Thursday, June 24, 2004

i'm juz sooo freaking tired!...i'm waiting for dearie now, to pick me up...after this, we're going to chinatown to follow him to do his OT before going home!!...and i thought we're going straight home today!!....DAMN!!......

i need a drink, a nice, clean toilet and some peace and quiet, pls!!...the "troop" of ppl are here again!!...they're smelly and noisy and it's making me cranky!!....the toilet's dirty and there's no toilet paper!....i can't walk to the other office because they're crowding the corridor!....i can't have my sip of water because i can't walk through the corridor and smell the stinking sweat!..ooooh! i smell like them when i was at that age?!....NASTY!!...

AAAAAAAAAAgggggggHHHHHHH!!!!...i need a holiday!!....i'm thinking of going to Club Med Bintan for a holiday!!...any experiences, anyone??!.....

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