Friday, November 03, 2006

I tot i'd share some make-up tips for all... and it'll serve as a revision for me too!.. hehehe... ;) did you know that u can use ur fingers to put on eye-shadow??... yes you can!! it's actually easier to slap on the colour than wat your brush can do! esp the contouring!!.. it helps blending the colours easier too! ;)

For day make-up, u need a max of 3 colours only - base, main and contour.. Base colour must always be - white, beige, yellow.. you must look fresh so make sure that when u slap on that colour, the colour don't fall under your eyes - it'll make your eyes look droopy..

One of the infamous make-up flaw is to have 2 distinctive colours on ur eyes.. everything must blend.. u have to make sure that the colours look as if they're one and not 2 or 3 different colours... ;)

so wat did we learn yesterday??..... the nite look!!!.... weeeee!!!.......

i finally learnt how to use the black eye-shadow!!... yeay! yeay!.... i need to practice using it... wondering if i should try using it during my hari raya outing this weekend??... hmmm.... takut nanti too gothic plak eh?!... hehehhee.....

before i sign off, nie gambar kiter lagi.. hahahhaa....

sesungguhnye aku dah put on A LOT OF weight... dan sesungguhnye si minah sebelah aku tu very the mentel!... :D

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