Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Anyone watched last nite sick case in True Files?... tat was one of the sickest episode EVER!.... to think that it actually happened!..... YUCK!... they (the natural mother and lover) should be given the murder sentence and NOT child abuse!... PANTAT!!

EVENTS: found more than 140 cane marks on the boy; one was behind the neck which cause fracture to the spine; asked boy to eat own faeces, burn candle - hot wax over boy's testicles; a lot of open wounds - infected - lead to death due to blood infection or something!
VERDICT: Mother, due to low IQ, was given a light sentence of 4yrs 7mths ONLY!?????... Her lover was given max 20yrs imprisonment with 9 strokes of the cane (down from initial 12 bcoz he plead guilty!)

This is sooooo freakin absurd I'm telling ya!... it's sooooo stewpid! It's too light a sentence, i think!... to think someone with a sound mind could do that to a 7yr old kid!.. and to think that his (the deceased boy) own natural mother could look on and believe whatever was being said by her lover!..... it juz makes me mad thinking abt it!... blardy hell!!...

And the defence lawyer, the ever famous defence lawyer, I really pitied him... he has to defend the man because it's his freakin job to defend these sickos!.... really sooooo KENTOT!....

The 2 idols are on LIME's cover together with their interviews and a giant pin-up poster of them with Oli!... for those who simply love Taufik for him and adore looking at his face, do buy LIME coz he looks sooooo much better here than the ones in 8-Days!... 8-Days' photo editor (who does all the touch-ups of all the pictures taken) ought to be sacked!... the way he/she does the touch-ups - too MUCH!!... so much so, sometimes, it looked scary!... bleagh!..

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