Sunday, April 04, 2004

It's such a tiring, tiring weekend!!!.....aaaaghhh!!!..........

Went to watch the Rugby 7s over the weekend....not so sure wat the hype was all about!!....some girls in the office were like pretty wild over them!!....hahhahaa.......but after watching the boys play....hmmmmm.........pretty sexy, i must say!!......they're soooo big and strong!.....all that toughie acts! - I wonder if they actually have a soft side to them??.....

Our Singapore boys, they look like teeny, weeny chickens beside the Americans, New Zealanders, Argentinians, and all other countries except the other Asian countries.....I mean, of course, they're NOT chickens!....but they play like it's a high-school competition!!....brrrrr!!....very MALU leh, watch them play!!.....On the first day, they only managed to do only ONE miserable "try" (rightfully corrected by dear Toddie) out of the games they played!!!....Goodness gracious!!, at least they manage to beat a team - i can't remember who but i wonder who won the cup?!!.....hmmmm...will get to know it tml in the office!!........

But hell yeah! - to all the men playing rugby the past 2 days!!............U guys are still sexy even though you stink with sweat and are always kissing each other balls (literally!)!!.......hhehehehhee......

PS: to my readers, I'm sorry if I sound very "incredulous" with all these MEN-droooooling! must be THAT time of the month again!!!.....feeling frustrated and incredibly full of "estrogen" is wat I am this month!!!

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