in the bid to save the planet, we were rid of our dustbins!... now, tell me where's the rationale in that?!....
It's blardy annoying coz everytime there's something to throw, i'm reminded tat now, we have to walk to the recycling bins to throw something away!... wah lau!.... most of the time, it's general waste tat we're throwing!... it's very not efficient for us to have to keep getting up and walk a few metres away to the bins to throw our stuffs!...
i know it's for a good cause. But dun u think it's waaaay tooo overboard removing our bins?!.... i do recycle papers.. if u want to recycle tins and cans wat nots have yous, i'm sure we'll do our part and recycle those tins and cans since the various recycling bins are made avail to us!.... so wat's the deal with removing our personal bins?!...
grrrr!!... it's freakin frustrating lor!!.... *pulls hair!*
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
oh MY!... the past 4 days have been quite dramatic.. from waiting in anticipation on the outcome of the paint i chose to the breaking of my shoes (which i juz repaired for 24 freakin dollars!!) at the bus stop!....
the paint turned out quite great!!... i lurrrve the colours of the living room and passage way - the 2 colours which i've always wanted! ;) and then there's Eshan sunny room colour - a happy colour for him! and our melodramatic orangey, brownie colour which i still have not gotten used to!! :( only our room seemed to be the problem.. hopefully with the furniture in, it will look a-ok!...
and then there's the course i attended the past 2 days.. went in search of a cobbler to fix a pair of shoes which i intend to use for the glitz and glamour nite yest... got lost!!.. went for lunch and after lunch, manage to get to the cobbler which, i repeat. cost me a whopping $24! i tot "heck! it's my fav shoe!.. y not?" WRONG!!!!..
the next day, i wore it to the course.. on the way out, i ran to the bus-stop - upon seeing my bus coming - and snap!.. it broke and i fell at the pavement beside the blardy main road, sprained my ankle and was freakin embarrassing!... i had to walk barefooted to the bus-stop and call the maid to get me my slippers and another pair of black shoes for the nite!...gosh!!!!.....
went for the ala Chinese Wedding Dinner w/o the bride and groom and embarrassed myself slightly (which i shall not elaborate here!!) but still manage to squeeze poses with a few peeps.. hehehee....
nvm!... at least the nite ended off with good food (lousy service though!) and good company! ;)
i'll end of this entry with a fav photo of the month of Eshan!...
oh MY!... the past 4 days have been quite dramatic.. from waiting in anticipation on the outcome of the paint i chose to the breaking of my shoes (which i juz repaired for 24 freakin dollars!!) at the bus stop!....
the paint turned out quite great!!... i lurrrve the colours of the living room and passage way - the 2 colours which i've always wanted! ;) and then there's Eshan sunny room colour - a happy colour for him! and our melodramatic orangey, brownie colour which i still have not gotten used to!! :( only our room seemed to be the problem.. hopefully with the furniture in, it will look a-ok!...
and then there's the course i attended the past 2 days.. went in search of a cobbler to fix a pair of shoes which i intend to use for the glitz and glamour nite yest... got lost!!.. went for lunch and after lunch, manage to get to the cobbler which, i repeat. cost me a whopping $24! i tot "heck! it's my fav shoe!.. y not?" WRONG!!!!..
the next day, i wore it to the course.. on the way out, i ran to the bus-stop - upon seeing my bus coming - and snap!.. it broke and i fell at the pavement beside the blardy main road, sprained my ankle and was freakin embarrassing!... i had to walk barefooted to the bus-stop and call the maid to get me my slippers and another pair of black shoes for the nite!...gosh!!!!.....
went for the ala Chinese Wedding Dinner w/o the bride and groom and embarrassed myself slightly (which i shall not elaborate here!!) but still manage to squeeze poses with a few peeps.. hehehee....
i'll end of this entry with a fav photo of the month of Eshan!...
Friday, June 20, 2008
it was, as mentioned in my previous post, Daddy's bday 2 days ago... and so, we went to Carousel for dinner.. our first time ever too...
the food was slightly salty - depending on your taste bud, it could be very salty for some.. the selection was good though i prefer the old Carousel better.. the chicken rice was horrendous!.. the raw food - sushi, cold platter and wat have yous were VERY GOOD according to the parents. the bread were soft and delicious!... the bread and butter pudding were simply the best!
we bought this ridiculously expensive cake but ridiculously delicious and got the team of servers to sing to Daddy the bday song!

my dearest Eshan was sooooo happy tat day coz..

so anyways, Carousel is having a 15% disc to all DBS/Citibank/AMEX card-holders.. it's a good time to be there.. ;)
it was, as mentioned in my previous post, Daddy's bday 2 days ago... and so, we went to Carousel for dinner.. our first time ever too...
the food was slightly salty - depending on your taste bud, it could be very salty for some.. the selection was good though i prefer the old Carousel better.. the chicken rice was horrendous!.. the raw food - sushi, cold platter and wat have yous were VERY GOOD according to the parents. the bread were soft and delicious!... the bread and butter pudding were simply the best!
we bought this ridiculously expensive cake but ridiculously delicious and got the team of servers to sing to Daddy the bday song!
he loves it when we sing Happy Bday - even if it's not to him!

not only was he stuffed with loads of food!.. he even got a choc treat from a staff there!.. look how satisfied he is!!.. ahhaha...
but when it was time to cut the cake..
but when it was time to cut the cake..
he looked bored!!.... ape saje!
so anyways, Carousel is having a 15% disc to all DBS/Citibank/AMEX card-holders.. it's a good time to be there.. ;)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
we have just confirmed all our carpentry works with the contractor yest... waaaah!!...i hope all the things come out nice and to our taste!... now, we have to choose colours to paint the rooms... and i'm stressing out coz i dun really know if it will go well with the colour scheme of all the carpentry works done!... :(
i hate it when i dun get to see the end results!.. juz like when we were discussing yest how high we want the shelving to be and things like that - like!... soooooo blardy technical!... how to imagine how it's like?!.... grrrrr....
as much as i had fun thinking of how i'd like to customise this and that, i really had no fun thinking of all the technical details of the works!... we're targeting to move in by second week of july.. hopefully the cleaning and all will not be too tiring considering how petite the house is...
aaaaah... at last, our much awaited privacy is coming!! can't wait!! ;D
btw, it's Daddy's dearest bday today!... Happy Bday, Daddy!!!!...... love u much much!
we have just confirmed all our carpentry works with the contractor yest... waaaah!!...i hope all the things come out nice and to our taste!... now, we have to choose colours to paint the rooms... and i'm stressing out coz i dun really know if it will go well with the colour scheme of all the carpentry works done!... :(
i hate it when i dun get to see the end results!.. juz like when we were discussing yest how high we want the shelving to be and things like that - like!... soooooo blardy technical!... how to imagine how it's like?!.... grrrrr....
as much as i had fun thinking of how i'd like to customise this and that, i really had no fun thinking of all the technical details of the works!... we're targeting to move in by second week of july.. hopefully the cleaning and all will not be too tiring considering how petite the house is...
aaaaah... at last, our much awaited privacy is coming!! can't wait!! ;D
btw, it's Daddy's dearest bday today!... Happy Bday, Daddy!!!!...... love u much much!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Yes!.. i'm FAT!!... my tummy's bulging and i'm merrily growing like nobody's business.. but i'm NOT PREGNANT!....
i got it twice!.. one was from Dearest's cuzzin 2mths ago.. the moment she saw me, she went "*gasp* are u pregnant?"... and yest, i got it from my colleague "Emily, are u... *show tummy*"...
so people... as much as i wish i AM pregnant, i DUN think i am... i'm juz big, happy, me! ;) but if anyone wanna offer a seat to biggie me, i'd be glad to have it!!.. hahahhaa.... :p
Yes!.. i'm FAT!!... my tummy's bulging and i'm merrily growing like nobody's business.. but i'm NOT PREGNANT!....
i got it twice!.. one was from Dearest's cuzzin 2mths ago.. the moment she saw me, she went "*gasp* are u pregnant?"... and yest, i got it from my colleague "Emily, are u... *show tummy*"...
so people... as much as i wish i AM pregnant, i DUN think i am... i'm juz big, happy, me! ;) but if anyone wanna offer a seat to biggie me, i'd be glad to have it!!.. hahahhaa.... :p
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It irritatte the hell out of me when i pick up the phone and the other person say out "Aswan?"
hello?!... my name is Emilia... u looking for my dad?!... grrrr..... Ms Aswan also irritate me but i can still take it lah.. but wat i cannot accept is when my intranet greeted me Hello Ms binte Aswan Emilia!... *roar!*
and it took them like forever to get that rectified!!!!....
sorry.. i'm not in the mood today.. so i juz have to say it out here!... :( i'm also freakin sleepy!.. i need to sleep!... can 5.30pm come extremely fast, plssssssss????!!!!!!!!!................
It irritatte the hell out of me when i pick up the phone and the other person say out "Aswan?"
hello?!... my name is Emilia... u looking for my dad?!... grrrr..... Ms Aswan also irritate me but i can still take it lah.. but wat i cannot accept is when my intranet greeted me Hello Ms binte Aswan Emilia!... *roar!*
and it took them like forever to get that rectified!!!!....
sorry.. i'm not in the mood today.. so i juz have to say it out here!... :( i'm also freakin sleepy!.. i need to sleep!... can 5.30pm come extremely fast, plssssssss????!!!!!!!!!................
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
i get very frustrated when somebody gets their way juz coz of their "complaint".. it's blardy frustrating coz it does make me feel that i'm in one sh*it job! U can't freakin please everybody!.... there's a policy in place for a reason but no matter wat u do, u still get sh*it left, right, centre!... :(
fu*ck! tml mark my 7th year here.. 3 more years and yours truly have hit that golden mark of 10 years!... :( gosh!.. how time flies and how much the org has changed!... i'll soon be earning myself a spot in the "hall of fame"!... hahhaha...
anyways, the whole point of this entry?!... juz to shout out how sh*itty i feel abt being on this job!...
i get very frustrated when somebody gets their way juz coz of their "complaint".. it's blardy frustrating coz it does make me feel that i'm in one sh*it job! U can't freakin please everybody!.... there's a policy in place for a reason but no matter wat u do, u still get sh*it left, right, centre!... :(
fu*ck! tml mark my 7th year here.. 3 more years and yours truly have hit that golden mark of 10 years!... :( gosh!.. how time flies and how much the org has changed!... i'll soon be earning myself a spot in the "hall of fame"!... hahhaha...
anyways, the whole point of this entry?!... juz to shout out how sh*itty i feel abt being on this job!...
Monday, June 02, 2008
so it was a girls day out with Ms Quirky, B and SK on Sat!... it was that usual gossip session that Ms Quirky lurrrves sooooo much!... i still dun quite understand y she's soooo interested in the org when she's oredi left it eons ago!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
after lunch, we went to watch SATC and weeeee!!.... i abso/f/u/c/k/i/n/g/lutely LOVE it!! :D it's a smooth transition from small screen to the biggie screen!... the show made me laff, cry, be angry and wat have yous!... and it didn't really feel like a 2.5hrs show lor!... if i had not taken out my hp in the middle of the show, i wouldn't have realised how long the show was!

only 2 things i dun quite like...
Mr Big?!... not sure why they chose him as Carrie's man-friend... coz he's not gorgeous - gorgeous - u know wat i mean??.. but i must say he's got one of the most sexiest voice for a man!... :D
Jennifer Hudson - found her acting a bit fake-o... not sure how she could have won Best Supporting Actress in her role in Dream Girls.. but like they say, it's too small a role to judge her by... so, i really should watch Dream Girls lor!...
the shoes in the show were to DIE for!!.... and the wedding dresses that Carrie wore!!... ooooh!.. laaa... laaa.... even her lable-less wedding dress was simple and pretty! :D made me wanna get married all over again!!... ahahhaa... even the mexican honeymoon was droolable!...
and so after 4yrs...
Carrie found her love
Samantha got back her independance
Miranda's managed to juggle family and work-life
and the one that takes the cake (for me!) was ..... Charlotte's pregnancy! ;)
and yes!.. i may have spoilt the story for someone.. but u still have gotta watch the show - for tat "girl" in u! ;)
so it was a girls day out with Ms Quirky, B and SK on Sat!... it was that usual gossip session that Ms Quirky lurrrves sooooo much!... i still dun quite understand y she's soooo interested in the org when she's oredi left it eons ago!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
after lunch, we went to watch SATC and weeeee!!.... i abso/f/u/c/k/i/n/g/lutely LOVE it!! :D it's a smooth transition from small screen to the biggie screen!... the show made me laff, cry, be angry and wat have yous!... and it didn't really feel like a 2.5hrs show lor!... if i had not taken out my hp in the middle of the show, i wouldn't have realised how long the show was!
only 2 things i dun quite like...
Mr Big?!... not sure why they chose him as Carrie's man-friend... coz he's not gorgeous - gorgeous - u know wat i mean??.. but i must say he's got one of the most sexiest voice for a man!... :D
Jennifer Hudson - found her acting a bit fake-o... not sure how she could have won Best Supporting Actress in her role in Dream Girls.. but like they say, it's too small a role to judge her by... so, i really should watch Dream Girls lor!...
the shoes in the show were to DIE for!!.... and the wedding dresses that Carrie wore!!... ooooh!.. laaa... laaa.... even her lable-less wedding dress was simple and pretty! :D made me wanna get married all over again!!... ahahhaa... even the mexican honeymoon was droolable!...
and so after 4yrs...
Carrie found her love
Samantha got back her independance
Miranda's managed to juggle family and work-life
and the one that takes the cake (for me!) was ..... Charlotte's pregnancy! ;)
and yes!.. i may have spoilt the story for someone.. but u still have gotta watch the show - for tat "girl" in u! ;)
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