Friday, August 25, 2006

good news is, Joakim is in the bottom 2 - at LOOOOONGGGG last!!..... bad news?.. he's still IN it!!!..... urrrrghh!!!....... frankly, i think it's pitiful how the organisers/producers of the show are blatantly telling ev'one that Joakim is untalented... they kept going on and on abt how we MUST vote for TALENT - blah.. blah.. macam kesian plak.. but then again, he deserve that lashing coz he really do need to buck up!....

i actually lurrrve Flo's comments "I hope your fans would give you a dignified exit".. waaaah!... very the pedas!!.... but too bad, the fans gave the other fans a dignified suspense instead!.... baaaah!!......

howell... all these cheering, jeering and sneezing is making my body ached!... was going to take MC but my nose cleared this morning... BUUUUTTT the sneezing started back again abt 5mins prior to reaching the office! take that!!!... urrrrghhh!!!..... irritating sial!!!.... :(

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