Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I AM FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!.....I'm pissed BIG TIME with those fuckers, fucked-face, cibai-kiah, sons of a bitch robbers who robbed me at JB!!!.......

I receive my handphone bill today and got a shock of my life when I saw that they had actually, freakin use my handphone before I cut it off!!!!..........AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!................like cibai!!!!!.....I'm bent on giving this info (numbers that they dial out) to the Singapore police force or Malaysian police force (even though most likely they won't be able to help at all!!)!!.............without fucking shame, they have used my phone for a whopping S$35!!!....i know that no matter wat I do, i still have to freakin pay my bill! But i juz really, really hope that SPF will be able to help; at the very least, "connect" me to any of the officers there!!.......And hope to God that I get a righteous one!!.......really feel like writing to DPM Pak Lah!!......

Not such a good nite after all!!....went to see nyayi after work and was holding back my tears looking at her in pain!!....she's always been this jovial, chubby lady who always have something funny or good to say!!....and looking at her cringing and keep saying she's in pain really pained me!!......But she'll be alrite!.....I'm Sure!......

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