BOY or GIRL???
dun think for a minute that i'm pregnant! coz i'm NOT!.. ahhahaa... but before i get to the topic proper, can i just say how in love i am with David Cook's rendition of Always Be my Baby by Mariah Carey!.... first time i heard it on Idol, dun quite like it... but when i watch the re-run, it began to rub on me.. and now, when i hear it on radio, headphone close to my ears that it hit me - i really lurve his rendition!... and his voice is oh-so-nice! :D
ok.. now, back to my topic... Ms Quirky passed me this article on gender selection!... so here's something to share with everyone who's trying out for a baby and in particular, the ones who has a gender preference! ;)
there was a study done in UK, on 740 first-time mothers. It was said that it all comes down to BANANAS!!.... it was found that women who consume more calories around time of conception, and in particular, eat more bananas, are more likely to have sons! And those who skip breakfast are more likely to have daughters!
And the study came back with 56% of women with high-calorie intake conceived boys compared to 45% of women with low-calorie intake!...
but i still do believe in the male and female sperms going after that coveted egg!... ;) my theory based on some readings..
If u wanna boy, refrain from ur nite activities before ovulation.. do it during or after ovulation. Whereas, if u wanna girl, u can have ur nitely activities even before ovulation but to remember that the sperms can only stay in there for a while - if not wrong up to 3days - depending on the quality of sperms ur hubby has! ;)
so good luck people!!
rest of the article can be found here..
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
i can't seem to focus today!... i'm soooo balrdy sleepy and tired!... i head-banged all the way in the bus to work and won't be surprised if i do juz tat going home later! ;( and the weather's not helping... i hope it won't pour at 5.30pm.. i do wanna go home dry!...
we were at the hse last nite looking thru the defects.. i tried to take a photo of the toilet but couldn't get any nice shots - wat with Eshan clinging on to me coz he wanna sleep!... sooooo too bad lah...
anyways, i've got a colleague who's soooo blardy farny!... It* went up to my buddy to get her comments on something.. and then when my buddy was looking thru the paper (which was put in front of her face btw) and was giving her some comments when it conveniently left the table to flip thru the papers!!!.... Oh my gawd!!!....
i can't freakin believe it!... sooooo blardy rude!!!... i would have given a piece of my mind to it if it happened to me!... if i'm mean enuff, would have just threw that paper to it's face!... u ask me for my comments and just left me "hanging" there for wat sia?!.... grrrrr....
oh!... the quirks of ppl!!!....
speaking of quirks, i'm mtg Ms Quirky this Sat for our meet-up!!... :D we might be watching SATC together with B and SK... yeay! least got kaki to go watch tat show! ;) can't wait!!.. So Ms Quirky, i know u've not changed much.. but pls wear something nice to "show" us hor!!.. i hope we dun get to see the same boring shirts that you always put on!.. ahahhahaa... :p
*It was used to conceal the gender of the unnamed colleague.
i can't seem to focus today!... i'm soooo balrdy sleepy and tired!... i head-banged all the way in the bus to work and won't be surprised if i do juz tat going home later! ;( and the weather's not helping... i hope it won't pour at 5.30pm.. i do wanna go home dry!...
we were at the hse last nite looking thru the defects.. i tried to take a photo of the toilet but couldn't get any nice shots - wat with Eshan clinging on to me coz he wanna sleep!... sooooo too bad lah...
anyways, i've got a colleague who's soooo blardy farny!... It* went up to my buddy to get her comments on something.. and then when my buddy was looking thru the paper (which was put in front of her face btw) and was giving her some comments when it conveniently left the table to flip thru the papers!!!.... Oh my gawd!!!....
i can't freakin believe it!... sooooo blardy rude!!!... i would have given a piece of my mind to it if it happened to me!... if i'm mean enuff, would have just threw that paper to it's face!... u ask me for my comments and just left me "hanging" there for wat sia?!.... grrrrr....
oh!... the quirks of ppl!!!....
speaking of quirks, i'm mtg Ms Quirky this Sat for our meet-up!!... :D we might be watching SATC together with B and SK... yeay! least got kaki to go watch tat show! ;) can't wait!!.. So Ms Quirky, i know u've not changed much.. but pls wear something nice to "show" us hor!!.. i hope we dun get to see the same boring shirts that you always put on!.. ahahhahaa... :p
*It was used to conceal the gender of the unnamed colleague.
Monday, May 26, 2008
and so, we got the keys on Fri morning... and who's actually more excited than we are?... our dearest Eshan!.. ahhahaha...

we've been going back and forth to the house the past weekend (kemaruk lah katakan!) - looking for defects... alamak!.. the workmanship is pretty sucky when u really look into details!.. anyways, let me tour u round the hse... a bit only lah... coz firstly, didn't take a lot of pic of the hse and i forgot to take pic of the toilets which i sooooo lurveee!!.. ;)

the kitchen's just beside the entrance.. we opened it up to make it look bigger but after talking to the ID, we may need to "close" it back up but with clear glass lah.. so that it'll still look roomy..

this is the study ensuit with the master bedroom... i cannot imagine if we had chosen to leave the 2 rms as it is! *shudders* anyways, this is where we're putting our bed.. ;)

and so, we got the keys on Fri morning... and who's actually more excited than we are?... our dearest Eshan!.. ahhahaha...
he was squealing in delight, playing around the empty house and into each and every room!... but al-hamdulillah, he was happy with the house - at least we're pretty assured that he won't cry everytime we bring him home!... :)
we were pleasantly surprised that we got quite a few free gifts from the developer... :Dwe've been going back and forth to the house the past weekend (kemaruk lah katakan!) - looking for defects... alamak!.. the workmanship is pretty sucky when u really look into details!.. anyways, let me tour u round the hse... a bit only lah... coz firstly, didn't take a lot of pic of the hse and i forgot to take pic of the toilets which i sooooo lurveee!!.. ;)
the kitchen's just beside the entrance.. we opened it up to make it look bigger but after talking to the ID, we may need to "close" it back up but with clear glass lah.. so that it'll still look roomy..
this is the study ensuit with the master bedroom... i cannot imagine if we had chosen to leave the 2 rms as it is! *shudders* anyways, this is where we're putting our bed.. ;)
and from our bed, this is our view across the room.. not so nice lah - wat with ppl hanging unsightly stuff out their window - but love the bay window! ;)
when i go there again tonite, i'll see if i can get a nic pix of the toilet... hehehe... btw, a note of precaution to all who's getting their own home soon... Dearest didn't "bang/azan" the house on the first day we got the key coz it got pretty late by the time he got there on Fri.. we were there together with BIL and his fren till near midnite.. at abt 11.45pm-ish, all 3 of them heard the front door being knocked (yah!.. all 3 except me! baaaah!!!....) ... not sure if these 2 are related.. but juz a note lah.. to do it as soon as possible coz it's a new home afterall!...
when i go there again tonite, i'll see if i can get a nic pix of the toilet... hehehe... btw, a note of precaution to all who's getting their own home soon... Dearest didn't "bang/azan" the house on the first day we got the key coz it got pretty late by the time he got there on Fri.. we were there together with BIL and his fren till near midnite.. at abt 11.45pm-ish, all 3 of them heard the front door being knocked (yah!.. all 3 except me! baaaah!!!....) ... not sure if these 2 are related.. but juz a note lah.. to do it as soon as possible coz it's a new home afterall!...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
so who do u think will win it??... I'm sure by now, those peeps not working, not schooling - basically not doing anything and into AI like my brother at home - is glued to the TV, intently waiting for the results!
i hope Cook will win it coz i think overall, he's a better performer and is more versatile than Archeleta.. the latter is a cute munchkin but he needs more experience to be a good performer - he can't dance and he can't do fast tracks... he's getting duller and staler by the weeks... so, i dun really get why the judges were praising him the whole time last nite!...
on to the other not-so-HOT reality TV on Suria rite now... i'm soooo blardy disappointed at the standard of the bands... so far i'm only really impressed with 2 bands.. only a handful of the top 12 lead singers can actually sing!... alamak!.... last week and this week was an hr spent laffing my heads off watching some of the groups!... i hope they get some kind of coaching from some experienced peeps in the industry on showmanship coz some of them really look like they're performing in their bedroom - shiok sendiri!...
ooooh!... peeps!.. i'm getting my keys tml morning!!.. YEAY!!... sooooo EXCITING!!!..... our love nest is now truly OURS!.. can't freakin wait!!!.... i hope there's not much defects so that we can start reno and be done with it!... hehehe....
Afternote: and yup!... my brother - the spoiler - has done juz tat!... spoilt it by telling me which David won!... urrrgghh!!... so should i spoil it for u too?!!.... hehehehe.... ney!.... hint: i'm a happy, happy girl!.. very much unexpected and a very pleasant surprise indeed! ;)
so who do u think will win it??... I'm sure by now, those peeps not working, not schooling - basically not doing anything and into AI like my brother at home - is glued to the TV, intently waiting for the results!
i hope Cook will win it coz i think overall, he's a better performer and is more versatile than Archeleta.. the latter is a cute munchkin but he needs more experience to be a good performer - he can't dance and he can't do fast tracks... he's getting duller and staler by the weeks... so, i dun really get why the judges were praising him the whole time last nite!...
on to the other not-so-HOT reality TV on Suria rite now... i'm soooo blardy disappointed at the standard of the bands... so far i'm only really impressed with 2 bands.. only a handful of the top 12 lead singers can actually sing!... alamak!.... last week and this week was an hr spent laffing my heads off watching some of the groups!... i hope they get some kind of coaching from some experienced peeps in the industry on showmanship coz some of them really look like they're performing in their bedroom - shiok sendiri!...
ooooh!... peeps!.. i'm getting my keys tml morning!!.. YEAY!!... sooooo EXCITING!!!..... our love nest is now truly OURS!.. can't freakin wait!!!.... i hope there's not much defects so that we can start reno and be done with it!... hehehe....
Afternote: and yup!... my brother - the spoiler - has done juz tat!... spoilt it by telling me which David won!... urrrgghh!!... so should i spoil it for u too?!!.... hehehehe.... ney!.... hint: i'm a happy, happy girl!.. very much unexpected and a very pleasant surprise indeed! ;)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
my oh my!... where has the time gone?!.... it swishes past me and before i knew it, it's May and i've celebrated my second Mother's Day over the weekend!..
so wat did I do?...
on Sat, Rosma, Murni, Ms Gems and me went to Seoul Garden to celebrate Mother's Day in advance. just the 4 of us + lil' Syaza.. we figured we'll leave the kiddies with the hubbies so that we can enjoy our Mother's Day in peace for once!.. ;)

thanks to the hubbies, the in-laws (Mak & SIL) and myself went for a javanese massage at the Traditional Javanese Massage Hut.. the massage itself was not relaxing at all (no matter how much i tried to relax myself!) but after that, i felt soooo satisfied coz i feel like as if i'm weightless and all the wind in the body has left me for good!... :)

Delish Chocolate Tarts prepared by moi early morning!.... very sedap!.... thanks to Donna Hay!... i'll put up the recipe in my Multiply real soon!! ;)
so, updates on my boy??... he's 13.5mths and getting more and more active!... alamak!... but i'm thankful that he's at least running and enjoying himself!... al-hamdulillah.. he lurves the water but he doesn't like to shower!!...
the neighbour gave us an air-filled mini-pool. As soon as he sees it, u can see his eyes twinkling with glee and cannot wait to jump into it!.. ahahhaa... and when we did put him in it, alahai... time tido pun lupa!!.... he dun wanna get out of it!.. we had to drag him out!!

even when we had that picnic last weekend, he cried to join Naqeeb in the waters!!... and to think we weren't prepared for it coz we didn't wanna get ourselves wet!!.. ahhahaa...

but niways, the picnic was a blast esp for the kids lah!... we manage to celebrate Noorlin's bday - thanks to Murni and her cheesecake specially created for Noorlin.. hheehee....

and thanks to Murni's family, Eshan got to ride the bicycle for the first time! ;)

oh!... over the last 2 weeks, i got inspired by the Bake!Bake!Bake! community to come up with my own Rainbow Cupcake.. only thing, my cupcake looked more like Paddle-Pop cupcake coz it came out pastelly and not as vibrant as the ones featured in Bake!Bake!Bake!...

okie!... now saving my HAPPIEST update for last!
the lawyers called and told us that the soonest we can get the keys will be next Wed!... :) so, prolly latest would be on the Fri!... yeay!!... yeay!... can't wait!... but too bad, Dearest will be starting work next week so, he can't follow to collect the keys.. howell! :(
we're finalising our reno plans - now scouting for lights and curtains... can anyone tell me where to get nice, affordable curtains, plssss??...
my oh my!... where has the time gone?!.... it swishes past me and before i knew it, it's May and i've celebrated my second Mother's Day over the weekend!..
so wat did I do?...
on Sat, Rosma, Murni, Ms Gems and me went to Seoul Garden to celebrate Mother's Day in advance. just the 4 of us + lil' Syaza.. we figured we'll leave the kiddies with the hubbies so that we can enjoy our Mother's Day in peace for once!.. ;)
after dinner, went to see Syura.. the last time we saw her was when she first came out of her mother's womb!... now, she's 4mths old and she's spotting her elder sis' tupee (is that how it's spelt??!.. hahahha) head!... ;)
thanks to the hubbies, the in-laws (Mak & SIL) and myself went for a javanese massage at the Traditional Javanese Massage Hut.. the massage itself was not relaxing at all (no matter how much i tried to relax myself!) but after that, i felt soooo satisfied coz i feel like as if i'm weightless and all the wind in the body has left me for good!... :)
and Mother's Day Special from moi to my Mummy, Nyai and Mak?...
Delish Chocolate Tarts prepared by moi early morning!.... very sedap!.... thanks to Donna Hay!... i'll put up the recipe in my Multiply real soon!! ;)
so, updates on my boy??... he's 13.5mths and getting more and more active!... alamak!... but i'm thankful that he's at least running and enjoying himself!... al-hamdulillah.. he lurves the water but he doesn't like to shower!!...
the neighbour gave us an air-filled mini-pool. As soon as he sees it, u can see his eyes twinkling with glee and cannot wait to jump into it!.. ahahhaa... and when we did put him in it, alahai... time tido pun lupa!!.... he dun wanna get out of it!.. we had to drag him out!!
but niways, the picnic was a blast esp for the kids lah!... we manage to celebrate Noorlin's bday - thanks to Murni and her cheesecake specially created for Noorlin.. hheehee....
and thanks to Murni's family, Eshan got to ride the bicycle for the first time! ;)
oh!... over the last 2 weeks, i got inspired by the Bake!Bake!Bake! community to come up with my own Rainbow Cupcake.. only thing, my cupcake looked more like Paddle-Pop cupcake coz it came out pastelly and not as vibrant as the ones featured in Bake!Bake!Bake!...
okie!... now saving my HAPPIEST update for last!
we're getting our house keys freakin sooon!!!!......
the lawyers called and told us that the soonest we can get the keys will be next Wed!... :) so, prolly latest would be on the Fri!... yeay!!... yeay!... can't wait!... but too bad, Dearest will be starting work next week so, he can't follow to collect the keys.. howell! :(
we're finalising our reno plans - now scouting for lights and curtains... can anyone tell me where to get nice, affordable curtains, plssss??...
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