Friday, November 05, 2004

cannot accept!!.... how could Sylvester and Daphne be safe?!!..... Daphne was soooooo flat and Sylvester was soooooo cinoneh last nite!!!..... urrrrrgh!.... seriously, at this point, i think the person to really "look out" for is Daphne... since she is what you'd consider as "your royal highness", she may jolly well welllll afford a thousand odd smses!.... like i said, i really hope to see taufik thru' to top 2 and if he did, i'll go all out to vote him in!... urrrrgh!... how come that cinoneh still in?!!.... dun understand!

to my dearest!!...... having his first paper tml... am sure he can do it!... pray for him, yah?... thanks!! :-)

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