Friday, September 10, 2004

I'm still not over how exciting the day had been so far!!....RosmAman was leaking water-and she didn't even know it!...Her baby's unexpectedly due today!!....I'm now pretty excited, waiting for her good news of her delivery!... :D she's still in hospital..if her contractions aren't frequent, she should be in drip rite abt the meantime, here's a few shots to capture those last minute moments before her new chapter of her life begins....

I hope I can be there tml if she's given birth tonite!!

Another "exciting" outcome of the SI tonite!!....As expected, Leandra would be in and unexpectedly, TAUFIK is in too!!...woooohoooo!!...both father and daughter were screaming and standing up, applauding him!!....we're both soooo freakin happy and delirious bcoz he got in to the top 10 or 11??....wateva!!....but at least my 50cents didn't go to waste!!..hehhehe... i'd like to think that my one and only vote count, affected the decision!...hehehehe.... *yeah! rite!*...but the biggest disappointment is definitely Jerry! JERRY?!...for goodness sake, his voice is really like someone constipating!....he frowned when he sings and it was too painful to hear and watch him sing!!.....but the highlight of the nite would have to be the wildcards choices!.... My favourite - Haizad's in again! girls, it's another nite of drooling!...... ermmm...maybe this time round, i'll lower down the volume??... ;)

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