Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's first kick was in the MRT at abt 5.30pm on Fri, 3 Nov... was sitting down when i felt a bubbly, ticklish feeling at the abdomen... and everytime that happened, i felt uncomfortable but at the same time, i wanted to laff coz of that ticklish feeling i get!.. hahaha... ;)

initially, i didn't know wat it was.. thinking my stomach was juz doing farny, weird stuff to me!... but it happened a few times over the weekend and i confirmed it with Rosma and the doc yesterday!... yeay!!... told mummy too and she said that it happened very early for me coz she only felt me kicking when she was 6mths pregnant!... alamak!... i such a late bloomer siah!... (or juz plain ol' lazy me! hehhee...)

Before the doc's appt, me and Rosma went shopping!.. or rather, I went shopping while Rosma accompanied me!.. hahhaa... and i soooooo lurrrrve the feeling of not going to work.. away from work responsibilities and problems!!.... baaaah!!.....

it's 10.22cm oredi..

So that's our babe at 16wks... the due date has been postponed to 22 Apr instead of 20 Apr but somehow, i'd like to think that the babe will wanna pop out on the 20th coz i'd prefer an Aries babe than a semi-Aries cum Tauras babe!.. hehehehe...

but anyways, when scanned, it's hands and legs were up in the air.. occasionally, it bumped around as if on an imaginary trampoline!... how cute!!... it actually brought a tear to my eye!.. ahhahaa.... oooooh!!!... and the doc guessed the gender!.... it's not so clear yet.. so i'll not release the gender as yet till it's confirmed.. yah.. in case some of u may be wondering - we didn't wanna know the gender of the babe.. but the doc seemed adamant to tell us... we do wonder y!... so we told him that if in any case, the babe wants us to know, and he can confirm the gender, then tell us.. if not, we can juz be surprised later!.. ;)

oh!... and i'm sooooo blardy excited!!... coz the doc said that he'll give us a 4-D scan of the babe in due course.. prolly after the detailed scan... so hopefully, he stick to his promise and let us see the babe's face in advance!!.... i soooooo can't freakin wait!!!!.....

but on a not-so-happy news... i gained 3kg in 3wks!!!... oh my goodness!!!.... i need to watch it!!! :(

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