ps:- edited the previous post to include pix!!....
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
oh my!... how time flies!.. the new year has come and gone and we're already on the 8th day of 2008!...
first up, we didn't get to spend the new yr outdoors under the bright sky of fireworks when it strikes 0000hrs on 1 Jan. We had to rush down to see Dearest's grandma who was pretty ill. And on the 1st, we rushed down again thinking that that will be the last time we'd see her.. oh!.. there was drama alrite!... ev'one was crying and i think at the back of our minds, we'll be starting the new year with the her passing. but oh! my!... who would've tot that she's one fiesty lady!... she pulled through and she's now up and abt though a bit delusioned but al-hamdulillah, she recoverd from that near-death experience..
before i go on my pretty long leave, we shifted "house" - my second home.. the office!.... yup!.. we've officially moved and i'm pretty happy with where i'm at... since we had to throw away a lot of stuff and the place is too open to have a lot of rubbish lying around, my place is pretty neat!... but i do wonder how long the desk can stay neat and dust-free!.. ahhahahaa....
The long break was for my theory paper which took place last Sat. imagine - have to start the new year with a freakin exam paper!... grrrrrr!!..... well, konon-konon nak belajar lah!... it was "easy peasy" coz i skipped like LOADS of question!... hahahhaa.... wateva lah... as long as i can pass the paper overall, i'm happy!.... ;) next up is my facial practical exam.... i dun need to ace it.. juz a pass will do so that i needn't retake it!.... hehehhee...
there's also the birth of Rosma's second princess!... looked very similar to Syaza when she's born.. it was sudden! we didn't expect it... we received the msg that she's in labour ward on Fri morning saying "it doesn't look good"... and Aman didn't reply our msgs when we asked him how she is... didn't get a reply from her till night! aiyoh!.... really made us worry lor!!... but al-hamdulillah, both mother and daughter are fine...
Before visiting Rosma, we went to our future love nest.. and was informed that we should be getting the house in Mar/Apr... really cannot wait lor!!!.... i would think everything is done except for the interior!... and we also realised after going thru the showflats that there will not be an area where we can air the clothes!... so, by hook and by crook, gotta get ourselves a dryer!... anyone wanna sponsor?!... hehhehehe...
lastly, we went to Wild Wild Wet yesterday and had a whale of a time sliding down the slides meant for kids!.. hahahaha.... Eshan was scared out of his wits when the water splashed on his face!.... but as long as his head is above water and he can splash around, he's a happy kid!... :) too bad, we didn't bring in our hp in coz we were afraid that it'll get wet!... al-maklum, my hp is juz 4days old!.. hehehehe....
on my new hp thingie... i dunno why Daddy bought me that new hp for... but who could resist free N95 phone rite even if it means, i traded my phone with him for that free phone!... ahhahaha.... so THANK YOU Daddy!!!... love u loads!!... *muaacks!*
so that's how i spent my first 8 days of 2008!.... hope to post up pic of Rosma's second babe tml and a new recipe tml!...