Wednesday, February 01, 2006

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we celebrated the Jan babies' bday last Fri.. and as usual, had a blast with their company!... But even before we got to celebrating their bdays, we were given a rather "troubling" letter..

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but of course... if it comes from this "person" (identity is concealed to avoid any "trouble"), it's nothing surprising!.. she's always oh-so-original.. and would be the only one to think up of this! ;)

Oh!.. and then, we went abt talking abt the sooooon-to-be-brides' wedding.. and ooooh!.. how exciting!.. ;D

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everyone's chipping in to help and they've chosen their theme colour for the 2 weddings as well!!... lovely!.. thanks girls!..... and of course, photos are here!!!!

and over the weekend, we went to an engagement party.. and got myself a flower.... and where else should it be???.....

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manis, kan???.... hehehe...

oh!... someone's checked up on me over the weekend too!... asked me if i've been gymming at all!... heh!..... proud to say, at the moment, was juz back from a marathon of gym and swim!.. however, not so proud to say that i think my input is def more than my output!... though was pleasantly surprised that i lose some weight!.. yeay!!....

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