Friday, February 04, 2005

If only someone had as big and as productive as her butt for a brain, she would have been soooo much more well-liked than she is now!... gosh!.... God gave you brains to think, a job as a responsibility and a heart for a conscience and what did you do?..... such a butt head!... shirking responsibility and putting the blame on others is wat you LOVE to do!..... fuck you!.. the world can exist w/o people like you lor!....

wat do u do to deserve a $2K pay? NOTHING!... everytime something crops up that requires your responsibility and "expertise" you evade it by coming up with "I'm busy" excuse!.... fuck you!... everyone's bz with their own freakin job!... it is YOUR freakin responsibility!... but nooooooo!!!...... you're toooooo BZ to go lunch or chit-chat or do other work other than your OWN!.. blardy butt head!!.... the organisation don't pay you so that you can follow up with your shares and grow that big butt of yours lor!..... if you don't treat your job seriously, i strongly recommend you to give up that job of yours and give it to someone who's MORE in need of a job!!.....

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