Tuesday, July 25, 2006

i went for an eye check-up yesterday since i was changing my lenses... annnnnddd... guess wat?!!!!..... my power went up - AGAIN!!!.... i'm now having a degree of 700 for my right with an astig of 75!!.... fuck!!..... wat's happening to my eyes?!!!!...

it's very scary that it can reach that high!... i need to practise resting my eyes every hour or so!!... brrrrr.... now, even if i want to have lasics done, i bloody can't do it!!!..... bah!... i need to spend some more money on new lens for my glasses.. and bcoz of my high degree, i've to spend extra for super thin lenses - for the sake of vanity!.... kwang.. kwang.. kwang.. there goes my bonusssss..... :(

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