Friday, February 23, 2007

i soooooo lurrrve Lakisha's performance yesterday!.... sooooooo emotional, sooooo blardy powerful!... and based on yesterday's performances, the boys were not anywhere near the girls' standards at all!!!.....

there were at most 4 girls who don't deserve to make it to the top 12.. but there were at least 8 boys who don't deserve to make it to the top 12!... *boooo!* but seriously, overall, the standards are juz NOT there!... not like in previous years where the idols wannabe made it hard for us to choose who should be ousted!... hmmmm......

it's the first results show today... not as exciting since i've oredi guessed as much WHO should be out!.... but anyways... yippee!!..... my weekend starts now... i'm OFF work... ;)

have a great weekend all!.... *muacks!!!*

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