Wednesday, July 07, 2004

You're a Manager
An analysis of me through choosing the colours that I most like and least like...

Your thoughts are about constructing something new. You are constantly looking at past experiences to see what was of value. Then you tell everyone what actions need to be taken or avoided.

The passionate you is charismatic, dedicated, affectionate-and big on hugs. You boldly dissociate from your expectations to see the truth of a situation. You get things done without ruffling feathers.
The centered you can see how to direct your life toward a greater inner peace. You are able to discern exactly what you need. When all is quiet within you recognize just what you want.
The emotional you needs to feel grounded. Reality can be disappointing. Accept each situation's truth and each person's motivation before you act. Ensure that your empowering determination is focused on agendas that can be accomplished.

Quiz anyone???

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