- I thank God we completed the project successfully last nite.. like FINALLY! yahoooo!!!.... ;) we're sooooo gonna do more projects in future!.. hehehe....
- my tummy's getting bigger by the day!.. i simply have to stop snacking!!... urgggh!... i soooo regretted not continue using the gurdle!... gaaah!!...... can i have my 2-mths-ago-tummy, plssss??
- i've got a teeny weeny seed-like thingie juz next to my left nippy... when i squeeze, seemed like there's a white thingie trying to come out.. a bit of blood too... i dunno what it is.. and i dunno who to go to... can't possibly ask my doc here coz i can't possibly show him my left nippy, can i?.. hahahaa.... and i'm not really that alarmed (yet) to go have it checked out!... hmmmm....
- time flies real fast and in a blink of an eye, it's been 6 long years... very comfortable.. tooo comfortable in fact.. i think it's time to move on... i juz hope someone gives me a chance to do that!
- i'm irritated with my maid coz she kept carrying the baby around the whole day!... grrrr!!... i dunno how many times i've to tell her NOT to carry Eshan around!... she kept telling me, Eshan cries ev'time he's put down.. like HELLLOOOO???... he has toys and there's a freakin play gym for him to play with! and how come he's ok when we're with him?... he never cry when we put him down but instead will laff and play with us!... annnnd.... yest, he didn't sleep thru'out the day - "only wants to be carried around"!... urrrrgghh!!.... yes.. i'm insecure... i'm afraid, my child will be closer to the maid.. but that's not the only reason lah.. if u carry the child too often, he'll only want to be carried around!... both me and Dearest dun want that to happen!... we take care of him once we're home... so, it'll make things a lot easier for us if he can be independant enuff!...
- now i realise that make-over photo shoot or glamour shots are not really make-overs per say!... the make-overs are actually in the pictures!.... chet!... like tat, i also can do!....
- i think i will seriously consider putting Eshan into Mandarin class as his second language in school!.... yah.. call me freaky for thinking that far ahead but i think i'm beginning to have the Singapore-parent syndrome!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
The old news is...

my Dearest is officially an undergrad.. CONGRATS DARLING!!.... *muuuaaacckkks!!* we shall keep the gown so that we can take a family portrait with the gown when Eshan and (hopefully) his sibling graduate as undergrad in the future!!... ;) i sooooo regretted not buying my gown the other time!... grrrrr....
Anyways, over the weekend, we had a free deal for a makeover shoot.. it was the first for us (our wedding dun count!) and we had fun!!... ;D at the end of the shoot, we only get 2 free (unedited) pix.. i was prepared to actually pay for all of Eshan's pix.. butttt... we were offered their "package" which actually cost more than our wedding package (and for those who knew how much my wedding photoshoot cost, yes!.. it was that much!.. close that jaw!!)!!!..... my gawd!... we were soooooo turned off that i dun even have the heart to ask how much it'll cost me if i wanna get some more pix!...
in the end, we stuck with the 2 pix that they gave which i had edited myself... thanks to them, i now know how to make myself look smaller in pictures!.. hehehehe.... *yeayness!*

now, latest of the latest news, my grandma is admitted again for her low blood count and now, it seemed her kidney is also not so good!.. urrrrgghh!!!... if anything happens to her, i sure as hell not gonna trust that freakin hospital.. coz i believe that they have misdiagnosed my grandma's gout.. i dun think she has but they said she does!... freak!... i've asked the doc and my dietician and they said, it doesn't sound like gout!... pfft!!....
anyways, i juz hope she'll be well soon.. i hate the tot of leaving Eshan alone with the maid... not that i think she's gonna do anything but i'd prefer if there is a family member at home while we're away.. luckily the husband's schedule is pretty flexible.. pray with me for her speedy recovery, ppl!!... thanks a mill!!
The old news is...
my Dearest is officially an undergrad.. CONGRATS DARLING!!.... *muuuaaacckkks!!* we shall keep the gown so that we can take a family portrait with the gown when Eshan and (hopefully) his sibling graduate as undergrad in the future!!... ;) i sooooo regretted not buying my gown the other time!... grrrrr....
Anyways, over the weekend, we had a free deal for a makeover shoot.. it was the first for us (our wedding dun count!) and we had fun!!... ;D at the end of the shoot, we only get 2 free (unedited) pix.. i was prepared to actually pay for all of Eshan's pix.. butttt... we were offered their "package" which actually cost more than our wedding package (and for those who knew how much my wedding photoshoot cost, yes!.. it was that much!.. close that jaw!!)!!!..... my gawd!... we were soooooo turned off that i dun even have the heart to ask how much it'll cost me if i wanna get some more pix!...
in the end, we stuck with the 2 pix that they gave which i had edited myself... thanks to them, i now know how to make myself look smaller in pictures!.. hehehehe.... *yeayness!*
now, latest of the latest news, my grandma is admitted again for her low blood count and now, it seemed her kidney is also not so good!.. urrrrgghh!!!... if anything happens to her, i sure as hell not gonna trust that freakin hospital.. coz i believe that they have misdiagnosed my grandma's gout.. i dun think she has but they said she does!... freak!... i've asked the doc and my dietician and they said, it doesn't sound like gout!... pfft!!....
anyways, i juz hope she'll be well soon.. i hate the tot of leaving Eshan alone with the maid... not that i think she's gonna do anything but i'd prefer if there is a family member at home while we're away.. luckily the husband's schedule is pretty flexible.. pray with me for her speedy recovery, ppl!!... thanks a mill!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
i meant to blog today but realised that i din bring my card reader to put up pix of my Dearest in that big blue suit of his!!... grrrr.... anyways, will prolly do tat next week!..
i've been very, very sleeeepy the past week at work!... been dozing off now and then.. reminded me of my last term in pregnancy... (and pls hor.. nope! i'm not pregnant with no. 2 yet!) it must be the weather.. been raining consistently the past week... how i wish i was at home with Eshan to enjoy the morning rain cuddled together, under the warm blanket..
my son is sooooo cute the other day.. for wateva reason, he played "hide-and-seek" with me. where? under my arm-pit!.. ahhahaha.... i should've taken a pic of his cuteness but i didn't wanna spoil the moment by getting to my far-away camera!... hmmm... luckily too, i didn't coz it only lasted a good 30secs!... after tat, he's back to crying for sleep!...
i cannot wait for National Day coz i took advantage of the long weekend!.. but Dearest won't be around that weekend to enjoy it with us coz he'll be away serving the nation!... baaaahhh!!...
i meant to blog today but realised that i din bring my card reader to put up pix of my Dearest in that big blue suit of his!!... grrrr.... anyways, will prolly do tat next week!..
i've been very, very sleeeepy the past week at work!... been dozing off now and then.. reminded me of my last term in pregnancy... (and pls hor.. nope! i'm not pregnant with no. 2 yet!) it must be the weather.. been raining consistently the past week... how i wish i was at home with Eshan to enjoy the morning rain cuddled together, under the warm blanket..
my son is sooooo cute the other day.. for wateva reason, he played "hide-and-seek" with me. where? under my arm-pit!.. ahhahaha.... i should've taken a pic of his cuteness but i didn't wanna spoil the moment by getting to my far-away camera!... hmmm... luckily too, i didn't coz it only lasted a good 30secs!... after tat, he's back to crying for sleep!...
i cannot wait for National Day coz i took advantage of the long weekend!.. but Dearest won't be around that weekend to enjoy it with us coz he'll be away serving the nation!... baaaahhh!!...
Monday, July 23, 2007
as you all may know by now tat i'm aspiring to be a make-up artist.. i juz went thru my exams and boy am i proud of my work!.. hahahhaa.... ;) yes... i know.. i masuk bakul angkat sendiri (literally means - i get into the bucket and carry myself - go figure!)
We were all supposed to be there by 2.30pm coz the exams start at 3pm.. coz the models were late, we left the house late too and to our utter dismay, there was a jam at PIE and Dhobby Ghaut!... grrrr... luckily, i am a hell of an F1 driver!.. hhehheeh... we managed to reach there at exactly 3pm.. and luckily for us too, the exams started at 3.30pm!!.... *so yeah.. u can see how eff up their administration is!*..
anyways, special thanks to Ira for helping me do the hairdo (my hairdo confirm cannot make it!...) oh!.. and before u start asking how come can get someone to help me do hairdo, it's coz our hairdo is not examinable since we didn't pay to learn hairdo! hehehehe... so here's my model for the the Day & Nite looks that we're supposed to do..
amacam??... can make it or not ah??.... next time, if i decide to open up a bridal house, i have to make sure, i've got ppl who can do hair for me.. hehhee.. now, let's see double!..

yeah.. twins!.. hehehee... coincidentally or not, they had similar outfits on.. even the photographer got confused!.. ahhahhaa...
Anyways, for a more close-up view of the models, pls check it out on my multiply! ;) if u like wat u see and u're interested to let me do a make-over for you for any event, let me know!.. i'll do it for a very minimal fee!... ;)
as you all may know by now tat i'm aspiring to be a make-up artist.. i juz went thru my exams and boy am i proud of my work!.. hahahhaa.... ;) yes... i know.. i masuk bakul angkat sendiri (literally means - i get into the bucket and carry myself - go figure!)
We were all supposed to be there by 2.30pm coz the exams start at 3pm.. coz the models were late, we left the house late too and to our utter dismay, there was a jam at PIE and Dhobby Ghaut!... grrrr... luckily, i am a hell of an F1 driver!.. hhehheeh... we managed to reach there at exactly 3pm.. and luckily for us too, the exams started at 3.30pm!!.... *so yeah.. u can see how eff up their administration is!*..
anyways, special thanks to Ira for helping me do the hairdo (my hairdo confirm cannot make it!...) oh!.. and before u start asking how come can get someone to help me do hairdo, it's coz our hairdo is not examinable since we didn't pay to learn hairdo! hehehehe... so here's my model for the the Day & Nite looks that we're supposed to do..
yeah.. twins!.. hehehee... coincidentally or not, they had similar outfits on.. even the photographer got confused!.. ahhahhaa...
Anyways, for a more close-up view of the models, pls check it out on my multiply! ;) if u like wat u see and u're interested to let me do a make-over for you for any event, let me know!.. i'll do it for a very minimal fee!... ;)
Friday, July 20, 2007
I received an SMS from the babe yest..

I received an SMS from the babe yest..

"Look Ma, i'm feeding myself! Papa is busy playing game! I'm hungry so i self-service.. Smart tak?"
My baby dah pandai pegang botol... ;) pandai anak mama.. *muacks!!*
Dearest said that he held it for quite some time... soooo strong now.. must be the dumbbell exercises the Dad asked him to do while i'm away... hehehhehe.....
The babe's neck is also much stronger now.. so we tried putting him on his Bumboo chair.. he looked sooooo cute in it but he dun quite like to be there for long.. !!...
Dearest said that he held it for quite some time... soooo strong now.. must be the dumbbell exercises the Dad asked him to do while i'm away... hehehhehe.....
The babe's neck is also much stronger now.. so we tried putting him on his Bumboo chair.. he looked sooooo cute in it but he dun quite like to be there for long.. !!...
howell!... as long as he dun cry out loud!... if not, sakit poket mama!!...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I'm sure young malay girls all over SG were ecstatic that Aliff had won!!.... it was obvious from the start who will win the competition... too bad for Maiya, she needs to work on that showmanship.. Aliff's voice was not as good but he's got more showmanship than her..
so, they've changed the format slightly.. 2 guys and 2 girls are now in the competition; making it a more fairer game... butttt... knowing how our audiences work, the chosen winner (thru no. of votes) will ultimately be a boy! - the 2 boys got higher votes than the 2 girls..
Anyways, this year's batch is waaayyyy better than the '05 batch except for the small girl.. i really don't understand what they saw in her voice??.... there was another girl, ct hana or something; the one with ct's voice is much, much better than her!.... yes, she's got the showmanship but she ain't got no voice!....
oh!... and i tot the ending was pathetic.. it is already the finals.. and u've only got 4 peeps left... y on earth do you have to announce the 2 tat didn't make the cut? And the 2 remaining - Maiya and Aliff, ev'body knows by then who'd win it coz Aliff has a much higher voting score than Maiya, rite from the start!.. it doesn't make the whole competition anymore exciting than it really is!!... grrrrr...
My eyes is shutting... my head feels like it's floating... i'm zoning out now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
I'm sure young malay girls all over SG were ecstatic that Aliff had won!!.... it was obvious from the start who will win the competition... too bad for Maiya, she needs to work on that showmanship.. Aliff's voice was not as good but he's got more showmanship than her..
so, they've changed the format slightly.. 2 guys and 2 girls are now in the competition; making it a more fairer game... butttt... knowing how our audiences work, the chosen winner (thru no. of votes) will ultimately be a boy! - the 2 boys got higher votes than the 2 girls..
Anyways, this year's batch is waaayyyy better than the '05 batch except for the small girl.. i really don't understand what they saw in her voice??.... there was another girl, ct hana or something; the one with ct's voice is much, much better than her!.... yes, she's got the showmanship but she ain't got no voice!....
oh!... and i tot the ending was pathetic.. it is already the finals.. and u've only got 4 peeps left... y on earth do you have to announce the 2 tat didn't make the cut? And the 2 remaining - Maiya and Aliff, ev'body knows by then who'd win it coz Aliff has a much higher voting score than Maiya, rite from the start!.. it doesn't make the whole competition anymore exciting than it really is!!... grrrrr...
My eyes is shutting... my head feels like it's floating... i'm zoning out now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
One of my colleague juz saw me today and he said "Wah!.. u lose a lot of weight oredi hor? U also dun seem to be like the old Emilia." When i asked him wat he meant by the "old Emilia".. he said i really look like a mum now... first reaction - offended!.. like "Halo! i look like aunty meh??"... but luckily he said it's got something to do with my aura - seems like i've matured.. no more siow2 or cutesy..
hmmm..... have i??.... must be lah coz a number of ppl have said i've got that "mother" look... howell!.... hopefully, this is for the better.. my bosses always tot that i giggled too much for my own good!... so with this new-found "maturity", i won't giggle as much.. kwang.. kwang..kwang..
I juz found out that we have been "sleeping with an enemy" all these while... 2 frenz shared with me their experiences with this friend of ours.. i've had my reservations abt her before but i kept it to myself coz i dun see why i should share it with others since we all juz got to know each other and it's juz not rite to be passing my judgement to the rest at that time..
well anyways, to this friend of ours..
is it a nice feeling to spread stories abt someone who has been nothing but a good friend to you?
are u that insecure abt ur own sense of belonging that u juz have to be more superior than the others?
why is our relationship with our husbands a concern to you when i think u should be more concern with ur own relationship with him?
Lesson learnt - never ever disclose your personal problems to someone new. A pretty, friendly face may actually be hiding an ugly, bitchy person inside.. luckily, i'm not one to share my personal problem with someone i juz met... unluckily for my gf though, she made that mistake and trust someone whom she knows for barely 2mths!...
Dearest told me the other day that he's worried tat Eshan will be too close to the maid.. i had tat worry juz before i get back to work but i didn't wanna tell him... and yest, we shared our feelings abt the maid which gotme us pretty worried!...
not that she's up to no good or anything like that lah.. but there's some things tat we're pretty uncomfortable with... maybe we're paranoid first-time parents but i think better be paranoid now than regret later!...
Eshan has developed new antics!... yesterday afternoon, Dearest bathed and chged his clothes. As usual, he'll tuck in his top butt this dearest boy of ours, refused to tuck in his top!... he kept tugging and pulling his top till it's all tucked out!!.... kwa..kwa..kwa...
Dearest have also taught him to "carry weights"... ;) hmmm... teaching him to be juz like the father at such a young age!....hehehhee.... but he was sooooo cute seeing him play with the noisy dumbbell!....
One of my colleague juz saw me today and he said "Wah!.. u lose a lot of weight oredi hor? U also dun seem to be like the old Emilia." When i asked him wat he meant by the "old Emilia".. he said i really look like a mum now... first reaction - offended!.. like "Halo! i look like aunty meh??"... but luckily he said it's got something to do with my aura - seems like i've matured.. no more siow2 or cutesy..
hmmm..... have i??.... must be lah coz a number of ppl have said i've got that "mother" look... howell!.... hopefully, this is for the better.. my bosses always tot that i giggled too much for my own good!... so with this new-found "maturity", i won't giggle as much.. kwang.. kwang..kwang..
I juz found out that we have been "sleeping with an enemy" all these while... 2 frenz shared with me their experiences with this friend of ours.. i've had my reservations abt her before but i kept it to myself coz i dun see why i should share it with others since we all juz got to know each other and it's juz not rite to be passing my judgement to the rest at that time..
well anyways, to this friend of ours..
is it a nice feeling to spread stories abt someone who has been nothing but a good friend to you?
are u that insecure abt ur own sense of belonging that u juz have to be more superior than the others?
why is our relationship with our husbands a concern to you when i think u should be more concern with ur own relationship with him?
Lesson learnt - never ever disclose your personal problems to someone new. A pretty, friendly face may actually be hiding an ugly, bitchy person inside.. luckily, i'm not one to share my personal problem with someone i juz met... unluckily for my gf though, she made that mistake and trust someone whom she knows for barely 2mths!...
Dearest told me the other day that he's worried tat Eshan will be too close to the maid.. i had tat worry juz before i get back to work but i didn't wanna tell him... and yest, we shared our feelings abt the maid which got
not that she's up to no good or anything like that lah.. but there's some things tat we're pretty uncomfortable with... maybe we're paranoid first-time parents but i think better be paranoid now than regret later!...

Dearest have also taught him to "carry weights"... ;) hmmm... teaching him to be juz like the father at such a young age!....hehehhee.... but he was sooooo cute seeing him play with the noisy dumbbell!....
Monday, July 16, 2007
We went to see our love nest yest and oooohh... laaaa.. laaaa... i wanna cry juz by looking at the pool!.... ooooh!... pool dia sungguh the feeling!!!..... :D freakin huge pool with the gym in the middle of it.. Dearest was the disappointed with the gym coz it's damn small (waahahahha) but the pool is soooooo inviting! - it made me wanna strip my clothes off and jump in!... too bad lah it was raining!... hehehehe....
most of the houses are up... left with other facilities like the carpark, tennis court and bbq pits... they still need to sell off some units.. our tower is fully sold.. so hopefully, we'll get the keys by end of the year.. we can't wait!!....
i was in my high wedges shoe and carrying Eshan all the time we were viewing the house.. today, my hands and shoulders are aching!!... :( he's grown another 2kg making him 6.5kg and is now abt 58cm.. i think soon, i'd have to put him in the pram wherever we go... can't possibly carry him here and there already!...
btw, we met up with Ani and hubby... and boy have her "buddies" grown!... waahahahhaa..... after surverying her stomach, i'm guessing it's a girl... so girl, once u know, let me know, ye... i've got a pix that i took with her.. but i dun like the pix in my cam.. i think i prefer the one in her cam... so, too bad lah... no pix of us together! *boooo!*
p/s: my right eye keep twitching since yest.. any ideas y??!!.... urrrggh!!.. it's irritating the hell out of me!
We went to see our love nest yest and oooohh... laaaa.. laaaa... i wanna cry juz by looking at the pool!.... ooooh!... pool dia sungguh the feeling!!!..... :D freakin huge pool with the gym in the middle of it.. Dearest was the disappointed with the gym coz it's damn small (waahahahha) but the pool is soooooo inviting! - it made me wanna strip my clothes off and jump in!... too bad lah it was raining!... hehehehe....
most of the houses are up... left with other facilities like the carpark, tennis court and bbq pits... they still need to sell off some units.. our tower is fully sold.. so hopefully, we'll get the keys by end of the year.. we can't wait!!....
i was in my high wedges shoe and carrying Eshan all the time we were viewing the house.. today, my hands and shoulders are aching!!... :( he's grown another 2kg making him 6.5kg and is now abt 58cm.. i think soon, i'd have to put him in the pram wherever we go... can't possibly carry him here and there already!...
btw, we met up with Ani and hubby... and boy have her "buddies" grown!... waahahahhaa..... after surverying her stomach, i'm guessing it's a girl... so girl, once u know, let me know, ye... i've got a pix that i took with her.. but i dun like the pix in my cam.. i think i prefer the one in her cam... so, too bad lah... no pix of us together! *boooo!*
p/s: my right eye keep twitching since yest.. any ideas y??!!.... urrrggh!!.. it's irritating the hell out of me!
Friday, July 13, 2007
It's amazing wat a bump in ur tummy can do!... it's really a great talking point and a conversation starter with all mothers and mothers-to-be! ;) before i was pregnant, i'm juz a listener and often, i asked myself, why ppl are sooooo excited to share their experiences.. now i understand..
having gone thru it myself, i do like to talk abt my past experiences and am interested to find out what others went thru!... it's interesting how one experiences differ from the other!... u'll never hear 2 same stories even if it came from a mother with 3 children!
so, it saddens me to hear the news of the mother who lost her life after delivering her twins.. this is the risk all mothers face when delivering her baby.. it is a sacrifice.. how will the twins be without the love of their mother?... it is such a pity that they cannot feel their mother's touch, feed on her breastmilk and know who their mother is...
i simply cannot imagine how Eshan would be without me.. he sleeps better when i cuddle him and he still looks for my pretty-dried-up nippies juz for puting agaknye!... hehehe... haaaizzz... the sacrifices a mother does.. i lurrrrveeee my son!!... and i'm still missing him even though it's been 2wks back at work!.. grrrrr!!!..... :(
It's amazing wat a bump in ur tummy can do!... it's really a great talking point and a conversation starter with all mothers and mothers-to-be! ;) before i was pregnant, i'm juz a listener and often, i asked myself, why ppl are sooooo excited to share their experiences.. now i understand..
having gone thru it myself, i do like to talk abt my past experiences and am interested to find out what others went thru!... it's interesting how one experiences differ from the other!... u'll never hear 2 same stories even if it came from a mother with 3 children!
so, it saddens me to hear the news of the mother who lost her life after delivering her twins.. this is the risk all mothers face when delivering her baby.. it is a sacrifice.. how will the twins be without the love of their mother?... it is such a pity that they cannot feel their mother's touch, feed on her breastmilk and know who their mother is...
i simply cannot imagine how Eshan would be without me.. he sleeps better when i cuddle him and he still looks for my pretty-dried-up nippies juz for puting agaknye!... hehehe... haaaizzz... the sacrifices a mother does.. i lurrrrveeee my son!!... and i'm still missing him even though it's been 2wks back at work!.. grrrrr!!!..... :(
Thursday, July 12, 2007
my darling Eshan went for his 3rd mth jab yesterday... after the ordeal, he slept practically thru'out the nite, only waking up for his feeds!.... we were asked to monitor if he develops fever after taking the medication... and we were sooooo happy that he didn't...
but this morning, when i woke up, the poor baby's body seemed to be hotter than the nite before.. the temp reading was normal - hovering ard 36.6 to 37 deg.. contemplated to take urgent leave today but coz he could laff and smile at my antics, i decided not too... luckily, though he is running a slight temp, he's not cranky of sorts.. thank god!..
And for the first time in wat seemed like the longest time, my red aunty came to pay a visit on Tuesday!.. i think it's that aunty lah... coz the visit is not like the normal visit i had before i was pregnant.. but anyways, if it IS my red aunty, then, i'm glad i gave birth coz i've had no symptoms and NO pain at all!!... YAHOOOO!!.... i really hope, it'll be like this every month now... ;)
oh!!... Ani, both me and hubby wondering how on earth Zam ended up as an extra in 2x5 Dol yest??.. hahahhaa.... after watching one of the episodes of that show a few wks back, i told hub, i will never watch the show again!.. member punya pasal, both me and hub caught the last ep last nite!.... frankly, the show is good but i juz don't understand why the characters have to act sooooo dramatically? very the meluat, u know??... the pouty lips, kemek face, animated gestures etc.. etc.. gaaaaah!!!.... wat is that all abt siah??....
my darling Eshan went for his 3rd mth jab yesterday... after the ordeal, he slept practically thru'out the nite, only waking up for his feeds!.... we were asked to monitor if he develops fever after taking the medication... and we were sooooo happy that he didn't...
but this morning, when i woke up, the poor baby's body seemed to be hotter than the nite before.. the temp reading was normal - hovering ard 36.6 to 37 deg.. contemplated to take urgent leave today but coz he could laff and smile at my antics, i decided not too... luckily, though he is running a slight temp, he's not cranky of sorts.. thank god!..
And for the first time in wat seemed like the longest time, my red aunty came to pay a visit on Tuesday!.. i think it's that aunty lah... coz the visit is not like the normal visit i had before i was pregnant.. but anyways, if it IS my red aunty, then, i'm glad i gave birth coz i've had no symptoms and NO pain at all!!... YAHOOOO!!.... i really hope, it'll be like this every month now... ;)
oh!!... Ani, both me and hubby wondering how on earth Zam ended up as an extra in 2x5 Dol yest??.. hahahhaa.... after watching one of the episodes of that show a few wks back, i told hub, i will never watch the show again!.. member punya pasal, both me and hub caught the last ep last nite!.... frankly, the show is good but i juz don't understand why the characters have to act sooooo dramatically? very the meluat, u know??... the pouty lips, kemek face, animated gestures etc.. etc.. gaaaaah!!!.... wat is that all abt siah??....
Friday, July 06, 2007
I decided to compile his pictures taken during the first 3mths coz i miss him. TERRIBLY!.. and i think he misses us too coz both of us are away the whole day this wk since Dearest is on reservist.. so nowadays, when he sleeps, he - without fail - search for my ketiak (armpit)... i think he misses my smell!!... hahahhaa... kecian dia!...
So, I picked out our favs... and boy!... wat a transformation.. he doesn't look like the babe i gave birth to 3mths ago! he's grown up real fast, i must say!... Next thing u know, he's gg into P1, then to NS. Tup.. tup... "Mama, aku nak kaweeeeen!!!".... oh dear!!!
Anyways, thru the collection of pic, I saw 2 that stood out from the lot. I remembered putting up a post of him struggling while we're bathing him...

he's sooooo lurving his bath time now... wat a difference 3mths make!.. :D and i can't believe i'm actually a proud mama to this not-s0-lil'-anymore fella...
I decided to compile his pictures taken during the first 3mths coz i miss him. TERRIBLY!.. and i think he misses us too coz both of us are away the whole day this wk since Dearest is on reservist.. so nowadays, when he sleeps, he - without fail - search for my ketiak (armpit)... i think he misses my smell!!... hahahhaa... kecian dia!...
So, I picked out our favs... and boy!... wat a transformation.. he doesn't look like the babe i gave birth to 3mths ago! he's grown up real fast, i must say!... Next thing u know, he's gg into P1, then to NS. Tup.. tup... "Mama, aku nak kaweeeeen!!!".... oh dear!!!
Anyways, thru the collection of pic, I saw 2 that stood out from the lot. I remembered putting up a post of him struggling while we're bathing him...
Remember this photo??
This is now...
he's sooooo lurving his bath time now... wat a difference 3mths make!.. :D and i can't believe i'm actually a proud mama to this not-s0-lil'-anymore fella...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
i was in from 7am to 7pm in the office yest... and all the time i was in the office, i was fuming mad with Ms Mono for doing the things that she did!.. urrrrgghh!.... she's lucky i'm not the confrontational sort.. if i am one, she would have gotten it from me!....
anyways, as it is, i was already away from home and babe for more than 12hrs.. all i want is a nice drive home... but noooooo!!... wat i got was jam, jam and MORE jam!.... :( in the end, wat is normally, a half hr journey (at most), turned into nearly an hr!... double wham!...
but, but, but.... when my son saw me at home, he got sooooo excited!... he was being carried by the maid and he started to like wriggle and making noises and looking at me with his big round eyes telling me to pick him up... waaaaah!!.... tat really made my day lor!!.... wateva happened the past 13hrs juz poof!.... disappeared...
when he smile and laff at me, it seemed as if the world is a much happier place... i'm truly contented...
i was in from 7am to 7pm in the office yest... and all the time i was in the office, i was fuming mad with Ms Mono for doing the things that she did!.. urrrrgghh!.... she's lucky i'm not the confrontational sort.. if i am one, she would have gotten it from me!....
anyways, as it is, i was already away from home and babe for more than 12hrs.. all i want is a nice drive home... but noooooo!!... wat i got was jam, jam and MORE jam!.... :( in the end, wat is normally, a half hr journey (at most), turned into nearly an hr!... double wham!...
but, but, but.... when my son saw me at home, he got sooooo excited!... he was being carried by the maid and he started to like wriggle and making noises and looking at me with his big round eyes telling me to pick him up... waaaaah!!.... tat really made my day lor!!.... wateva happened the past 13hrs juz poof!.... disappeared...
when he smile and laff at me, it seemed as if the world is a much happier place... i'm truly contented...
Eshan Aduka,
Mama and Papa lurrrrveeee u very much!!!.....
dun grow up soooo fast eh boy...
we still wanna see you smiling & laffing toothlessly.. ;)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Before i start my morning, i have to vent out my anger!... u see, even though i've already half-expect that i've to somehow clear up some kind of mess from her but i didn't expect a whole lot of shit!... urrrrghh!!!...
when i took over the work from Ms Mono yesterday, i can really pull out my hair in frustration!... some paperwork, u juz can't take short-cuts coz that's how u lose some info along the way!... so wat are some of the things that i've to do?
1. refile all the paperwork for the past 3mths coz the way she files it, i can never find the info i need!
2. check each and every claim made to make sure that no extra pay-outs made. Within the 45mins handover, we discovered 3 claims which were incorrectly paid out and for that, she has to answer for it!... i get a feeling, there's more!!! :(
3. Follow-up some things which she didn't manage to help follow-up on coz she was juz "too busy" with - get this - not her core work but her "recreational" work!.... *surprise! surprise!*
I'm soooo blardy irritated!.... i think some things which you can simplify, by all means, do so but i believe, it'll be more courteous if u'd had consulted me first before you do it coz ultimately, i'm the one doing the work in the long run - not U!... u can think that i'm doing a lot of unnecessary work but those little things helped me in my work systematically. wat's the point of doing short-cuts but in the end, things are not in order and it's difficult to find this and that?!... bodoh punya pompuan!
Before i start my morning, i have to vent out my anger!... u see, even though i've already half-expect that i've to somehow clear up some kind of mess from her but i didn't expect a whole lot of shit!... urrrrghh!!!...
when i took over the work from Ms Mono yesterday, i can really pull out my hair in frustration!... some paperwork, u juz can't take short-cuts coz that's how u lose some info along the way!... so wat are some of the things that i've to do?
1. refile all the paperwork for the past 3mths coz the way she files it, i can never find the info i need!
2. check each and every claim made to make sure that no extra pay-outs made. Within the 45mins handover, we discovered 3 claims which were incorrectly paid out and for that, she has to answer for it!... i get a feeling, there's more!!! :(
3. Follow-up some things which she didn't manage to help follow-up on coz she was juz "too busy" with - get this - not her core work but her "recreational" work!.... *surprise! surprise!*
I'm soooo blardy irritated!.... i think some things which you can simplify, by all means, do so but i believe, it'll be more courteous if u'd had consulted me first before you do it coz ultimately, i'm the one doing the work in the long run - not U!... u can think that i'm doing a lot of unnecessary work but those little things helped me in my work systematically. wat's the point of doing short-cuts but in the end, things are not in order and it's difficult to find this and that?!... bodoh punya pompuan!
Monday, July 02, 2007
oooooh!.... i'm missing my son... yes!.. yes!... missing him soooooo much!... i would have been home now, reading my mag or baking a new recipe while waiting for him to wake up for his feed.. haaaiizzz... how i miiiissssss holding him!!.... annnnd i sooooo very the bacin!... it totally slipped my mind to go develop his pictures so that i can put it in front of me at work.. i juz realised i should do that like yesterday!... gaaaah!!!
this morning, while getting ready for work, he woke up for his feed. I prepared his milk and put it in his mouth but he kept on crying!.... so, i tried giving him my almost-dried nippies and he sucked on it like no tml!... that made me cry!!.... it's as if he knows he won't get to see me the whole of today!... sheeesh!... i'll make sure i go home on the dot today!....
anyways, i was on baking mode in my last week of maternity leave!... (yah!.. i've got like 3mths to bake but my mood only came on the last week!) i baked 3 new recipes successfully while 1 was a flop (and that's y i didn't bother to put it up on my Multiply)..

Click on the various caption for it's recipe if u're interested... i'm actually still on baking mode but i doubt i'd have the time to do them... brrrr..... actually, i'm very interested to try to do the frosting for the cupcakes but for some reason, i'm afraid to attempt doing it!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
almost half a day is gone... another 4 more hrs to go.... luckily there's a few things to do to keep my mind off Eshan... tick tock.. tick tock..
oooooh!.... i'm missing my son... yes!.. yes!... missing him soooooo much!... i would have been home now, reading my mag or baking a new recipe while waiting for him to wake up for his feed.. haaaiizzz... how i miiiissssss holding him!!.... annnnd i sooooo very the bacin!... it totally slipped my mind to go develop his pictures so that i can put it in front of me at work.. i juz realised i should do that like yesterday!... gaaaah!!!
this morning, while getting ready for work, he woke up for his feed. I prepared his milk and put it in his mouth but he kept on crying!.... so, i tried giving him my almost-dried nippies and he sucked on it like no tml!... that made me cry!!.... it's as if he knows he won't get to see me the whole of today!... sheeesh!... i'll make sure i go home on the dot today!....
anyways, i was on baking mode in my last week of maternity leave!... (yah!.. i've got like 3mths to bake but my mood only came on the last week!) i baked 3 new recipes successfully while 1 was a flop (and that's y i didn't bother to put it up on my Multiply)..
Click on the various caption for it's recipe if u're interested... i'm actually still on baking mode but i doubt i'd have the time to do them... brrrr..... actually, i'm very interested to try to do the frosting for the cupcakes but for some reason, i'm afraid to attempt doing it!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang..
almost half a day is gone... another 4 more hrs to go.... luckily there's a few things to do to keep my mind off Eshan... tick tock.. tick tock..
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