my oh my!... where has the time gone?!.... it swishes past me and before i knew it, it's May and i've celebrated my second Mother's Day over the weekend!..
so wat did I do?...
on Sat, Rosma, Murni, Ms Gems and me went to Seoul Garden to celebrate Mother's Day in advance. just the 4 of us + lil' Syaza.. we figured we'll leave the kiddies with the hubbies so that we can enjoy our Mother's Day in peace for once!.. ;)
after dinner, went to see Syura.. the last time we saw her was when she first came out of her mother's womb!... now, she's 4mths old and she's spotting her elder sis' tupee (is that how it's spelt??!.. hahahha) head!... ;)
thanks to the hubbies, the in-laws (Mak & SIL) and myself went for a javanese massage at the Traditional Javanese Massage Hut.. the massage itself was not relaxing at all (no matter how much i tried to relax myself!) but after that, i felt soooo satisfied coz i feel like as if i'm weightless and all the wind in the body has left me for good!... :)
and Mother's Day Special from moi to my Mummy, Nyai and Mak?...
Delish Chocolate Tarts prepared by moi early morning!.... very sedap!.... thanks to Donna Hay!... i'll put up the recipe in my Multiply real soon!! ;)
so, updates on my boy??... he's 13.5mths and getting more and more active!... alamak!... but i'm thankful that he's at least running and enjoying himself!... al-hamdulillah.. he lurves the water but he doesn't like to shower!!...
the neighbour gave us an air-filled mini-pool. As soon as he sees it, u can see his eyes twinkling with glee and cannot wait to jump into it!.. ahahhaa... and when we did put him in it, alahai... time tido pun lupa!!.... he dun wanna get out of it!.. we had to drag him out!!
but niways, the picnic was a blast esp for the kids lah!... we manage to celebrate Noorlin's bday - thanks to Murni and her cheesecake specially created for Noorlin.. hheehee....
and thanks to Murni's family, Eshan got to ride the bicycle for the first time! ;)
oh!... over the last 2 weeks, i got inspired by the Bake!Bake!Bake! community to come up with my own Rainbow Cupcake.. only thing, my cupcake looked more like Paddle-Pop cupcake coz it came out pastelly and not as vibrant as the ones featured in Bake!Bake!Bake!...
okie!... now saving my HAPPIEST update for last!
we're getting our house keys freakin sooon!!!!......
the lawyers called and told us that the soonest we can get the keys will be next Wed!... :) so, prolly latest would be on the Fri!... yeay!!... yeay!... can't wait!... but too bad, Dearest will be starting work next week so, he can't follow to collect the keys.. howell! :(
we're finalising our reno plans - now scouting for lights and curtains... can anyone tell me where to get nice, affordable curtains, plssss??...
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